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Tales of Orpheus Telos.
Not really a tale; more like what goes on everyday and what is going to happen in the next few days.
The Magician. (Again, another Tarot reference.)
I know it's been a while, but I guess a few interesting things have happened. Mainly, a lot of Halloween festivities throughout town, including some haunted house at the La Hacienda hotel. Heard it was good, but unfortunately, I could not go to it....*Sigh* ANYWAYS, Halloween is tomorrow, and we just finished up the haunted house at school....speaking of which, my English teacher was giving me a hard time about why I wasn't in class today. I told him that I was helping to set up, and he had the NERVE to ask me, " think it's more important to be here than in class?" Stupid old man....why bother asking that question if you already know the answer? Anyways...he should've figured out that my loyalty to my friends takes precedence over A LOT of things. Well, I believe I must end this entry for tonight, will try to get another one up tomorrow. MIGHT.....

Orpheus Telos
Community Member
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