yesterday rocked. me and jess were at the carnival thingy for like 8 hours. we didn't get home till 1 in the morning. i love being out at night. there was this cheezy haunted house ride, me and jessica went in a second time and were pretending to be freaked out and started to scream for no apparent reason. we rode bumper cars, scrambler, and that flying thingy a whole bunch of times.( which wasn't easy cuz we both wore shirts! luckily mine was longer) she could NEVER get me on that samuri. i would die on that ride. we also played games and got all these prizes. there was this awesome guy with a mowhawk, and i wanted to touch it real bad! then there was another guy there with a sad attemp of a mowhawk. well that's about it. bye everyone. <3
-Edit- i need to get 1,500 gold...for a skirt. grr i only have 605 right now.
- Editx2!!- now i have 962, yay.
Tasteslikecandy 23 · Sun Jul 03, 2005 @ 01:15pm · 0 Comments |