biggrin heart ok so like im sooo freakin happy heart biggrin
heart -giggles- heart
today i thought was goin 2 b horrible bcuz innersession started 2day gonk
2 those who don't no what innersession is when da school use like da last 3 weeks of school 2 let da students earn their P.E. creds.
they do this by havin classes like hikin ,bike ridin and other things 2 pick from
well back 2 my happy story...
so da class i had went hikin n da park near our school
i wanted bike ridin but my chan forgot 2 asked da teacher 2 switch me n2 her class so thanks my sweet my chan stressed
i should of asked her myself so i can't b that mad
sorry sorry i wonderin from da story im sorry
ok on da 4 real 4 real we're back on track ok
so we went hikin i got a buddy named Alex kinda cute wink
on our way back 2 school a couple of students left da group 2 go 2 da store 4 lunch
which isn't allowed unless u have a teacher escort r get out early r whatever
so 1 of da teachers went lookin 4 them and every1 else had 2 wait at da entrance of da park lunch started already note: lunch here starts at 11:25 am ok
so after we that we walked up da hill and when 2 da cafeteria 4 lunch by that time it was 11:45
so 2 every1's surprise da lunch line was closed it was 2 late 2 git lunch
i was hungry 4 da rest of da day which sucks bcuz then my growl from hunger and i don't eat breakfast and we walked 4 like 2 hours so u git da point i was really hungry
at da end of da day like 2 hours after we found out we was late 4 lunch i was leavin school yay early dismissal
so while i was walkin toward da door somebody dressed n all black walked thru
i stopped 2 c who it was
after this person walkin passed da office i seen it was my crush from last year
he stopped and looked at me he said hi
is what i yelled as i ran n2 his arms 4 a hug
i hugged him when he hugged me back all da pain from fightin, not eatin, and walkin melted away
i was so happy 2 c him i didn't even noticed my chan walk thru da door and say hi 2 me and usually his da first person n school i say hi 2
so yeah we after we stopped huggin we talked 4 a few minutes and i left school
i no i no im puttin an entry 4 this well hopefully da feeling doesn't go away 4 da next few weeks cuz i will need it
i don't have da same feelings as i did 4 him b4 he left
it was that wit all i been thru n da pass few weeks all i really needed was a hug from a very good friend biggrin i guess
![]() angel of the knights Community Member ![]() |