Um... yes. Hello. stare You scary people out there. I grazed a parked car while trying to park today. NEVER aim for too small parking spaces ladies and gentles. They don't work. So yeah, I'm waiting for the guy, Mark, to call me back and inform me of the damages... they didn't look too extensive though. I was so scared when I realized I'd hit the car. My hands were shaking like mad as I tried to write that silly note. I apologized at least twice in it, using repeated words like 'very very' and 'REALLY really'. Heh, Lisa does not do well with stress. sweatdrop And I have a crapload of reading to do. I SHALL KNOW MORE ABOUT LEWIS AND CLARK THEN YOU MORTALS COULD EVER DREAM! --why you'd really care that much, I have no idea.
I think I've figured out Sen's pairing, due to indepth thinking about it last night. So... she'd knocked him out, tied him up, and only wakes up the guy to give her passwords so she can get past security. It's funner that way. 3nodding And Sen deserves abuse. Why? --Because I dreamed about a chibi cute Akito, that's why! (And I shall blame this on phone calls... but I liked the phone calls... this makes no sense.) Away go I. ninja Like ninja in night. Yeah, whatever.