sweatdrop i forgot what i was going to talk about. sweatdrop it was like amnesia. mental block. how come?
..... okay. here it is.
Today, weird and unexpected things happened to me. First was Angela. She complimented my sweater. Weird. WHy? i already wore this sweater for a long time! and, it was very random. She barely, actually, never talked to me before.
Second was....i forgot it again. *thinking....!!!!! i remember now.
Geneivive! the last time we had a chat was months ago. it had been a very long time since i last talked to her. Why weird? because i thought she already forgot about me. (owssss.) I havent really talked to her today because the bell already rang and i used the computer in my school. i just sent her a single message. actually it was only her name- Geneivevi!! i even misspelled it. ^^
third was the guy who was one of my lunch and table mates (Before). "Before" because i havent ate with them since October. I thought they just ignore my absence. well, who am i anyway to be cared about? im just a boring person. (hahhahaha.. XD) why random? i was just walking towards room 38 for my fourth block when suddenly he talked. at first, i thought i just misheard it. i was thinking maybe it was just in my thoughts. i always heard weird things. (thats spooky. actually, i dont eat lunch during my lunch wave. i just go to the library and do some stuffs, not reading books but using the computer.) anyways, i heard my name was called. so, i turned around and saw it was the guy i met during lunch last october. "why didnt you lunch with us anymore? " he asked me. i was surprised. huh?
lastly, the book i had been waiting for so long!!!! oh yeah!! at last, the ECLIPSE and BREAKING DAWN!!! i can read it!!! yay!! yay!!! oh yaeh!!! hahahhahahah.. XD
for a short moment, i even forgot that my mouth was in sore......
anyways, i was thinking if this avi is good....
 Total Value: 300,717 Gold [Item Information]
Item List: Kokeshi Fan Kokeshi Doll Hermes' Moon Emo Glasses Masterpieces Angel Imp Plushie Black Lace-up Cork Sandals Kokeshi Kimono Satin Hairbow Dreamer's Dust Autumn Glory
-Gullible GingerBread- · Fri Dec 05, 2008 @ 01:07am · 0 Comments |