so i woke up at 8 am, and rushed straight to the bathroom...yeah i have food poisoning and a sore throat and a cold!! i wanted to get sick right?...well here it is~
anyways after coming out of the bathroom i heard something inside my PC calling me~ i looked at it and it was a blog...thats right...the blog was calling i haerd its call and now i have a new blog...-_- and boy does it feel good! i had one before too but had to close it down for personal reasons but i'm back now!! and i'm so happy to be back!! Life just took a right turn for me~ oh this is the site :http://
i already did like 4 posts coz of all the excitement, and i don't know its just being able to express my feelings about the people i love with millions of others just makes me happy, they are all like me and i just love connecting with them..its a lot of hard work to be a full time blogger but i'm totally up to it, coz that kind of drive is so necessary for me right now! i have to get my mind of these current issues at home and start looking at the current issues in the k-pop world!
and i tell you its totally worth spending back breaking mornings and nights to get a post up and share it with others, coz i know how i feel when i read a post about something really exciting and when i read it in a web page or blog, i know that i'm not alone! this is a very empowering feeling people! maybe some of you should try it too!
anyways after i set up my blog, and got 4 posts up, my aunt and her kid and her husband came and took me outside...which was a complete always is with them, gosh i don't know how they live...its like all the life has been sucked out of them! O_O and they don't know what a blog is~!!! they are smart people...the husband is a maths teacher, the wife is i don't know what but something smart yet they don't know what a blog all means should i be able to say that their life sucks...
also i was reading some nice TVXQ! anecdotes which made me cry... crying that was nice, and then i decided to take a stroll through TVXQ memory lane...they are just growing in front of my eyes~ and they have their 4th Korean album coming out on 24th of this month and HO S***!! they look O_O....just take a look at this:

crying they grow up so fast!!!! feels like just yesterday they debuted and now look at them!! oh! and i heard the preview of one of their songs from this album and HO S***! i had the same reaction!!! it was a 35 sec preview BUT OMG!!!!!! i like spazzed about it for hours and i will spazz about it for many days to come, man months or perhaps even a year!! this sounds totally different from their style which makes it even better coz they seemed to have pulled it off very very well!!! i cant wait!! i'm about to go nuts!!!
oh oh...too late....
i better go to bed..-_-.... crying i have school tomorrow crying crying crying WHYYY!Y!!!!?!?!??!! burning_eyes
Sooshihana · Sat Sep 06, 2008 @ 08:06pm · 1 Comments |