Allright, so this is the first time i'll actually center my thoughts into creating a little paragraph about me and the beginning, hence i named my journal that way, reasons unknown to me. Soo...Firstly I'd gues It'd be nice to introduce myself. Well I'm Youpine. Koolest dude ever. I love coca-cola and women. I don't drink alcohol (much), nor do I smoke. I have personally nothign against any such activity, I just find it useless for excersising it myself, thus not doing them. As i do already not. What do I like to do in my life? Draw comics and such, I'd have to render...Television is something I occasionally turn on and then just leave it be in the backround. Then..Then there is the constant flow of errands my parents lay on me, that i somehow swim through...Oh and also a small part of my life is school. Trust me. Small. Part...Okay, so...I also am very good at manipulating people, my fauvorite - skinheads. They're so much fun. I once convinced this completely random skinhead into turning his jacket inside-out and wearing it, whilst also wearing my jester-joker hat and then he'd run on the street screaming nonsense. I say..Good times...Ok, so what I also used to like to do was painting and assembling minuatures, wich at what I was very good at, and right now I'm much likely to pass out from hunger, for I haven't ate for two days out of complete lazyness and not the lack of funds, so if you'll excuse me, i'll pop outside and raid the nearest store. 'Nuff said.
Youpine · Sat Mar 29, 2008 @ 10:16pm · 0 Comments |