Forgot to close the door
EvilAuthor walked out of the Harem library holding todays newspaper. She was hoping to see some sort of town update or something like that. There was nothing though. It looked like it was going to be an normal day. Well, as normal as it could get in Gino's Harem. Evil dropped the newspaper and left it. She walked past Gino's room and noticed the door was open a crack. She hadn't been in Gino's room before. Not to many people had been. She figured this was her chance. She had a little smile on her face.
Evil pushed the door open just a bit. And, instead of seeing an empty room, she saw a sleeping Gino. She blushed, not just because it was the hottie Gino asleep like an angel, but it was the hottie Gino asleep like an angel dressed in absolutly NOTHING. Heck, the blanket on the bed was barely covering his Gambino pride! She made a little squeak noise and Gino stirred a little and turned around in his bed. Now he was even less covered. Evil's blush became an even deeper red. Where's a camera when you need one?? She thought.
Gino then started to wake up and Evil made a noise similar to that of a scared kitten. She bolted out the door leaving it wide open. Gino didn't wake up though, he almost did, but then fell back into a deep sleep.
Kid was walking down the hall to the library when he was pushed by a blushing Evil. He hit the wall and was a little suprised when Evil didn't apologize. He shrugged and contiued to the library. He noticed Gino's bedroom door was open. That usually ment he wasn't in there or he was bored. Kid decided to check and see if he in there, and if he was Kid could keep him company.
Kid walked into the room and stopped dead. He was looking at Gino in the nude. Kid stood for a minute and then his left eye began to twitch. He slowly backed out of the room, down the hall and into the main room. He stood still for a second and then decided to go and gouge out his eyes.
Tiana Sidhe looked a Kid oddly as he made his way to the kitchen muttering something about knives and eyes. She was headed to Gino's private bathroom to borrow his special strawberry scented shampoo. She made her way up the stairs and past Gino's room but stopped just as her hand was touching the bathroom doorknob. She walked backwards and faced Gino's room. She walked in and stood next to Gino's bed looking down at him. Her eyes grew wide and she began to drool.
Tiana looked up and walked out of the room and down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs she let out such a high pitched squeal that all the animals with in a 2 mile radius went crazy.
Tazzin looked at Tiana and then at her twitching coco on the ground. She then turned her attention to Evil who was searching high and low for a camera but was ignoring the upstairs. Tazzin didn't know why Evil didn't ask to borrow Gino's. Her eyes then made their way to Kid who was trying to get a knife back from Damean because he needed to "gouge out the eyes that have witnessed an un-holy sight."
These three had gone crazy, or crazier, after going upstairs. Tazzin decided to see what had caused them to be like this. She moved the still squealing Tiana out of the way of the stairs and walked up to the second floor. She saw that Gino's door was open and decided to ask him what happened. She walked in to see the same sight the other three did. She blushed and kept looking. She moved over to Gino's desk and picked up his camera and took a photo of Gino in all of his glory. This is going to make me a ton of gold.
Tazzin kept hold of the camera and would give it back to Gino when the film was developed. She walked out of the room and closed the door behind her.
The End
Miss. Peanut-Butter · Thu Oct 27, 2005 @ 11:51pm · 3 Comments |