well yesteday was my friend Jess' birthday and my friend megan and I slept over with an othetr of her friends crystal.
It was pretty cool, we went for a walk ant talked alot, her sister was there to but shes also one of my good friends.
I was writing a journal of how the day went, it was kinnda funny, one because I have super powers and 2 because of the run-away squirrel!
lol anyway the sleep over was fun and sweeny todd was amazing! we didnt get to watch alvin and the chipmunks thogh... kinnda sad... but I'll watch it eventualy!
I will always be waiting for my Skinny jean prince <3
~~ Chanteh
Psychothermic · Thu Apr 03, 2008 @ 11:49pm · 1 Comments |