Each and Every day gets more and more stressful, my friends always think im happy and hyper and crap but at least they dont know the truth...I just want to disapear. It just seems like people ignore me and when they do notice me they just glare at me with eyes full of hate. They think just because i'm different they can tease my and s**t! I'm sick of it! My friends dont see my pain only a fake smile. I feel bad for not telling them i feel like s**t. but then again, i dont want them to treat my like i'm sad and hug me and crap. so i have no clue what to do. It seems like one of my friends if thats what you call her, hates my guts and pretends to like me its just s**t! i hate it! And now my friend on gaia is all down and crap, she broke up with her bf today. So I tried to cheer her up and she spazed, she said sorry though. but i feel like she was just saying i was an awesome friend because she felt bad...and i have a stupid feeling still i still feel s**t but instead of a piece i feel like a pile. It sux, my friend told me just to let it out and cry, but my parents are home...i cant cry if i dont know what i am crying about! i have no clue why i feel like this i just do! I hate it! i just want to disapear so bad today! just so no one could see me like any other day just pass me by in the hall and glare at me. with their eyes full of hate. its creepy. And i feel like im losing one of my closest friends to a person i really dont like anymore. I thurts...is this really what its like to feel pain? to feel lonely? to feel hated? to feel...like s**t? if this isnt real pain then i dont know if i can handle the real stuff yet. i just need help, advice...i need to cry. but i...i'm afraid too. i dont want to lose my friends, i dont want to lose anything, please just for one day do i want to disapear...please....just disapear......