To those that may know me as a friend, I will most likely not be online on Sunday. I am scheduled to go to a visitation at a funeral home to say my last good-byes to a very old friend of mine. I am not in the best of moods.
On Friday, June 27, my lifelong friend's great-grandmother died in alheimers disease this morning at 10:00 am. She had a wonderful long life, living to be over 80 years old in her life time. She was like a grandmother to us all and very sweet and kind to whoever. She also had an addiction to cats. Her house was surrounded by cats she had saved during her lifetime.
I only wish to say my last good-byes to her before she is laid to rest and am hoping that she is in a better place than this hell hole we call Earth.
[Rest in Peace Grams. We love you -Pamela Hudson, the family, and lifelong friends]
~Lady Scissorhands [Anna]
Jasper Ceiro · Fri Jun 27, 2008 @ 08:36pm · 1 Comments |