Life: each breath i take adds another chain
each heart beat puts another knife through me
and with every second i cry another bullet flies in at me

[My perfect Travisty] chapter # 1 : Angel Rain |
(the year is 1963, were all in school i was once poor but am now rich because my father is going to the moon. i have always loved space, and human autonomy. the rest of you were born rich.)
"Emma, Wait ... please give me a chance, please!" Darrin shouted after her. I paused, my body froze. i turned around and faced him. "what Darrin? What do you expect from me? my forgiveness? if thats all you're wanting you can have it." I said starting away." I'm sorry i ever was your burden." "Emma just listen to me please, please listen." he said gripping my arm. "please let go of me, just let go." i rose my voice as i tried to shake his powerful grip on me. "i'll listen just please let go." i finished in a whisper. "i didn't want your forgiveness and i dont expect it nor do i deserve it. i wronged you, lied, beat you down, and am a total a*****e. i dont really even deserve life. you deserve so mush more. i cant see how you can forgive me, let alone love me..." i stopped him there putting my right index finger to his lips. "not another word." i lowered my tone." i still love you for now and i guess i am meant to or you and i wouldn't still be here talking together."I said sincerely. rain began to fall over us and i heard the bells from my mama's Cafe door open and the most beautiful tune danced out. "dance with me?" i asked him holding out my hand. Darrin gripped it in his as i pulled him out into the middle of the street, the rain falling heavily over us. "of course is all he said and at the time that was good enough for me. And there we were dancing in the middle of the street, it seemed like the most perfect moment and felt as if it would last forever thou it lasted only seconds.
[end of pg.1] [top of pg.2.]
"Emma!" my mother shouted from inside her little cafe' "get inside before you both catch cold. Emma, I don't want you to be sick the day of your debut." We stopped dancing and i briefly looked up into his eyes. "of course mother, we'll just be a second longer." i replied still staring into his beautiful eyes. He smiled shyly taking my soaked body up into his arms and carried me inside the cafe' chuckling lightly. the door slowly closed behind him as he sat me in one of the booths. My mother just smiled and walked back to the kitchen. seconds later we heard the bells of the door ring as Landon and her mother Irene walked in. Landon smiled peevishly and waved as she walked by Darrin, giving me a death stare as if i didnt deserve to even know him. "hello Landon." i said sarcastically but in a kind tone. She stuck her nose up at my attempt of kindness. "Landon be nice," Irene glanced over at me." im sorry about that Emma, is your mother busy?" she asked lifting a little question in me wondering why they were even here ... then it hit me, the debutans ball saturday night. "Mother Irene and Landon are here!" i shouted for her. "coming, coming dears." she replied walking out of the kitchen with fresh cookies and hot tea in hand.
xXMiss AsphyxiationXx · Tue Apr 15, 2008 @ 12:54am · 2 Comments |