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Death Note blah

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Betrayal And Love.....(SasuNaru Fanfic)
Ice cold rain fell heavily from the heavens above, showering the small village of the hidden leaf. The villagers of this powerful and peaceful ninja village, most being ninjas, knew better than to venture outside into the raging storm. Instead they stay in doors away from the sub-zero winds and ice cold waters.

In the safety of a nice warm apartment a young medical ninja was getting ready for a date with her boy-friend while hoping that the storm would pass. The young pink haired medical-ninja turned, walked through the apartment towards the living room where she found her team-mate, Sasuke Uchiha, who was currently was reading a scroll. She sighed as she looked at him.

"Sasuke-kun?" she said, getting the young Uchiha’s attention.

He looked up from his scroll and to the young woman who was wearing a tight short black dress that showed off her well toned body.

"Y-yeah" he asked, shaking the thoughts from his mind.

"Where’s Naruto?" she asked, wondering where her young blond team-mate had gone to now. Sasuke made an annoyed sound before looking back to the scroll

"Don’t ask me he got all pissed off about something and then ran off somewhere" He muttered, not about to tell the pink haired girl that he was the reason why the blond got pissed off.

Sakura smiled to herself knowing that the Uchiha was at fault yet again. This only resulted in Sasuke getting put down in Naruto’s bad books. But instead of asking as to what he did, she decided not to press on with the subject. "Well he’s probably at Tsunade-Sama’s. He’s been with her a lot lately so it would make sense. Anyways, Sasuke-kun would you help me out?" she asked smiling.

The raven haired ninja looked up from his scroll and arched an eye brow.

"With what?" He asked. Sakura pulled her long hair over her shoulder, turning her back to him

"With my zipper." she stated.

As he looked at the young woman before him, he could see that the zipper to her dress was down, exposing her creamy pale white skin to his eyes. He blinked slowly and got up to help his friend.

When he got over to her however, something inside of him was telling him to touch that pale skin. Telling him to see if it felt as soft as it looked and so he did. He ran his hands down her warm soft back unable to stop himself for some reason.

Sakura could feel his soft warm hands move from her shoulders down to her waist. She was unsure as to what he was doing, but she did not stop him.

She wasn’t sure as to why this felt so good, she knew it was wrong, after all she was dating Lee. She knew for a fact that Sasuke did not love her but that he was head over heels in love with the young blond ninja on their team. She also knew that Naruto loved Sasuke just as much, but was to scared to tell Sasuke how he felt.

However, right now, with the hands of her once crush on her back, she could not help but feel excited. Even though her old feelings for him were gone, she still could not say that she didn’t lust after Sasuke. After all, who wouldn’t he was an extremely handsome young man.

"Sasuke?" she asked as she turned to him.

Sasuke looked at her as she leaned in and placed a heated kiss upon his lips. She knew the reasons why she should not be doing this; however, she could not stop herself. She leaned into his warm body, letting her mind go to mush. He pulled her closer to him and returned the kiss. As his warm hands ran up and down her body, feeling the heat of his touch, as his hands made their way under her cloths.

Sakura could not believe this was happening. Here she was in the living room of their apartment, kissing Sasuke! She knew this was wrong and that she shouldn’t be doing this, but somehow it only seemed to fuel her already growing lust for the boy.

Before she knew what was happening, she was naked with her back on the coffee table in the centre of the room. Sasuke was resting in between her legs, her breast in his mouth, and his soft wet tongue circling her erect n****e.

His warm breath and soft passionate touches made the young medical ninja moan out with pleasure. She could feel as his warm hand moved up her inner thigh and to her womanhood.

She gasped out as his finger slowly entered her warm slick passage. Her arms wrapped around his neck, bring him down into a passionate kiss as he pushed his finger deeply inside her.

Her breathing increased as he added another finger, scissoring her and thrusting hard into to her tight passage. She gasped, panted, and clung to him, as she pushed down on to his fingers.

After a few more thrusts of his finer, she could start to feel the burning deep within her core building up. Then with a few more thrust of his finger and her hips, she was sent over the edge in a utopia of pleasure.

Panting heavily she looks to down to find Sasuke positioning himself at her entrance. She gulped softly as she looked back up into his face to find him looking at her questioningly. She took in a deep shaky breath and nodded, locking eye contact with him as he filled her completely.

She moaned out as he was fully inside her. She loved the feeling of him deep inside her, but also hating it at the same time knowing this was wrong. She was to far gone to want to stop it, and as he pushed in and out of her warm passage she know longer cared. All she cared about was being filled.

He pushed into her passage faster and deep with ever thrust, as she pushed back with equal force. Moans and pants were all that could be herd from the pair as they grew ever closer to their completion.

She could feel him kissing her neck, as the force of his thrusts increased to a point that it was almost painful for her, but at the same time she loved it. She could feel the coil deep inside her tightening, and knew that she would soon be pushed over the edge once more. From the way Sasuke was trusting faster she knew he was also close.

Her eyes closed tightly as she dragged her long nail down his back, toward his butt. She threw her head back, clamping her hand down hard on his butt forcing him to fill her harder, faster, and deeper. She screamed out his name as she found her release. She was so dazed from her intense orgasm to realize that they were not alone.

Until she herd Sasuke’s sharp intake of breath and the voice of their team-mate "S-sorry" Sakura herd him stutter out. She looked up to see the hurt and confused look on the blonde’s face, before he turned and ran from the apartment.
Naruto could not believe his eyes, there on the coffee table in the apartment he shared with his team was his said team-mates, Sakura his old crush under his very tired looking best-friend and secret crush, Sasuke. It was clear to Naruto that they both had to just have had or were having sex.

As he stood there shocked and hurt, he found himself staring into the beautiful onyx coloured eyes of his most important person, Sasuke. He looked shocked that Naruto was there and even slightly panicked.

"S-sorry." Was all Naruto could say, his voice shaking with how hurt he felt right now. With that said he turned and ran from the apartment. He was sure he could hear the voice of his best-friend shouting after him telling him to wait, but he did not stop. He couldn’t stop, and he would not listen to their lame excuses, he needed time to think.

So Naruto went to one of the only places he knew he was wanted, and knew that Sasuke or Sakura could not get to. He ran to Tsunade’s home.

Tsunade was currently doing ‘paper work’ (more like drinking saki and sleeping on the piles of papers), when she was rudely interrupted by a loud knocking on the door. Sighing to herself, she got up and walked to the door. She opened the door, ready to kill whoever it was, but what she was not expecting was for a crying blond to fall into her arms cling to her.

She blinked softly and looked at the blond. "Naruto what’s wrong?" She asked worried about the young ninja that she considered to be her little brother. Naruto looked up at her with blurry blue eyes.

"Tsunade-baa-chan," he said shakily; wiping his tears away. "Can I stay here tonight?" He hiccupped.

The Hokage was not sure as to what had gotten him so upset, but she was not going to stand by and let him hurt like this. Nodding her head she pulled him inside, intending to find out what was wrong.

Tsunade had finally gotten the blond to calm down and explain to her what happened. After hearing the events, she was more then angry; she was ready to go track down Sasuke and Sakura and kill them both. She didn’t care that Sakura was her best student, she had hurt her little brother. But she also knew that it would not help anything.

She sighed to herself looking at the blond on her couch. She smiled, he looked so peaceful asleep. Shame he had to wake up and open that loud mouth of his. She chuckled at her thoughts, and sighed as she picked him up and took him into the guest room to put him into the bed.

She removed his orange jacket, leaving him in his orange pants and black t-shirt. Pushing the hair from his face she removed his hitai-ate placing it on top of his clothes on the night stand. Turning back to him she said, "Sleep well Naruto." Softly as she pulled the blanket over him and kissed his cheek before leaving the room.

As she sat down at her desk to continue with her work (Yeah right XD, beta note: yeah… doing some work with a friend of hers, his name is Saki… O-O Author note: my thoughts as well XD), she heard a loud knocking on her door again. Narrowing her eyes, she growled as she got up and went to the door, flinging it open to find Sasuke standing there.

"Sasuke, what do you want?" She growled. Sasuke was not a person she wanted to see right now after hearing what Naruto had said. She looked over the young Uchiha. He looked a mess, panicked, and very upset.

"Is Naruto here?" he panted out.

Sighing the Hokage nodded her head, "Yeah Naruto is here, but he is asleep" She stated seeing the rush of relief fall over the Uchiha’s face before being replaced by sadness.

"Please I really need to talk to him." He said. Sasuke was never one to beg, but he needed to see Naruto.

Tsunade looked at the young raven haired man and sighed, knowing that Sasuke and Naruto did need to talk, but it was also very late. "Sasuke, come back in the morning and you can speak to him then." She said.

Sasuke looked like he was about to resist but when he saw the stern look upon the Hokage’s face; he could only nod his head slowly.

"Alright, I will be back in the morning. Hokage-sama. Sorry for disturbing you." He bowed his head before turning to leave.

Tsunade sighed, watching him leave, shutting the door soon after. "Naruto, I know you’re awake." She said. The said blond stepped out of the door way looking at her.

"I don’t want to talk to him Tsunade-Sama." He said looking down at his feet.

"Naruto..." She sighed heavily "I know what he did was wrong but Naruto, you never even told him how you feel and nothing will be solved if you just mope about, just talk to him and see what he has to say." She said while ushering him back into the room. "Now get some rest."

Naruto sighed and watched as the older woman left. "I guess she’s right." He sighed softly leaning on his arm, all the while looking out of the window towards the storm out side. ‘I hope Sasuke is alright. Walking home in this.’ He thought to himself but shook his head. ‘Well no one asked him to come looking for me! But still I hope he alright.’ Naruto thought as he watched the storm.

Out side the Hokage’s Tower a young raven haired Uchiha sat on the edge of the walk way waiting for sun rise.
The storm was over and the sun was shining from the heavens above onto the hidden leaf village. The people of the village slowly awoke and started getting ready for the day ahead. The warm rays of the sun, leaked throw the window of the small room in which a handsome blond ninja slept peacefully.

The young ninja moaned softly and opened his beautiful angel blue eyes and then narrows them at the bright morning sun.

"Stupid sun." He yawned out and stretched. Sighing to himself, he looked around and realized that he was not at his apartment in his room. Blinking slowly he looked down as memories of the night before came flooding back.

The blond bite his lip in his nervousness, knowing he would have to talk to Sasuke today, as Tsunade had said. Naruto sighed and lay back on his side closing his eyes ‘This isn’t Sasuke's fault, he never knew how you felt. But still, Poor fuzzy eye brows, he’s going to be crushed if he ever finds out about Sakura doing that. I just don’t get it. Sakura knew how I felt about Sasuke and she still did that. It’s not fair!’ He thought to himself, pulling his knees to his chest.


The young raven haired ninja shivered. He was soaked from the storm since he had stayed out in it all night. It was morning and he would finally be allowed to speak to his best-friend and secret crush.

The young ninja pulled his arms around himself and walked over the street towards the tower before making his way inside and past a few guards, who had been told by Tsunade that he would be coming, so they did not bother him.

When the young ninja got to the door he knocked on it softly.

"Come in." Came the voice of Tsunade. He opened the door and walked in "Good Mor-, what happened to you, you look like crap." Tsunade said as she looked to the young ninja. He was soaked from head to toe and caked with mud making him look paler then normal in contrast. It was also clear to her that he must not of slept at all that night. "What did you do, stay out in the storm all night?" She asked worried while walking over to him.

Sasuke looked at her, as he felt her warm hand on his cold skin of his face checking his temperature. "Sasuke, you baka," She sighed "You’re going to get yourself sick."

Sasuke pushed her hand away. "Can I please see Naruto?" He asked, not caring about his health. He only cared about sorting this whole mess out with the young blond.

Tsunade sighed and nodded. "Yeah, he should be up by now." She told him, pointing to the guest room. Sasuke nodded quickly and walked to the door, opening it without knocking.


Naruto blinked at hearing the knock on the door and Tsunade greeting Sasuke. He sighed softly and carried on getting himself ready, thinking that Sasuke would at least knock. However he was wrong. The raven haired man just walked in and shut the door behind him.

Naruto blinked as he saw Sasuke who just stood there staring him with out his shirt on, still wet from the shower. Naruto sighed and pulled the t-shirt on "What do you want Sasuke?" He muttered.

Sasuke shook his head to get the thoughts of Naruto dripping with water out his head.
"Naruto I wanted to talk about last night." He said looking down at the blond who was sitting on the bed.

Naruto sighed and fell backwards on his bed, shaking his head. "What’s there to talk about?" He asked looking up at the ceiling. "You had sex with Sakura." He stated, trying to hide the slight sadness in his voice. "So what? It has nothing to do with me, what you do or who you "do" for that matter."
Leaning on his elbows, Naruto looked at Sasuke who was kind of pissed off now.
"And if you want me to sit here and listen to you boast about it and explain everything, I’m sorry I’m not that type of person. I don’t want to know about it." He said standing up.
"Now if you’ll excuse me I have to start training." He stated angrily while trying to get past Sasuke.

But before he could do so Sasuke grabbed his arm and pushed him towards the wall. "That’s not why I came here Naruto!" The raven haired boy yelled, looking into those beautiful blue eyes, which became slightly darker with anger.

Sasuke got lost in those eyes. He blinked slowly and before he even knew what he was saying or doing, he had pushed himself closer to the warmth of Naruto. "You know Naruto; you’re beautiful when you’re angry."

Naruto could not believe what was going on. Sasuke was pressed up against him and he just told him that he was beautiful when he was angry. Any other time Naruto would have loved this, but right now he was pissed off with Sasuke for what he did. He pushed the Uchiha away from him. "What ******** are you trying to do, Teme?!" He growled out, narrowing his eyes at Sasuke.

Sasuke just smirked and grabbed him again, pushing him more roughly to the wall. "So beautiful…" He breathed as he placed kisses down the blond’s neck. Naruto winced from being painfully pinned to the wall.

"Sasuke what the hell are you doing? Let me go now!" He yelled, trying to get free. Seeing that it was not working and having no other choice, Naruto rammed his knee into Sasuke’s groining.

Sasuke fell down holding himself. "s**t Naruto, what the ******** are you doing?!" He growled out. Naruto narrowed his eyes.

"I think that’s my line, Teme. What ******** were you doing, pinning me to the ******** wall like that." He growled out running his hand over his neck were Sasuke had just kissed him.

Sasuke finally looked up at Naruto, his eyes narrowing but then realizing that he had let his body take over, which was something he should not have done. All it seemed to do was, confuse Naruto and make him even more pissed at him.

"I’m sorry." He stated softly looking at his hands. "I shouldn’t have done that. I just wanted you to listen to me."

Naruto blinked, never before had Sasuke ever said sorry to him. He sat down in front of the Uchiha. "You wanted me to listen to you? It seemed more like you wanted....." Naruto trailed off, shaking his head. "Never mind. Fine, Teme talk. I will listen." He said, still a little pissed.

Sasuke looked down and sighed softly. "Naruto about last night, me and Sakura, it was a mistake." He said looking up at Naruto, only to find the blond looking at him with a slightly pissed off look. "I really can’t explain my action. I don’t know why I did it. One minute I was helping her with the zipper and the next I was-"

"Yeah, yeah I saw!" Naruto growled out, cutting him off. Sasuke just looked at the blond.

"Naruto, I know it doesn’t excuse my actions but, please forgive me...." He pleaded, looking down.

Naruto was very confused; The Great Uchiha was asking Naruto for forgiveness, but why?

"Teme, why are you asking me to forgive you? Like I have said, it has nothing to do with me. I don’t care what you do or who you do for that matter. If anything you should be asking Lee to forgive you, for sleeping with his girlfriend!" He said looking away from Sasuke.

Sasuke looked at Naruto before casting his gaze to the floor. "Are you saying you’re not upset about that you saw?" He asked softly. Naruto look down as well.

"I won’t lie to you Sasuke; yes it hurt... and before you say anything, it was not because I still have a crush on Sakura because I don’t. I only see her as a friend now, but I’m not even sure about that. What hurt me was...." He stopped, not wanting to tell Sasuke that what hurt him the most was seeing Sasuke, his best-friend and person he loved the most in the world, having sex with someone he thought he could trust. Trust enough to share that secret crush on Sasuke with.

"I just feel betrayed mostly by Sakura but also by you." He said, still looking down. "You never once told me that you saw Sakura like that, if you would have then... I wouldn’t of...." He cut himself off again, not wanting to say that he would have never fallen in love with the Uchiha if he knew he had feelings for the pink haired kunoichi.

Tears started to descend down Naruto’s cheeks. "I... mean if I knew that you liked Sakura, I would have never thought that there may have been hope..." He said pulling his hands up to his face sobbing.

"Hope for what?" Sasuke asked, thinking he knew what Naruto was trying to say but wanting to hear it from him.

Naruto knew he was going to lose Sasuke for saying this, but he also knew that Sasuke needed to know the truth. Looking up at him, tears still falling, Naruto began to talk.
"If I would have known you like Sakura, I would have never put my hopes into thinking that you and I had at least some chance." The blonde finished in a shaky voice.

Sasuke looked at the broken boy in front of him. He reached out to the blond, but Naruto only backed away from him. "Don’t touch me! I will only start to hope again...." He said in a sob.

Sasuke growled and pulled Naruto to him, making the blond sit in his lap. "Stupid Dobe." he said keeping his arms around his best-friend. "I don’t like Sakura. Last night, you want to know who I was thinking about, who I was imagining while I was doing that to her? Who I really wanted to be doing that with? " He felt Naruto tense and try to get away, but he held him tight, while nuzzling into his neck. "I was imagining you. I love you Naruto."

Naruto gasped as he heard those words leave Sasuke’s mouth. He was shocked, he would never have though that he would be sitting on the young Uchiha’s lap, after the said young man had told him he loved him and that he was imagining him while have sex with someone.

The young blond ninja looks up at Sasuke, still unsure if he really herd what he thought he did "W-what?" He stutters out. Then he saw the smirks on Sasuke’s lips.

"I love you, Dobe." He said softly, leaning in to place a kiss on Naruto lips.

Naruto was shocked, but then images of the night before flashed throw his head and before the Uchiha could land the kiss on him, he turned away and got out of his arms.

"You love me?" Then, the rest of his words came to mind. "And you were thinking of me while having sex with Sakura… Should I feel happy about that?!" He says his anger coming back with full force.

"Because believe me I don’t… if you loved me so much you would NEVER have had sex with Sakura, Sasuke." And with that said he turns to leave only to get his hand grabbed by Sasuke and pulled back onto his lap, "Let me go Sasuke!" He growled out, trying to free his hand.

Sasuke pulled Naruto to him, placing a rough kiss on his lips trying to shut the dobe up. Naruto hadn't expected the kiss and tried pushing away from the soft warm lips. After a few minuet of the kiss, Naruto soon realized that there was no point in fighting and that he could not get Sasuke away from him. Sighing into the kiss, he let the Uchiha kiss him.

Sasuke kissed him for a few minuets and then not feeling the blonde kiss him back pull away, nuzzling into his neck "Please Naruto, I do love you. Please, I’ll do anything you want, just please forgive me. Please…" Sasuke begged.

Naruto felt him nuzzle him and felt his heart felt pleads. But what surprised Naruto the most was the wetness of the tears. Naruto was shocked by this, and didn’t quite know what to do.
"Sasuke… I need to think about this…" Naruto says softly, pulling away from him and got up leaving the room.

Sasuke watched as Naruto left; feeling very alone and knowing he had hurt the one person he loved more then anything in the world with one stupid mistake that he wished he never did.


A few days had pasted and Sasuke had not left his room in their apartment. Naruto had not come back yet and Sakura was starting to get worried. She had told Lee about the mistake and Lee, being the understand type, forgave her. Sakura was soon to be moving in with him, but she did not want to leave Sasuke a lone in the apartment.

Naruto had been staying with Tsunade for nearly a week now, he had heard that Sakura was to move out and live with Lee soon. He was happy that Sakura had such an understanding boyfriend.

However, he himself could not bring himself to forgive her and Sasuke so willingly. He knew that it was a stupid mistake, a moment of madness, but still he could not find it in himself to forgive them.

He knew he loved Sasuke, and a part of him wanted to forgive him, but a part of him was not willing to.

He sighed softly, looked down and whimpered, needing to get away he stands up and leaves the apartment telling Tsunade he was going for a walk. Tsunade sighed as she watched the young blond walk off.


As Naruto walked down that path that led him toward the Hokage cliff side, he spotted Lee sitting on the steps panting. Naruto blinked and slowly walked over to him. "Fuzzybrows!" He smile in greeting.

Lee smiled as he looks up. "Hello Naruto-kun, how are you on this beautiful day?" He asked in a happy tone. More happy then humanly possible.

Naruto shrugged. "I’ve been better." He mutters

Lee looked at Naruto sadly. He new that Naruto would still be upset from the other night. He was as well, but in the end he loved Sakura more then anything and he was not going to lose her due to a mistake that she regretted.

He smiled and placed a hand on Naruto's shoulder. "I understand how you feel." He said softly.

Naruto looked to Lee's hand then down at the ground and sighs deeply. "Lee, how could you forgive her?" He asked the older ninja. Lee sighed and leaned on the railing, looking up to the sky.

"I love her… I will forgive her anything because of that." He state softly.

Naruto looks towards him and then sighs. "I love Sasuke as well. More then anything in the world, but still I can’t seem to forgive him … does that make me a bad person?" Naruto asked in a low voice.

Lee looked down to Naruto and shakes his head as he spoke.
"No, it does not make you a bad person, it is only normal for you to be upset about this whole mess. I am too. But I knew I could not lose the person I love the most in the world, just because of a mistake that she regretted doing. Tell me Naruto-kun, are you willing to lose Sasuke over something like this… or are you willing to be the bigger man and forgive him?" He asked as he smiled at the blonde ninja.
"Well I best be going. I have to help Sakura with her stuff." With that, he waved and left Naruto to think things over.


Soon the day faded away into the darkness of night, the weather had turned from a clam night, to a violent one, making the villagers stay in doors.

In a dark cold room, in an empty apartment, the young Uchiha lay on his bed under his blue blankets. He had not eaten or slept since the last time he saw his love, Naruto. He was quite sure that he had lost the young blond ninja for good, and if he had lost him, he saw no point in living.

He felt a sharp pain go threw his stomach, for the second time in the space of five minuets. He was not dumb he knew that this was because of that fact he had not eaten in so long, but he didn't care anymore.

He rolled over on to his back, looking at the ceiling and closes his eyes, willing himself to sleep. However, sleep did not come for him for his mind was too full of thoughts and his body was in too much pain.

A few minuets later, the young boy had managed to will himself into a light sleep. As the young raven haired man slept, he was unaware of the door to his room opening slowly and the small figure that made it way over to his bed to lay down next to him.

A tanned hand moved up to the pale face and softly brushed aside the raven hair. The figure leaned in and kissed the paled skin boy softly on the lips.

Sasuke had felt someone climb into bed with him, but thought he was only imagening things. However, he could not say that it was his imagination when someone had placed their warm lip on his.

Opening his onyx eyes as the other person removed their lips from his he was shocked to see the blond haired blue eyed boy himself. "Naruto?" He whispered softly. The younger ninja smiles softly.

Sasuke look back into those beautiful angel blue eyes that belonged to the beautiful blond that he loved so much. The young Uchiha reached out his hand slowly willing this to not be a dream, as his hand lands on the soft, warm whisker marked cheek of his love. "Naruto?" he whispered.

Naruto smiled softly and pulls the broken boy to him. "I’m so sorry Sasuke." he says softly knowing he was the reason that the other boy was so broken right now.

Sasuke felt his loves warm embrace and held on to him tightly, "Naruto" he said once more, while nuzzling his neck. Then the words Naruto had said sank into him. "What are you saying sorry for?" he asked softly, looking up at his love.

Naruto smiles to him "I’m sorry for being stupid… I should of just forgiven you straight off but I was just stupid to see… that nothing and I mean that nothing is worth losing you over… it was just a stupid mistake and besides you never knew how I felt at the time…" he sighed softly, "What I mean is I forgive you. It’s the past, and we should never dwell in the past, we should only look forward to the future. That is, if you still want me..." he asked Sasuke slowly.

Sasuke blink slowly letting everything that Naruto had just said to him sink in, and smiled hugging the blond tightly. "Of course I still want you dobe." he muttered as he kissed Naruto on the neck. "I will always want you Naruto, no matter what." with that said, he kissed Naruto on the lips.

Naruto smiled into the kiss as he nipped lightly on the young Uchiha’s lips, making the older boy moan into the kiss. As he opened his mouth Naruto slowly slid his tongue into his mouth.

He slowly ran his tongue over Sasuke’s teeth and soft tongue, as if he were mapping Sasuke’s mouth. He moaned softly into Sasuke’s mouth as he savoured the taste that was simply Sasuke. Naruto ran his hands down the young Uchiha’s sides and under his shirt.

Sasuke gasped as he felt Naruto’s warm hands on his skin. Pulling away from the kiss to gain his breath, he looked up into the slightly lust filled eyes of his angel and smiled softly.

Naruto seeing Sasuke give him the smile, smiled back and leaned forward kissing along the older boys neck, making Sasuke lean his head backward to give him better access to his neck, which he took advantage of by nibbling, licking, and kissing down Sasuke neck, however he stopped when he got to the neck of the shirt Sasuke was wearing.

Sasuke looked at Naruto as he stopped kissing him and then watched as the blond smiled to him and then made him sit up, remove his shirt for him. Sasuke shivered as the coldness of the room suddenly hit him.

Naruto, seeing Sasuke shiver, chuckled lightly as he lean in kissing up his neck to his right ear and whispered huskily, "Don’t worry Sasuke, I will warm you up." he says as he nipped his ear lob, making the young Uchiha gasp.

Naruto smirked as he kissed down his neck once more, however this time he did not stop at the neckline. Instead he carried on descended with soft butterfly kisses over his shoulder and down his well toned chest.

Sasuke could feel Naruto moving down his chest toward his stomach. He had never felt anything like this before and he loved it, all he could do was run his finger throw Naruto hair and gasp in pleasure as the blond trailed sweet warm kisses over his body.

Sasuke then opened his eyes as he felt Naruto’s warm fingers on the hem of his boxers. "N-Naruto." he gasped out as he felt Naruto pull the underwear from him. Sasuke gulped not sure as to what Naruto would think of him now he was naked.

Naruto smiled, "Wow, you quite big for a b*****d." he said, joking with him seeing him tensed up. The young Uchiha narrowed his eyes and at Naruto, "Yeah well, why am I the only one naked?" he said folding his arms across his chest.

Naruto smirked and kissed him on his lips. "Because you haven’t undressed me yet." he said.

Sasuke looked a Naruto, then a smirk came to his face, "Oh, I see" he said as he pushed the blond off him and began to remove his shirt, while trailing kisses across any exposed bit of skin he could get to.

It was now Naruto turn to gasp out in pleasure, as Sasuke removed Naruto pants and boxers he looks down at the raven aired boy and smiled at Sasuke’s shocked look.

"What’s the matter teme?" he said smirking.

Sasuke looks up and glared at him, then smirk as he nips the tip of Naruto’s erection. "H-hey! Teme that hurt!" he says narrow his eyes at him. Sasuke smirks looking up at him

"Aw I’m sorry" he purred out making his way up Naruto body and kissed him " You want me to kiss it better for you?" he says pulling away from the kiss and running his fingers down Naruto well toned tanned chest.

Naruto blinked slowly letting the word sink in and looks to Sasuke in a bit of shock, Making Sasuke chuckle and kiss Naruto on the softly lips before continuing to kiss down the blond’s neck and chest.

Once Sasuke got to Naruto hip bone he planting kisses along it making the young blond jerk his hips up a little "Tsk tsk, so impatient…" he said as he held the blonde’s hips down. He then trailed kisses back up to Naruto navel, smirking as he heard a small whimper from Naruto, then making his way slowly down, to Naruto straining erection.

Naruto gasped loudly as his erection was taken into Sasuke warm wet mouth. He felt the older boy sucking on him and circling his tongue around the tip of his erection. He closed his eyes in pleasure, and thrust up into the warm mouth.

Sasuke felt Naruto thrust up into his mouth, but placed his hand on the younger boy’s hips keeping them in place. He looks up and moaned at the sight he saw before him.

Naruto had his head throw back; his neck ached upward towards the ceiling as his sweat trickling down his well toned tanned chest. The noises that were coming form the blond was making Sasuke harder then he all ready was.

He couldn’t take it anymore; he had to have the blond now.

Sasuke let Naruto’s erection slip from his mouth, making the blond moan in disappointment at the loss of the sweat warm mouth. Sasuke moved up his lovers body, and kissed him he reaching toward his bedside table into the top dour and took a hold of a small tube of lubrication that he had managed to get hold of somewhere down the line, he wasn’t to sure where he had gotten it, and right now he didn’t care.

The young blond felt Sasuke moving to the bedside draw and saw him taking a tube out of the dour, he knew that it was, but he also knew that he was not about to let Sasuke take control of this little affair.

So with that in mind the blond grabs a hold of Sasuke’s hand that had a hold of the lubrication and took it from his hand. Sasuke look into his blue eyes confused, but the blond just smirked and pushed him back onto the bed.

The young Uchiha looks up at the blond as he smile down at him, taking a hold of Sasuke erection and begins to move his hand up and down in slow but hard thrusts.

Sasuke gasped and thrust his hips upward into that warm hand. He was so engrossed in the beautiful feeling of the pleasure that Naruto was giving him, that he wasn’t even aware of what the blond ninja was doing until he felt a soft finger at his entrance.

Sasuke looked at Naruto and was about to say something, when Naruto leaned forward and silenced Sasuke with a deep lust filled kiss, as his finger enter Sasuke.

Sasuke gasped out into the kiss and winced at the feeling of the finger in him. It wasn’t as painful now that Naruto was distracting him with his soft kisses. Slowly, he lessened the grip he had on Naruto’s shoulder.

Naruto could feel Sasuke kissing him back and knowing that he was loosening up he smiled into the kiss and pulls away slipping another finger into the older raven haired boys tight hole. He felt Sasuke tighten around his fingers and sink his nail once again into his shoulder. He could feel the blood from the nail in his shoulder trickling slowly down his back.

Naruto look down at Sasuke face seeing him gritting his teeth. still looking at him he leaned down and kissed him along his neck up to his ear "I’m sorry I didn’t know you would be this tight." he whisper as he kissed Sasuke on the neck again.

Sasuke blushed after he heard these words from Naruto’s mouth; soon his blush was gone and replaced with a flush across his cheek, as Naruto thrust his two fingers into him, stretching him so the next stage would not hurt so much.

Naruto could feel that Sasuke was still a little tense as he thrust his fingers in and out of him, he pushed his finger a little deeper into Sasuke trying to find the special point inside him.

Naruto felt Sasuke tense up once again as he pushed his finger deeper into him.

Sasuke felt more pain as Naruto went deeper into him. Then he felt a feeling he had never felt before into his life as Naruto found his prostate. He gasps out and thrust more on to Naruto fingers as the blond kept hitting that spot deep within him.

Just when Sasuke felt he couldn’t take anymore the finger were removed from him, making him moan on it protest.

Naruto smiled up at him and kissed him as he lubricated his own erection up and places it at Sasuke entrance "Are you ready?" Naruto panted out, the older boy nodded and spread his leg more for him.

Naruto smiled down at him and kissed him as he thrust into his warm tight body.

Sasuke gasped out in pain as Naruto thrusts into him, his nail once again digging deep into Naruto shoulders. He bit his bottom lip drawing blood as he feels Naruto kiss down his neck "Are you alright?" Naruto pants out into his ear.

Sasuke closes his eyes tightly and nodded slowly. "Yeah…" he gasped out. "Just go slow please." he said, Naruto smiled tat him and nodded "right" he said as he thrusts into his love.

With every thrust Sasuke was pulling Naruto deeper into him until the blond ninja was hitting his prostate with ever hard deep trust. Sasuke cling to him as he felt Naruto move his hand down in between them, taking his erection and begin to thrust his hand over it.

Naruto could feel himself building to his climax and he knew that Sasuke was close as well. His head dropped to Sasuke shoulder as he thrust faster, harder and deeper into the raven haired boy.

Sasuke felt Naruto drop his head and knew that both he and Naruto was close, closing his eyes tightly he stuttered out a broken version of Naruto name as he came over both Naruto hand and his and Naruto stomachs.

Naruto felt Sasuke reach his climax and arch his body into him, he felt his body tighten around him and he bit his lip and let himself fall over the edge of pleasure calling out Sasuke name.

As they both lay there catching their breaths, Naruto still deep inside Sasuke, Sasuke runs his hand threw the blonde’s hair muttering softly "I love you Naruto"

Naruto blink and smiled at Sasuke kissing him softly "I love you too Sasuke, always" he says as he leaned down and kissed him passionately. Knowing now that he had Sasuke and Sasuke had him.

And what really mattered in the end wasn’t the happen or the past but their future together.

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