Chispa, Oisin, and Archao:
Young and Chipper, Chispa has a knack of getting himself into a lot of trouble. And yet out of his three brothers, he is likely the strongest, with the exception for Archao. His main element of control is Ice. One funny quirk all of the brothers share is when over excited, the brothers sprout either flowers or leaves from their antlers. Chispa sprouts bright golden flowers.

Out of the three brothers, Oisin is the most agressive. He maintains a very negative point of view and constantly criticises Chispa for his actions. Oisin is easily driven into a rage, reacting brashely and retaliating against those who oppose him. His element is solar energy and mild plantlife. He sprouts leaves from his antlers when surprised.

Archao is the eldest of the three. His large anters show the years of wear, of a deer who's antlers do not shed; covered heavily in moss. They no longer sprout blossums or leaves..... having lost their youth many years ago. He is the calmest of the brothers, usually never talking unless he finds it needed, even then only saying one or two words. His mind seems to always be lost in thought as he looks off into the distance. His expression almost impossible to read. His element consists of a pure Nature druid. Able to control just about any form of plantlife to an alarming extent.
Haru_Walker · Sat Mar 28, 2009 @ 06:11pm · 0 Comments |