I Have no Idea whats going on anymore. My life has been so weird for the past few months. I have No idea whats going on in my head. I doubt People will even read this... I dunno why but even with me getting back with my Ex Boy friend, im really depressed and out of tune with the world. I have So much to do, but im not doing it.
Sometime before Aug 19th ish, im suppost have the gastric Bypass surgery where they make your stomache the size of a baseball. Regular size is that of an american football. Both my mother and aunt had it and they both lose about 100 pounds each, my mom more. I guess It'll be fun, being skinny and being able to shop for clothes in regualr stores and not having to go into theplus size section or have to go to the fat people store. Aug 18th im having all my wisdom teeth pulled.
My To Do List for art has gotten a bit smaller. 1. Kagome_242 (i think) CG Headshot I need her to reply to my PM. 2. Random Freebie 3. I need to bump Ginrums Quest. 4. To see if i can get someone to artwhore for me. 5. Bump in my shop/quest/frebies thread 6. More random thingys
but frist on my list is to draw a bump picture for myself. Anyway, yah...
Shagami · Thu Jul 21, 2005 @ 01:32am · 3 Comments |