w00t! guess what?! GUESS WHAT!?!?! |
Thats right ladies, gentlemen and everyone else! I finally got around to my charrie's story!!!! *dances* enjoy!
Name: Sparkei Harenko
Alignment: Black Company/ Good
Race: Neko
Age: Appears and acts 13. but is in reality 115
Personality: a happy go lucky attitude and a mound of energy that never runs out. He very rarely frowns...and when he does he's usually thinking or just confused.
Skills: Accellerated speed and agility. Knowledge of various Jutsus. He rarely uses them
Weapons: two ninja blades called Kushinada: according to legends, the battle goddess Kushinada shape shifted into these two blades.
Strengths: usually able to cheer people up without even trying, and he's extremely optimistic
Weakness: overly trusting of people, doesnt know when he's being used by others, and he's extremely optimistic.
Appearance: dark skin, with a tan tail with brown stripes, two cat ears that just crest his silver-white hair. His eyes are a soft red that turn hard and crimson when angry. They glow slightly at night. He wears a green sleaveless vest and blue shorts. His body has a slight androginy (sp?) to it, with minor curvage to his hips.
Height: small, and decievingly muscular. About 5'2"
Weight: 120 lbs
Bio: Born into a clan of the woods, Sparkei was a special child at birth. His white hair and red eyes stood out for everyone. The Elders of the village checked the stars that night, and saw that he was born on the anniversary of the final village Mi-Elder. No one else was born on that day, so Sparkei's birth marked the beginning of a very special time for the villiage. As Sparkei grew everyone watched as he excelled in the various arts of the Ninja, and that he outclassed even the most skillful adults within a matter of years. The elder's finally decided to send him off to his trials of leadership at the youngest age known to the villiage. During his trials, a battle began between the Clan of the Woods and the Clan of the Flame, and in the battle, both parents died. Sparkei finished the moment his parents died. Years later, Sparkei and his new gaurdian, his estranged sister, Lunetia, had become very close. Lunetia had slowly weaved a web of deception around Sparkei, and thus doing so, was able to make Sparkei spy on various enemies of the Clan of the Leaves, to find the warrior's family that had killed their family. The clan Elders frowned apon that, and forced Lunetia to make Sparkei stop. Lunetia pleaded with the Elders, trying to show that it was a reasonable thing to do, still the Elders made her stop, replying that "A clansmember's vendettas will be the downfall of the clan." Lunetia was livid, so after months of waiting, she finally made her move. Convincing Sparkei to go for one last mission, she told him to kill a member of the opposing clan. Sparkei knew it was wrong, knew it wasnt what he should do, but after being with his Sister for so long, he couldnt say no.... After that incident, Sparkei withdrew into himself. He denied his gifts and was losing touch with his spirit...going through a spiritual suicide. He had forgoten many many things during this time, most of the skills he had known had been lost to all. Lunetia was never there to comfort him, after she had him kill the Village Elder of the Flame, she became distant and reclusive. Sparkei, with some advice from friends and the Elders, finally came out of his spiritual coma and confronted his sister. They fought, Sparkei wanted to have his honor restored, and he decided that defeating Lunetia was the only way to do so. After defeating her, he left the village, leaving his past, and his future, behind him. He has vowed only to return once his honor has been restored to normal, so he wander's the world, doing odd jobs and such and has now found a place in the ranks of the Black Company, and his story continues...
Sparkei · Wed Nov 09, 2005 @ 06:57am · 0 Comments |