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The long forgotten lore of my life
When I feel like it I'll update with my thoughts, views, nonsensical ramblings or events. Just another look into my chaotic enough life. I never know what's going to happen.
Thursday, 29th (reporting)
Tuesday, the 20th, through Thursday, 29 (the snow periods):

Oi, oi! Mother nature must be pissed or something. Honestly, I haven't seen Ohio in this much of a shoddy state as of late. I mean, we got dumped with snow, ice... it's like a lethal, snowy, fairy-like wonderland outside, and believe me when I say this! I have no intentions of leaping out of the front door (in some spastic reliving of my younger, "more sledding enthusiastic and snow angel loving" child years), only to be confronted with iced over snow (about 4 inches, or more of that damn stuff).

Ehhhh... I'll just stay in, thank you very much~!

So, Ohio, I admit, has never been good with this kind of thing. Now, I know we don't think that we're indestructible citizen versions of the all mighty Superman or Chuck Norris, but I don't think we expected this oncoming storm of white death to encroach us. We weren't prepared. At all. What hit us was this ungodly storm that really took until last night to finally stop. That's two days of nothing but the snow and frozen rain to pelt down upon the unwary. This poses a problem, and it invoked a LEVEL 3 EMERGENCY from the entire city. The mayor didn't want anyone to be on the roads, at all. If you were stuck at work, or school, well, to him you had to stay. ....That must have sucked for a lot, because that level lasted. FOR HOURS.

I woke up on Wednesday, hoping that (beyond some mystical power's choosing) we would- comically enough- have a snow day at my store that NEVER closes, no matter what. Revising, we only get two Holidays off (the Christan holidays. Apparently it's a Christian store, so we get Christmas and Easter off. THAT'S IT). Anyway, I woke up, and we only had a level 1 emergency in my district. What confused me entirely was there was a level 3 emergency for the entire city. ....Someone do the math on that one. My district lies within that city, but there's different levels if the entire city is under the harshest level? Gyehh...?

I went in to work, like always. The level allowed workers, if must, but that was as far as it went. Trudging into the store, prying open the frozen door, I could tell the situation was going to be bad. Sure enough, not even thirty minutes after arriving, my cashier never showed up (I later learned that he had stayed over at his girlfriend's house, and he had holed up there while the roads got worse). I called him up, and told him not to bother to come in. It was useless. Every store around us was closed. The snow was coming down in a full sheet of blinding whiteness, and the fridged air that was resonating outside actually burned the skin.

Long story short, I started calling around to other stores after I was alone there for almost two hours without a single customer. As I called around, one thing was clear. NO ONE HAD THEIR STORES OPEN. I was the only store that had opened up! I wanted to do a fantastic face palm right there-- you know, blanch totally and keel over on the floor like I was some drunken idiot.

I couldn't imagine it!! I had opened, for nothing?! The darn DM didn't even realize the situation was that bad! He wanted me to stay open but, after telling him the condition, how the other stores had confirmed closing (I got a hold of two managers via Cellphone to confirm this), and the fact someone driving up our height elevated entrance almost SWERVED RIGHT INTO OUR RAILING BARRIER (and this, folks, I saw. Scared the the s**t outta me. He just drove right through our parking lot to beat the light), he agreed for me to shut it down.

........I really do think some celestial being likes me!

So I spent the day drinking apple cider, watching Anime, writing my novel and painting my new sculpture (which, well, Soul Eater fans, you'd get a kick out of this! I'll try to get pictures up soon. He's 80% done). Generally a fantastic lazy day, and I enjoyed every bit of it.

It made me wonder how lucky I was. Mind you, above I said how a level 3 restricts anyone from being on the road. When I had finally gotten home (driving home was a friggin' mess, and we got stuck MULTIPLE times on tiny, evil little snow drifts in the road), I turned on the news. Not even five minutes after I had gotten home, the Mayor announced that he was raising a level 3 EVERYWHERE, in every district. That meant I would have been at that damnable store for almost the entire day.

Nyeahhhh.... I was lucky.

Today was technically my "official" day off from work. I got a rude call this morning from my second key manager. He wanted me to work today. Listen, I had gone in YESTERDAY when I wasn't really supposed to. I had spent several hours there, wasting it away, getting paid. The fact that he got the entire day off yesterday was nice. I know that this is extra hours to my paycheck and all, but I've grown a sort of apathy for that store. There's only four employees (if that) that I truly like. He's not one of them.

I don't think I'm going in today. He said, "IF I wanted to work". Frankly, I have too many things I have to finish up here. I have things to do before I go back on some hellish schedule that causes me to work, like, 40 hours a week with one day off, or something. At this place, I never know when I get days off.

SO! SNOW DAY! AT MY WORK! I laugh, thinking about it. It's just like how school was, me getting giddy over snow falling and getting a day free because of it. Boy, isn't that a nostalgic trip down memory lane~!

heart Peace out, ya'll! heart

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another wandering artist
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Jan 29, 2009 @ 11:56pm
lol! snow day!!! my brother's had 3 in a row!!! oh god are you kidding? BAKANE! [<-- guy who called you in, i'll sick Excalibur on him!] stressed yeah, i went though the snow this morning, woke up at 5:30 so i could get to school by 7:30. woo i conquered ice and snow! honestly, when i got outta the car at school, i danced my way up to class, greeting fellow commuters as conquerors of the ice and snow. xd but oh my god it is beautiful out there isn't it? when the sun hits the ice covered trees, they sparkle, like diamonds. i love it. that sight, to me, is worth all the road conditions in the world. i'm sorry but i love the cold, i love the ice. i love winter folks. oh god that was lucky! honestly if that ever happened, i would come pick you up! that is bull that you would have to be stuck there due to some schmuck not knowing that we were under a state of level 3 emergency. i'm glad you enjoyed your day, getting one off. well, maybe six more weeks of this! hang on!
heh, what an eventful year for mother nature, the wind storm and black out of hell '08, and the frigid blanket of death of '09. xd what's next? hell fire of '10...good god no!

commentCommented on: Sat Jan 31, 2009 @ 12:42am
SNOOWWW!!! you're so lucky! The most we ever got here was hail. And that hurt crying and it was mixed with rain so we couldn't even go outside to play in it. Wow, you were the only store to open up? eek well, gives you lots of free time, that's for sure 3nodding

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Feb 03, 2009 @ 03:34pm
3 DAYS IN A ROW? Lucky!! Tell him I hate him for that. j/k lol xD ICE WARRRRRIOR! That's what you are! It is beautiful. I couldn't stop staring at our iced over trees. We have trees all over my street, and it was like some sort of fairyland snapped up in real times. Yeah, I was lucky alright. JUST made it. Welll.... if you had picked me up during a level 3, you would have been fined and ticketed. That wouldn't be good! Gyeh.... DX I know! Mother Nature is just screwing around with us. I swear... lol!!!

commentCommented on: Fri Feb 06, 2009 @ 04:24am
ninja i would've driven a white car to pick you up...
ice warrior! i like that! i'm so sad the ice is gone...oh well
yeah, she is. heh heh...well, just 6 more weeks of this...6 more weeks!!!

another wandering artist
Community Member
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