An Ode... For trusting... |
I hate the way I sit here, every single night, I hate the way I think, and can't get you out of my mind, I hate the way I stare, at the phone for hours, Waiting on a call, that I know will never come,
I hate the way I'm so gullible, to think it was actually true, I hate the way I did all those things, that I couldn't help to prevent, I hate the way I clung to you, and eventually pushed you away, Working at such haste, with something that was already bruised,
I hate the way that I love you, and I can't get you out of my mind, I hate the fact that I'm writing this ode, that puts us even more out of line, I hate the fact that I wait around for you, and I swore never to give up, The way I say the wrong things, and don't know how to put my feelings into words,
I hate the fact I'm so far away, or that I'm not of proper age, I hate the fact that you'll read this, and probably misinterpret everything I say, I hate the reason you might not even ever read it at all, The way I used you for my inspiration, when I knew it wouldn't last,
I hate the way I always defended you, even against my friends, I hate that I made promises, you knew that would end, I hate the way you promised the same, and acused me of so many things, The way you couldn't understand me, and claim you had figured me out,
But most of all I think, as I rant on this little bit, I hate the way I cry myself to sleep at night, and want to take back all I said, I know in the end this bit of writing will never help, it will make a deeper hole in the ground, and become a bottomless pit. I hate the way I used to imagine, all the great things that could happen, That everything would be totally happy, and we could live through whatever happened, I don't know the outcome of this, but it's stabbingly unfair, I hate the way I'm so trusting, then again not trusting at all, If I could have done that, maybe everything would have been okay... Then again... It may have ended, anway.
I think... I think I give up... Unless I'm proven otherwise...
Kitteh Spoon · Sun Dec 16, 2007 @ 07:39pm · 1 Comments |