A little whle ago I got into a fight with my cat(I know its sounds stupid, but just wait till I finish it), Her claws are like knives, she just totally ripped my right hand into shreds, the cuts look simple and unclean, but there was allot of blood, my hand was soaked in it. They're everywhere, between my fingers, in my palms on the back of my hand, on my wrists(like an EMO). I cant even but this hand into water for chris sake, she wont let me cut her knives, she resists and leaves rally bad scratches around my face and arms, all persians are psycho cats.
End of the school year was also today, my average was 4.1/5, sweet huh? Tho, I was disapointed when I heard that my class smartest have gone so under, the R class, its the toughest class in school. From C which is a discipline class and B which is a language class, R should be the highest, but I should talk, I was the one who gave R a bad name in the first place tho I left it for 2 years and now the pillars from stone have been replaced with wood and are slowly decaying. + theres some new guy there, who seemed to have entered not too soon, next year I'm going into class again, I heard allot of people have changed, well that new guy better not have taken my seat twisted .