OMG! I JUST REALIZED!!! GAIA STOLE MY IDEA! For the hold item contest I sent in a JaCkE'd StAfF idea... right, well the jackster wand, is really really similar, they just made it smaller, ands zig-zag! Heres the Idea that I sent in....

I feel so robbed.... stare
I know the colors of the handle type part are re-aranged, but in my original one, that I drew durring my 3'rd period metal shop, it was black, that faded to orange. Then I threw in the green in the middle, then I switched it around, becuase the part that conecte to the pumpkin was black... I re-drew it at lest 3 times.. I can't remember which one I sent into gaia..
And, look at the smaller version of the staff, black-orange-black. stare
Sellesion · Mon Oct 27, 2008 @ 04:15am · 1 Comments |