this whole week ive been having ******** weird dreams, unfortunately, i can only remember two of them.. the first one kept skipping around to different places, but i kept seeing this guy i've seen around school. at the end, my parents were gone and i was having a party at my house and there were people everywhere, he was there, and there were people i havent talked to or even seen in years.i went outside and my backyard was huge. the kids were playing with bebe guns. everyone was using them like paintballs. i grabbed a gun and shot a kid beneath the steps several times in the head, he finally told me to stop it. i went down the steps and started shooting kids as i went but was finally shot down by a group of guys. then i wandered back inside. anyway, this actually reminds me of a dream i had a while ago. i was in my house but it was turned into a kind of shrine of sorts. outside in our garden there was a deep pond and three trees on the edge. there was a lot of attraction to it because there was some sort of tradition connected to it and three girls were connected to the three trees and each year one of the girls was chosen as the shrine maiden or some such thing. anyway, one of my cousins and I were chosen to be the tree girls and eventually my cousin won and she gained many admirers and offers of marriage. there had been a boy who had wanted to marry me, and a** i ran away in disappointment and shame he cried out after me that it didnt matter and he still loved me. i couldnt look at him.i dont know if you can understand it, but think of the honor of being the "shrine maiden" or whatever the hell it was as something you were raised to greatly admire and strive to become, then picture yourself almost gaining that honor only to have it snatched away by someone you love. The feelings were overwhelming even if it was only in a the end i calmed down and went inside, my house was completely different on the inside, there was a long room with a long table in it. each seat was likea step and the table was slanted so that people at one end of the table were a lot higher up than the people on the other side. there were so many people and the food was amazing, food spanned the whole table and there were roasted birds and beasts and stuffed mushrooms and soups and fruits and just so much i cant even begin to explain. at the end i realized the boy wasnt there and went to look for him in fear that something would happen to him and then i woke up.. the other dream i had this week was mostly spent in a vetinary clinic.i was eating these things that looked like Smacks but they werent and although they tasted good i found out halfway through what i was eating and couldnt stomach anymore.the cerial was made of smushed ticks and dog warts and scabs. xp it was horribly disgusting. at the end of the dream, it became animated and a very aztec-looking pregnant woman appeared. she was very beautiful and silent. all of the people in my dream were attracted to her, both men and women, and they all went into a back room in the house we were now in and although i woke up at that moment i had a pretty good idea about what exactly was about to go on.yah, so those were the dreams i remember from this week. there was another one but all i remember from it was walking through a misty setting that alternated between a forest deep green and silent and a long dark hallway that i could see into though without light. i was searching for something, but i don't know what it was. but a previous dream leaads me to believe it was a man. right before the fream started while i was in that space between slumber and waking, i had the sudden feeling that i was being embraced and a man's voice whispering into my ear. so until next time, my non-existant audience.