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User Comments: [6]
0utlaw Soup
Community Member

Mon Jan 05, 2009 @ 09:56pm

[1] I committed suicide:Noo i dont think ._.

[2] I said I liked you: Uhh bestie wise ^^

[3] I kissed you:No ur straight o_e

[4] I lived next door to you:Gaia wise ;D

[5] I started smoking:Nuu

[6] I stole something:Idk when..

[7] I was hospitalized confused

[8] I ran away from home:-Well I did when my mom wouldnt give meh an oreo...

[9] I got into a fight and you weren't there:Yush...that happend to meh ;3;

What do you think about my:

[1] Personality:Awsome :3

[2] Eyes:Awsome as well :3

[3] Face:Lawl awsome =]

[4] Hair:Shineh

[5] Clothes:Awsome sence

[6] Mannerisms:Awsome!


[1] Who are you? Ur bestie biggrin

[2] Are we friends? The best of the best! (i hope)

[3] When and how did we meet? In Hollywood hiding in a wall xD

[4] How have I affected you? Idk...Your my bestie!

[5] What do you think of me? I think ur funneh,awsome,and fun to be around!

[6] What's the fondest memory you have of me? Uhhh...How we always make eachother laugh biggrin

[7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? Uhh friends as long as im and ur on Gaia and probably in some way longeh x3

[8] Have I ever hurt you? No!

[9] Would you hug me? YES!

[10] Would you kiss me? Uhhh Sorry but no...._.

[11] Would you devirginize me? NO ._. ima girl...

[12] Would you marry me? Uhh sorry no...Dx

[13] Emotionally, what stands out? Ur happiness and funniness <3

[14] Do you wish I was cooler? NO ur coolest! (to meh)

[15] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? 1,000,000,000!

[16] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. Bestie! Cause ur my best best best bestie in the World!!!

[17] Am I loveable? Yush x3

[18] How long have you known me? Uhh i would say like 4 months?

[19] Describe me in one word. Delightfull ^^

[20] What was your first impression? That i would always wanna be ur bestie.... sweatdrop

[21] Do you still think that way about me now? Lawl yush ^^

[22] What do you think my weakness is? Uhhh idk ;o

[23] Do you think I'll get married? Yush to a cute guy i hope ;D

[24] What about me makes you happy? How ur there for meh and im there for joo.

[25] What about me makes you sad? Nothing!!!

[26] What reminds you of me? Hmmmm idk something awsomer than awsome...:3

[27] What's something you would change about me? NoThInG!

[28] How well do you know me? Uhhh gaia wise-awsome!

[29] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? No told you everythin!

[30] Do you think I would kill someone? o_e Nuuu ._. i hope not lawl

[31] Are we close? YUSH!!!

[32] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? YUSH! ;D


Community Member

Mon May 04, 2009 @ 08:15pm

[1] I committed suicide: WTF?! WHY? im supposed to be the sucidal one! crying

[2] I said I liked you: im touched but sorry im taken

[3] I kissed you: sweatdrop umm...thanks sweatdrop

[4] I lived next door to you: awsome! xp

[5] I started smoking: tut tut. prepare to die of lung cancer!

[6] I stole something: cool wot is it?

[7] I was hospitalized: id pray u got better biggrin

[8] I ran away from home: ud best have a good reason for that

[9] I got into a fight and you weren't there: if it was a girl that did it, id tell them off. if it were a dude, hes going DOWN!

What do you think about my:

[1] Personality: brilliant!

[2] Eyes: prettyful (if thats a word)

[3] Face: b-e-autiful

[4] Hair: coool

[5] Clothes: very fashionable

[6] Mannerisms: very good


[1] Who are you? paul janis...im not saying my surname in case someone trys to stalk me

[2] Are we friends? i like to think so biggrin

[3] When and how did we meet? a good few months back in rally when i was a grunny

[4] How have I affected you? uve tried to give me confidence and its starting to help. smile

[5] What do you think of me? your brilliant,sweet, kind, safe, well cool and all round fantastic xd

[6] What's the fondest memory you have of me? when we messed around in rally when i was a grunny

[7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? til i get too old for gaia or i move america and forget gaia

[8] Have I ever hurt you? not that i can remember

[9] Would you hug me? course biggrin

[10] Would you kiss me? on the cheek- yep. on the lips- if i was slightly drunk

[11] Would you devirginize me? no idea what that means

[12] Would you marry me? not sure what my future plans are

[13] Emotionally, what stands out? idk ur all round brilliance?

[14] Do you wish I was cooler? hell no! ur cooler than me hands down

[15] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? 9001088

[16] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. i honestly cannot think of one at this moment in time

[17] Am I loveable? hell yea

[18] How long have you known me? a good few months

[19] Describe me in one word. fantastic

[20] What was your first impression? sweet,caring, clever, super and wow!

[21] Do you still think that way about me now? yeppers

[22] What do you think my weakness is? dont think you have any. u seem very emotionally strong

[23] Do you think I'll get married? any guy would be lucky to have u

[24] What about me makes you happy? everything. ur optimisim in perticular

[25] What about me makes you sad? nothing

[26] What reminds you of me? grunnys

[27] What's something you would change about me? nada

[28] How well do you know me? im not sure since we aint talked in a while sad

[29] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? nope

[30] Do you think I would kill someone? if they deserved it

[31] Are we close? ish

[32] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? u stole it from me theif!!! xd

[33] would you kill me? nah! cool

Community Member

Wed Jul 21, 2010 @ 06:22am

1] I committed suicide:
OMG I would die D:

[2] I said I liked you:
Well I hope you would cause we are BFFLS
[3] I kissed you:
I wouldn't be surprised <3

[4] I lived next door to you:
i would visit you everyday 8D

[5] I started smoking:
I would grab that cig and step on it D:<

[6] I stole something:
I wouldnt say anything B:

[7] I was hospitalized:
I would visit you everyday

[8] I ran away from home:
I would run away with you

[9] I got into a fight and you weren't there:
I would kick that chicks a** D:<

What do you think about my:

[1] Personality: OMG beautiful ;D

[2] Eyes: awesome 8D green~

[3] Face: cute

[4] Hair: awesome

[5] Clothes: styleish ;B

[6] Mannerisms: ehh pretty good


[1] Who are you? ur BFFL

[2] Are we friends? uhh DUH

[3] When and how did we meet? at the W.O.W. on Nov. 11 '08

[4] How have I affected you? you made me have a BFFL

[5] What do you think of me? I think ur my BFFL

[6] What's the fondest memory you have of me? when we met duh

[7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? friends LMAO

[8] Have I ever hurt you? no

[9] Would you hug me? everyday

[10] Would you kiss me? yes :B

[11] Would you devirginize me? NO D8

[12] Would you marry me? if i could i would

[13] Emotionally, what stands out? idk whut this means

[14] Do you wish I was cooler? no ;D

[15] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? 1,000,000,000,000,000,000

[16] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
Carrie poo and i'm teletubbies

[17] Am I loveable? durr

[18] How long have you known me? since nov

[19] Describe me in one word.

[20] What was your first impression? WOAH

[21] Do you still think that way about me now? no i think ur super WOAH

[22] What do you think my weakness is? um ur big forehead

[23] Do you think I'll get married? yes to brenden LMAO jkjk D: someone cute i hope

[24] What about me makes you happy? ur funnyness

[25] What about me makes you sad? ur prettyness *jealous* ;D

[26] What reminds you of me? when someone says BFFL

[27] What's something you would change about me? nothing

[28] How well do you know me? everything about you

[29] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? no

[30] Do you think I would kill someone? yes :B jocknees

[31] Are we close? DUHH

[32] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? no :B

[33] would you kill me? no :B

Community Member

Wed Jul 21, 2010 @ 08:28am

1. Are you ready for 150 questions? no
2. Do you watch college football? no
3. What are your plans for tomorrow? nothing
4. Who was the last person to send you a text message? uh carrie
5. Do you love anyone? carrie and tanner
6. Are you happy? yes
7. Where was the last place you went shopping? cvs
8. How do you feel about your hair? love it
9. Where do you work? nowhere
10. Last thing you ate/drank? chips ;D
11. Do you wish you were someplace else right now? no
12. Do you have any pet peeves? yes
13. Do you have any expensive jewelry? yes
14. AIM or Yahoo or MSN? AIM
15. Do you like math? eh
16. How many hours on average do you work a week? idk
17. What do you think about before you go to bed? tantan
18. Favorite baseball team? idk
19. Favorte NBA team?idk
20. Do you watch the Olympics?idk
21. Last restaurant you went to? mcdonalds
22. Who was the last person to call you? caarrie
23. What’s your sign? virgo
24. Do you have a favorite number? 7
25. Last time you did volunteer work or made any donations? no
26. What do you spend the majority of your money on?
27. Where does your family live? florida
28. Are you an only child or do you have siblings? only child
29. Ever been called 'the b word'? yes
30. Got any guilty pleasures? no
31. Do you drink beer or do drugs? yes
32. Whats your favorite color? blue n purple
33. Did you ever collect Beanie Babies? yes
34. Ever bought anything online? yes
35. Myspace or Gaia? gaia
36. What phone company do you have? idk
37. Last concert you went to? idk
38. Do you sometimes wish you were someone else? yes
39. Are you bored right now? no
40. Do you sometimes want to just die? NO
41. Last time you saw your parents? an hour ago
42. Do you have any talents? art
43. Ever been in a wedding? yes
44. Do you have any children? no
45. Last movie you watched? titanic
46. Are you missing anyone at the moment? yes tantan
47. Did you take a nap today? no
48. What is the best city in the state that you live in?orlando
49. Ever been on a cruise? no
50. Stupidest thing you ever did with your cell phone? i licked it
51. Do you drunk dial/text? no
52. Do you have any wealthy friends? yes
53. Ever met anyone famous before? yes
54. Favorite actor? obama
55. Favorite actress? carrie
56. Are you multi-tasking right now? yes
57. Could you handle being in the military? no
58. Are you hungry or thirsty? neither
59. Favorite fast food restaurant? mcdonalds
60. Last voicemail you received? lauren
61. What is your average cell phone bill? idk
62. Do you own a camera phone? yes
63. Ever had to take a sobriety test? no
64. Do you believe in Karma? no
65. Can you speak any other languages? no
66. Last time you went to the gym or worked out? idk
67. How many pairs of shoes do you own? a lot
68. Do you have a photo hosting site that you use? photobucket
69. Last place you were? my chair
70. What is your college mascot? idk
71. Ever been to Las Vegas? no
72. Last missed call? lauren
73. Do you email? whuddleworld
74. Last letter/piece of mail you received besides junk or a bill? gramma
75. How is the weather today? ehhh ok
76. Have you ever been gambling? yes
77. How old are your parents? 44 n 47
78. When is the last time you updated your blog? idk
79. Do you have your wisdom teeth? yes
80. Favorite place to be? miami
81. Have you been to New York City? no
82 Favorite sit down restaurant? red lobster
83. Ever been to Disney Land? yes
84. Do you have a favorite cartoon character? spongebob
85. Last thing you cooked? pizza

Finish the sentence;

86. I love...tantan
87. Right now I want...chocolate
88. I feel like...awesome
89. I hate it when...idk
90. I fear...things
91. I'm lonely without...tantan
92. I need...carrie
93. Today I...was bored
94. Tomorrow I'm...gonna be bored
95. I just...talked to carrie
96. I want to meet...carrie
97. I'm hungry for...pizza
98. I love it when...i eat
99. I'm afraid of...things
100. I'm listening to...music
101. I'm wearing...clothes
102. I wish I was in...a place
103. I'm craving...nothing
104. I want to get...nothing
105. I can...do stuff
106. I can't...do stuff
107. I have...things
108. I haven't...seen my cousins in forever
109. I'm nervous to...talk infront of people
110. My Mom thinks I'm...awesome
111. My Dad thinks I'm...a sweetheart
112. I think...carries awesome
113. I'm happy when...tantan talks to me ;D
114. I'm sad when...carrie doesnt talk to me D:
115. I like eating...pizza
116. I hate eating...uhh asparagus
117. I love watching...spongebob
118. I love listening to...music
119. I like playing...?
120. I hate waking up to...morning breath
121. I can see...the sun
122. I'm glad that...im not ugly
123. I'm disappointed that...im ugly
124. I look like...ugly
125. I wish I looked like...purdy

Questions you are rarely asked;

126. Have you ever been searched by the cops? yes
127. Do you close your eyes on roller coasters? no
128. What do you wear to bed? clothes
129. Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone? ehh idk
130. Do you believe in ghosts? no
131. Have you ever stood up for someone you hardly knew? yes
132. Have you ever made fun of your friends behind their back? yes
133. Did you ever play, "I'll show you mine, if you show me yours"? no
134. Do you stay friends with your ex's? yes
135. Would you rather eat roadkill or impregnate a cow? ew wtf?
136. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?mhm more
137. What's your favorite commercial? intell
138. What are you allergic to? cats
139. If you're driving in the middle of the night, and no one is around do you run red lights? no
140. Do you have a secret that no one knows but you? Are you brave enough to tell that secret on this survey?no
141. Are you a virgin?yes
142. Have you ever been Ice Skating?no
143. When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried?like an hour ago
144. Can you name 5 songs by The Beatles? yes
145. What's the one thing on your mind now? questions
146. Do you believe in love at first sight? no
147. If you could sleep with one famous person, who would it be? brandon flowers
148. Do you always wear your seat belt? no
149. What cell service do you use? u already asked me that
150. Do you like Sushi?no

Community Member

Thu Jul 22, 2010 @ 04:02am

1437. Changed your avatar? yesterday
1438. Have you had a girlfriend or boyfriend? yes
1439. Got a pet? yes i have two
1440. Had a pet die? yes..all of my fish
1441. Drank starbucks? omg yes chocolate chip frapp
1442. Been to the beach? omg i live in florida..duh
1443. Bought something for over 100 dollars? mhm a lot of things
1444. Lost a best friend? yes..but then got her again
1445. Been cheated on? yes. that manho
1446. Cheated on someone? no i'm not like that
1447. Kissed someone? yes
1448. Slept in a friend's bed? yes
1449. Snuck someone over? lmao..yes
1450. Have you had your birthday? nocomment
1451. Gone over your cell phone minutes? yes LMAO
1452. Been called a whore? sadly yes
1453. Drove somewhere? in my dreams
1454. Talked to an ex? yes im friends with all my exes
1455. Been to church? mhm
1456. Cried yet? duh
1457. Gotten into an accident? mhm 4 times
1458. Broke up with someone? yes
1459. Gotten into a fight with your parents? all the time
1460. Been in a bar? with my dad once
1461. Lied? who doesnt
1462. Gotten a car? no
1463. Been on a plane? yep only once though
1464. Crossed a bridge? i live right next to a bridge
1465. Had a sleepover? yeppers
1466. Had someone close to you pass away? yes my grandpa
1467. Pulled an all nighter? duh all the time
1468. Met someone new? mhm a lot
1469. Been out of your home state? only once
1470. Gone shopping? yes
1471. Gone to the movies? mhm
1472. Been out of the country? nope
1473. Gone snowboarding/skiing?no D:
1474. Snuck out of your own house? yepp
1475. Done something you regret? all the time
1476. Gotten caught...? yes 8D
1477. Fell in love with someone new? uh i dont know sure
1478. Gotten over a heartbreak? yep
1479. Had McDonalds? duhh
1480. Had pizza? my fav food bby
1481. Visited the hospital? i go there a lot :B
1482. Completed a book? uh read? then yes
1483. Made a new friend? yep
1484. Swam in a pool? all the time
1485. Worn shorts? yepp
1486. Worn a bathing suit? duh
1487. Completed a video game? duhh
1488. Completed a television series? nope
1489. Completed an anime? no
1490. Kept your New Years resolutions? no
1491. Slept in a hotel? yes <3
1492. Gotten a new car? no
1493. Had a family member pass away? yep
1494. Had someone you know have a baby? yepp
1495. Broke your phone? lmao once but then fixed it
1496. In separate posts, write the first 10 people that come into your head. i'll list them here: Carrie, Tanner, Lauren, Mikey, Courtney, George Lopez, Obama, Mickey Mouse, idk who else
1497. The Classic: Type The Alphabet in Different Posts - EACH LETTER GETS ITS OWN POST. nah
1498. How much gold do you have now? uhh 1,398
1499. And how many posts? idk?
1500. What number are you to finish? uh 1331

1237. Hugs or kisses? Hugs
1238. Scary movies or happy endings? Scary movies
1239. Comedy or Drama?Comedy
1240. Ghosts or Zombies? Ghosts
1241. Day or night? Night
1242. Cold or not? cold
1243. Rolling Stones or Beatles? Beatles all the way
1244. Tall or short? Tall
1245. Blonde, brunette, black or red? Brunette
1246. Up or down? Down
1247. Fly or breathe under water? Breathe under water
1248. Mtv or VH1? mtv
1249. Star Wars or Star Trek? Star Wars
1250. Luke Skywalker or Han Solo? idk luke
1251. Naughty or nice? Nice
1252. Proper or improper? Proper
1253. Polka dots or stripes? Polka Dots
1254. MSN or AIM? AIM
1255. Red or pink? Pink
1256. Black or white? White
1257. Green or blue? Blue
1258. Pastel or vibrant? Pastel
1259. Paint or wallpaper? Paint
1260. Color or black and white? Colour
1261. Skittles or M&Ms? M&Ms
1262. Batman or Superman? Batman
1263. Spiderman or Batman? Batman
1264. Wolverine or Cyclops? idk
1265. DC or Marvel? who the heck is that
1266. Silver or Gold? Gold
1267. Musical or opera? Musical
1268. Rap or Rock? Rock
1269. Selena or Miley? Selena
1270. Ewan McGregor or Cillian Murphy? idk
1271. Ninja or Samurai? Ninja
1272. Dragon or hydra? Neither
1273. Fairy or pixie? Fairy
1274. Sour or sweet? Sweet
1275. Fruits or Vegetables? Fruits
1276. Meat or Veggies? Meat
1277. Vanilla or Chocolate? Vanilla
1278. Boxers or briefs? Boxers
1279. Jeans or Skirt? Skirt
1280. Sneakers or Flip-Flops? Flip Flops
1281. Swords or guns? Guns
1282. Swords or daggers? Swords
1283. Swords or Spears? Spears
1284. Hurricane or Earthquake? Hurricane
1285. Shower or Bathe? Shower
1286. Play an Instrument or Sing? Play an Instrument
1287. Longbows or Crossbows? idk
1288. Ken or Ryu? uh
1289. Trigun or Cowboy Bebop? uh
1290. Cloud or Squall? Cloud
1291. Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise? Brad Pitt
1292. Harrison Ford or Mel Gibson?
1293. McDonalds or Burger King? McDonalds
1294. Pepsi or Coke? Coke
1295. Sierra Mist or Sprite? Sprite
1296. Dominos or Pizza Hut? PIZZA HUT FTW
1297. Fridays or Ruby Tuesdays? Fridays
1298. Pancakes or Waffles? Waffles
1299. Hamburgers or Cheeseburgers? Cheeseburgers
1300. Wal-Mart or Target? Target
1301. NSYNC or Backstreet Boys? Backstreet Boys
1302. 50 Cent or 2pac? 50 Cent
1303. Country or Rap? Country
1304. Rob Thomas or Maroon 5? Maroon 5
1305. Goo Goo Dolls or Matchbox 20? uh
1306. Face or Body? Face
1307. Chest or Butt? Chest
1308. Hair: Short or Long? Long
1309. Brunette or Blonde? Brunette
1310. Candy or Flowers? Candy
1311. Hugs or Kisses? Hugs...o-o
1312. Friends with Benefits or Date? idk
1313. TV or Movie? TV
1314. Cell Phone or iPod? Cell
1315. Automatic or Manual? Automatic
1316. Dogs or Cats? Cats
1317. Pen or Pencil? Pen
1318. Obama or Clinton? OBAMA duh <3
1319. Canada or Australia? Canada
1320. Tifa or Aeris? idk
1321. Tifa or Rinoa? idk
1322. Dry or wet? dry
1323. Above or below? below
1324. Clothed or bare? clothed
1325. Summer or Winter? winter
1326. Fall or Spring? spring
1327. Rain or Thunderstorm? thunderstorm
1328. Snow or Rain? rain
1329. Play Ping-Pong or Pool? pool
1330. Resident Evil or Silent Hill? idk
1331. Flonne or Etna? idk

Community Member

Thu Jul 22, 2010 @ 05:40am

[1] I committed suicide:Cry and Cry and be sad forever and ever :O

[2] I said I liked you: I knew it xD

[3] I kissed you: u said ur gay

[4] I lived next door to you: I would bug you alot biggrin

[5] I started smoking: destroy cigarettes

[6] I stole something: I saw you buy it ;D

[7] I was hospitalized: Visit you ery day

[8] I ran away from home: Find you and join you

[9] I got into a fight and you weren't there: good thing that b***h had it coming

What do you think about my:

[1] Personality: Very fun

[2] Eyes: Good o.o

[3] Face: Very Purdy

[4] Hair: very Purdy

[5] Clothes: IDFC im a boy

[6] Mannerisms: sux eggs


[1] Who are you? Tanner

[2] Are we friends? Heyo ya but we need to hang out more

[3] When and how did we meet? idk and tabby introduced us I do believe

[4] How have I affected you? You have made me laugh alot more

[5] What do you think of me? Fun, pretty, weird, mean

[6] What's the fondest memory you have of me? Prolly wen we talked on the phone for like a whole day

[7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?Forever I hope but we need to start hanging out agian D:

[8] Have I ever hurt you?no

[9] Would you hug me?yes

[10] Would you kiss me?yes

[11] Would you devirginize me? prolly not cuz ur gay

[12] Would you marry me?no

[13] Emotionally, what stands out? emotions?

[14] Do you wish I was cooler? Nope you make iceburgs look hot

[15] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? 5ish

[16] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. Carebear idk cuz it fits with ur name

[17] Am I loveable?Yes

[18] How long have you known me?1 yearish?

[19] Describe me in one word.Awesome

[20] What was your first impression? ok?

[21] Do you still think that way about me now?nope your amazing

[22] What do you think my weakness is? idk really

[23] Do you think I'll get married?Yup

[24] What about me makes you happy? How fun you are

[25] What about me makes you sad?notihng

[26] What reminds you of me? Our humor

[27] What's something you would change about me? Nothing

[28] How well do you know me? Eh

[29] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?I think so

[30] Do you think I would kill someone?Threaten alot but no

[31] Are we close?We use to be and need to be again ^^

[32] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?Already is and u already did

[33] would you kill me?Never

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