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The long forgotten lore of my life
When I feel like it I'll update with my thoughts, views, nonsensical ramblings or events. Just another look into my chaotic enough life. I never know what's going to happen.
Monday, March 09:

Aiieeee....! Tsk, tsk, I'm becoming quite lackadaisical in my writing and updating again. Bad, bad me! Gyah... Well, I mean, it can't be helped... at one point in the matter. Then again, I'm lazy as sin so... that's no good. I've been really busy, hopping from one event to the other.

Anyway, this entry is different. The title alone should have Anime fans perking their ears. Anyone heard of Soul Eater? Brand new Anime that's out in Japan right now. It'll be dubbed and brought over sometime this November. A tad scary, really. It's getting popular quickly. My estimates is it'll be the popularity that Death Note had (upon it's first arrival) by hundreds of new fans.

So, this week has been Soul Eater related. It's my new favorite Anime. It even beats out Fullmetal Alchemist by a long shot. Ouran ties with Soul Eater, but my heart still falls for the quirky, slightly creepy Anime. I've been getting my surprise for Art-san done. She gets a My Little Pony, done up to be Meister Fraken Stein. To those of you who don't know, Stein-hakase looks like this:

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Stein, dissecting... in class.

This pony has been a fun challenge for me. I had to actually drill a screw into the side of the poor thing's head. He's 93% painted. Only thing left is his labcoat, flesh and then shading. I shade every pony I do. I'll be updating my Deviantart page soon with him, and Justin Law's cross I made for my cosplay.

SPEAKING of cosplay, on to the next bit of Soul Eater news! I went to the art store today (where I get my Liquitex paint for my ponies. Fantastic stuff that's brilliant on color and durability), when I bumped into an old pal of mine. Stephen! I graduated from Highschool with him. God, he was brilliant in art back then, and he still is. I always worshiped his zeal and zest when we were in Art class way back when.

We were reminiscing. I missed him, so much. I enjoyed hanging out with him today. We got some real good memories brought back to life. He even gave me tips on what paint and gloss to use. See, he's in art college right now. He was there, at the store, picking up ink for his screen toning (for fabric).

I miss Stephen so much. He was one of the students that, when I cried on the last day, it was because I wasn't sure if I'd see him or any of my old friends. I really didn't want to have that as my last moment to see some of them again. Surprise that I saw him today!

We talked and talked, and eventually got on the subject of Anime. "Yeah," he said, looking down at the ink in his hand. "I have to pick up white. I need to screen tone something for my cosplay."

Cosplay? My ears perked up. Anime cosplay? I do that from time to time. I hope to go to a convention someday. "What cosplay?"

"Well...ever hear of an Anime called Soul Eater?"

BING! Cue the Anime lightbulb going off just about my head. Of course I know that show. I'm almost obsessed with it!

"I'm cosplaying as Free, the werewolf," he continued.

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This is Free, taken from one of the episodes. He's got wicked powers. Yes, he's a werewolf, and he controls the element of ice in a really kickass way.

NO WAY. Stephen was cosplaying as Free? I really liked Free. He was cool the moment I saw him. Funny, a comic relief character that still kicked a**. Oh, and the fact he was a werewolf (and I'm obsessed with wolves to begin with) was a great bonus point for him.

"Free, huh?" I said excitedly. "I'm cosplaying as Justin Law."

"JUSTIN LAW!" He said, with a grin. "Oh man!"

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He looks serious here, but Justin Law- the 17 year old self Meister and Weapon Priest- is actually quite a comic relief character.

Justin Law. How the hell am I going to pull him off? Ah, well, I have his cross done. Next up is the earphones. I seem to be attracted to the strange, highly idiosyncratic characters. What's even more ironic is a lot of the religious type characters I like, but I don't have a religion at all. I never claimed on, and I follow my Cherokee Native American idealistic style of believing in the elemental spirits rather than a major higher deity that's pulling our celestial strings of destiny.

I just find it so funny that Stephen was cosplaying from the same Anime I am (hopefully). I invited him to the Halloween teen night, where everyone will hopefully be in costume. Who, exactly? Well... "Art-san", "Almazy", "Neko-chan" (maybe) and I.

Originally we had decided, last Halloween, to do Digsaea. We had everyone slotted out- from Mao to Champloo-sensei, to Almaz, even Sapphire, Raspberyl and Akutare. Well, that soon changed to this. I like Soul Eater a bit more, and the designs are more eccentric than Disgaea at times. (Not saying I hate Disgaea! I still worship that quirky game series xD )

Art-san will be Stein. That's why I'm making her pony.That's the character she loves the most. I love Stein too. He's so batshit insane that he's amusing. He also uses a frickin', rolling office chair to fight with. How crazy is that?!

"Almazy" is slotted to be Maka Albarn, the young scythe wielding Meister.

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Maka is a fantastic female main character. She's unlike the normal mold of female Anime main characters. She's not whiny, or weak. She's not simply eye-candy. This girl is book smart, street smart, and kicks a** royally.

Art-san and I are on a mission. We're going to make Almazy's Soul Scythe this summer. We have it all planned out. I'm even going to help with anyone else's costume. I'm already starting mine. Justin has crosses all over his clothing (mostly UPSIDE DOWN, which is a HORRIBLE sign. Upside down crosses only invite the devil, after all), and he's dressed like a European (yes! BRITISH) monk/Priest. Art-san's going to have a hard time with the screw in her head (especially if she'll want to "crank" it, like he does), but I know she can do it. I'll even help with that.

Alas...... I must end this entry with the sad news from Soul Eater. It seems I'm right. Every character I like has a 90% chance of dying. Tonight, episode 48...


Spoiler, spoiler, spoiler, spoiler, spoiler, spoiler, spoiler, spoiler, game, spoiler, spoiler, spoiler, spoiler,......

(Note: All screen shots were ripped by me, as was the Justin Law screenie. I'm good at getting them sometimes.)

Okay..... so I skimmed through the RAW version (meaning non-subtitled) of the newest episode. To be honest, I'm down right depressed. I actually watched the battle, that horrible moment... and howled. I cried.

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Shinigami-sama gave his life to protect Kid-kun, and the others, from getting blown up by Asura's (the Kishin, aka Demon God) attack. To be honest... it was a horrible, cheap attack on Asura's part. I had to hate him, a little. Yes, I like the Demon God a lot. His persona and design is so unique that he's not like most villains. That's why I liked him.

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...Then he had to do the most cliche villain-esque attack here, by harming innocent bystanders and, thus, making the dueling hero jump in the way of his attack. How disgraceful! That is my biggest pet peeve!! I can't tell you how pissed I am. I want characters to NOT follow the norm. I want them quirky, doing things out of the box. I don't want them to follow the trend. I want them to do unique things- not stuff I've seen five million times over in any other Anime/series.

...Why, Asura, why? Honestly. I mean, I saw it coming. I knew ahead of time Shinigami-sama would meet a fate like this but... JUST WHY?!

Pfft. Oh well. I guess I can't complain, right? Well... I was shocked. I had to replay that, going, "no, no.... Shini can't... NO! No, no...!" I was hoping that he had pulled through. The dust was clearing on the screen, and Death the Kid was getting to his feet.

"Come on, come on," I chanted to myself. "... Don't be dead."

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...Apparently....Death becomes HIM.

There he was, lying on the ground... holes everywhere in him. His mask was blown apart in places... and he was lifeless. Flat. Nada, nothing.

He was dead.

...or so he seems. The fans are arguing that since his soul didn't materialize, he isn't dead. HOWEVER, he's a Grim Reaper. He's different. Obviously he isn't human so... what now? And the way he was screwed up, physical wise, he couldn't have survived that. Also, mind you, his entire soul is SO HUGE that it was only seen once, in the earlier episodes. It covers the entire Death City, so really, no one WOULD see his soul emerge or materialize. It's way too big to see or be noticed.

...THEN ASURA HAS THE AUDACITY TO FLY AWAY, TO KILL SOME MORE PEOPLE (Arachne, mainly). What the heck! He spazzes after killing Shini, screaming, and flies away!! I'm really ticked at Asura. Come on, man! Don't fall prey to the "common villain" style of ways! DAMN THOSE ANIME ARTISTS! They did that to Asura! I just know it...! They made him turn into a normal, cliche villain!

When Kid-kun screamed out, "Chichiue!" (translated "honorable father" wink , and fell to his knees besides his father's broken body... I sobbed. I actually cried. My crying, in real life, over something is RARE. I may get sad, or depressed, but to actually shed tears is amazing and rare.

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....Yeah. I'm torn up. I know he's ink, drawn on paper and animated. But his character made you love him. He was quirky, funny, cracky and great. He had a dark and pissy side, and he was the epitome of random.

....... I need to take a breather. God... Shinigami-sama, if he is dead... will be sorely missed. What now? What'll happen? There's only three episodes left until the series officially ends....


heart Peace out, ya'll! heart

User Comments: [8] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Mar 10, 2009 @ 05:36am
LOL, same shopping place, same anime cosplay 3nodding yes a good coincedence soul eater sounds like a good anime, I should try it out. how are the conventions, fun? xd

commentCommented on: Tue Mar 10, 2009 @ 08:03pm
...Sh-shinigami-sama... cry

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Mar 11, 2009 @ 06:56pm
I know, right? Funny! And we're both art nerds and Anime lovers to the extreme. Soul Eater is fantastic. It's really, really good. I'm working on an Abridged series on it with a few friends. Expect it on Youtube pretty soon. GASP. SOCIETY WILL HEAR MY VOICE. eek

Sadly, I've never been to a convention, Angel. I'm wanting to go to one-- probably using my Justin costume, if I can get it finished.

commentCommented on: Wed Mar 11, 2009 @ 06:59pm
I... I know, Almazy. I'm still... crying... crying I feel horrible because he died in a cheap way. Well, there's still a chance he's alive- albeit it being slim. I don't think he's alive, really. There's no way... Three episodes left, anyway. I'm worried about next week's one. In the previews, Justin Law looked truly evil, raising his arm before Giriko. I know that look. It means, "I'm going to kill you, mother f----". And, to be honest, when he raises his arm like that (like he did in one episode), s**t gets cut up. A lot. It's either....

A. He kills Giriko, finally
B. It ends with both of their deaths
C. Justin lets Giriko go and they suddenly become BEST FRIENDS (WTF?!?)

...Yeah. I'm a Justin freak. sweatdrop

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another wandering artist
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commentCommented on: Thu Mar 12, 2009 @ 03:21am

commentCommented on: Thu Mar 12, 2009 @ 03:03pm
...I... really don't want to even say how depressed I am over that fact Kamio-sama is dead... crying

Jasudin Ro
Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Mar 13, 2009 @ 07:16am
Never to a convention? Wow, I always thought you go to those things just as much as you do to Teen Night 3nodding Tell me when it comes on youtube, pomise? blaugh want to watch

commentCommented on: Sun Mar 15, 2009 @ 02:10am
Awww, poor Justin-kun. That's got to be hard on you. Your God technically died. Or, at least, one of them. You still worship the Christian savior but, well, Shinigami-sama is dead. Poor guy. sweatdrop

And yeah, Angel, I've never been to one. I was going to go one time, but I ended up in the hospital. It was horrible. DX My one wish is to go to one. MY ONE DREAM! MY ONE PASSION~! lmao. But yeah! I'll let you know. The cast is slowly getting hammered out.

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