Yesterday, I spent the day in Nashville at the opryland mall. I went with my friend Billie from work, and three of her friends. Essentially everyone was christmas shopping for their loved ones. Since I really have no family to give gifts to down here. I didn't purchase anything, I was just along for the company. I'm not really going to get gifts for my family until I'm able to give it to them in person.
So I'm pretty much not celebrating on christmas this year. It's cool I guess. Anyways, at the mall we mostly walked around and talked. Lot's of joking and all that. But we really didn't do much story worthy.
Well, we all crowded in an arcade game for the crazyness of it. Oh, and all into a photobooth to take a group picture. Of course I don't have a copy of that, but I'm supposed to have it sent to me.
Speaking of pictures I do have a few to share.

Here's billie and myself, the general theme of all our pictures was to make weird faces. I think I did a good job of having a weird look on my face the entire time.

From left to right, it's Jordan one of Billies friends, myself and Billie.

Here's a picture of jordan and myself. Please note Jacob. YOU HAVE NOT BEEN REPLACED.

Left to right again is Billie, her friend Megan, and and... oh golly what was her name! crying

Another picture of them, but with lesbian love.

Jordan with a giant bra.

And finally megan and myself.
Over all it was a good time. I'm supposed to hang out with them some more. So I'll be sure to write about it. If well, anything journal worthy happens. Oh, and speaking of christmas. I am infact going to have an incridebly small pathetic tree. It was forced upon me by billie. So I've begun decorating it to fit my mood this holiday season. I'll post a picture once I've finished.

Ok, theres the start of my tree. That's not finished, I'll post a new one if I do anything else to it later.
~DJ Bothwell
XDvandalDJ · Thu Dec 20, 2007 @ 06:15pm · 2 Comments |