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Gaia Family <333
This is my gaia family. I lubb them <333
_iPWN_iRAWK_iRULE_ = Mai lovely spazzing Coconut &333
Jyuna = My lil' sis. Mess with her, mess with me. She has been my best bud since I was 4, and I luvvles her. &333
candyvomicide = Maii insane(ly awsome) auntie who is secretly a zombie but know one knows except the C.I.A wink So keep that a secret :] &333

TOXiC x3 = Maiii Rockin moutha dat txt tlks & lives in an orange &333
Fluffy T-Rex = bootiful mommy that can simultainiously bake a pie, and repair an industrial strength blender&333
crzybliss = My freaking amazzing pirate fashion consultant. She can tell you which styles are in, and hich styles ill grow legs and dance:] &333
-Renesmee-l-Cullen- = Mai vampire that haunts me, and eats excessive amounts of icecream &:] &333
Ceciliaaaaa_ = My older sister whose claim to fame is petting 257984654 kitties in less than an hour &333
l2izzy = My cooolio older sis whose secret identity is "PIEWOMAN" A superhero who saves the world using the power of sweet and sugary snackfoods &333
N e v e r r = My uncle who doubles as a spy//mailman that spends his days making large signs that blow up when tickled&333
choon-hyung = My rich auntie who luvvles a good bit-o- cheesecake&333
-x- Heavans lil Angel -x- = Mai crazy daughter that faints every time she sees a Mustang GT&333
ll K i k i w e e ll = My world famous coconut fashion consultant &333
xOMGitsMeLaNiEx = sister in-law The one that can dance on top of a hat.... THATS STILL ON HER HEAD! &333
Dysfunctional Pancreas = Mai FLAN QUEEN &333
Malus Dracula = MY WIFEYYYY ILYY <333
choon-hyun - AUNITEEE!
Super G_a_i_a ish mai Darth Vadar Biking Helmet xD

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    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Mon Jul 06, 2009 @ 05:49pm
    -showers you with coconut shavings/love-

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