okay my life isn't that crappy
just when ithought nothing could get wrost something did. but now with my lucky penny (i really don't believe in it, well okay sometimes) i have a app. to work at school found a prob. before i started my fasa (i don't know how to spell it) and got money from my uncle. and something i really didn't want is here and its kind of good cuz i thought i was sick. i really could sit here and type out all the bad, but it would take for ever but i thank god, yes i said i thank god that i'm still alive bno harm has come to me that i'm safe. and that i have a great family okay maybe there a little crazy but i'm crazy with them. razz this is my happy endiong right now. next month that will be a different story maybe. but till then i'm look to the sky with all my dreams that its filled with. and maybe, just maybe i reach one of them. blaugh heart blaugh heart