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Mega Miss Jenjen XOXOXO
Random Things
I love Fridays. I love it how we get to relax after school. It's awesome!!!! heart heart
Well, anyway,I take the school bus. And on the way,
there was this accident. This man,(I'll call him #1, so you won't get confused) his car was damaged by this other man's(I'll call him #2) car.
The driver's side of the broken car was dented, and the car window broke. #1 was shouting curses st #2 and his face was very red. LOL! Kind of.
To tell you the truth, that was the first accident I ever saw. Not kidding. After the bus finally got out, the police was behind us. wahmbulance wahmbulance wahmbulance
Ugh, I have a reading test Friday, and I have the N.Y.S Math test. And every teacher is trying to squeeze in as much homework as possible. But the good thing is that my math teacher told the other teachers that they shouldn't be giving us homework. And that reading test was supposed to be Monday, but my teacher postponed it to the 13th. That's weird actually, because just a month ago on the 13th, I had a reading test and a science test. And I freaking hate science!!!! stressed stressed So it's like de ja vu. All over again.
Love is in the air... as usual heart heart heart
D****, one of P****'s friends asked A******** out, but P**** told everyone, and D****'s pissed off. And, A******** rejected D****, so everything's full of drama!!!!!!
D**** is not even talking to P**** now!! How sad, how sad!
Stay tuned!!!! 3nodding 3nodding heart heart