Shifting Slayer, Blood Moon 0.3 |
Chapter 3
Beware the Full Moon and the Necromancer Arrives
Fuming, I stormed out of my room, my pupils becoming slits. The edge of my vision became red with black wisps and I saw light blue paw prints on the floor. They led to the bathroom, down the hall.
Kyuu had discovered a second bathroom and fixed it up. He kept saying things like "going through a lady's room to get to the bathroom is unmannerly". Of course, I would then correct him, telling him that I wasn't a lady, but more of a menace to society, or something of that nature. So basically, the boys had their own bathroom to share.
Anyways, I followed the paw prints into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind me. The shower curtain was drawn and I could hear Kyuu breathing. I pulled the curtain back and smiled sweetly, my eyes returning to normal. Kyuu was curled up in the tub, looking up at me.
I reached down and took off the colla, causing Kyuu to return to his more human form. And he was completely naked. After blinking for a few seconds, he tried to cover himself up, relizing he was naked in front of me.
"Huh? What? Eve, what's go---?" he started saying.
And I had turned the shower on.
And the water was freezing cold.
I phased through the door and left, smirking as I heard a loud yowl.
I went to the kitchen, and made myself some toast, scrambled eggs, and bacon.
Then I made pancakes and sausage, setting it on the table, along with butter and other things, just as Kyuu burst into the room.
"What was that all about? Why'd ya turn the shower on freezing? And how did---?"
"Were you aware that you were a fox earlier?" I interrupted Kyuu's rant.
"Wait, I was a fox?" he asked, giving a very confused look.
"What's the last thing you remember?" I asked as he put a finger on his chin, thinking.
"Um, I remember showing Misutishizumu around, you saying good-night to us in my boxers, um... saying good-night to Misutishizumu, and then falling asleep in bed. Other than that, the next thing I remember is standing in the shower with you smiling and then turning on the water..." Kyuu said, after a few moments of silence.
Misutishizumu stepped into the kitchen, yawning as he rubbed his eye. He was still dressed in his pajamas. Kyuu was only wearing a pair of jeans with holes in the knees. "What's going on?" he asked, yawning again.
My ears twitched and I walked out of the kitchen and to my room, both boys following me.
I opened the doors and placed my hands on my hips.
"Nana, just what do you think you're doing?" I asked, glaring at the figure on my bed.
Sparkling green eyes turned to look at me. "Just having some fun! I didn't know you were one for roommates, Eve-chan." the woman snickered.
She had purple hair that was up in a ponytail, green eyes, and pale skin. She was wearing a silver one strap top, dark blue jeans, a red belt, and brown boots. She had a brown messenger bag, a gray, almost silver, cape with tattered edges, a skull pin in her hair, and she carried a dark green book. She had red tribal tattoes on her arms and midriff from what little skin I could see.
"Yes, I like having company. And you shouldn't be pranking the boys." I scolded her.
"Yes, ma'am. Sorry ma'am. Won't happen again ma'am." Nana chuckled.
"Where's Rose?" I asked.
"By the door." Nana answered, motioning to the door.
Kyuu and Misutishizumu blink before turning to the door. I smile at the figure sitting there quitely. "Hello, Rose."
The girl nodded, staying silent, her red eyes watching everything.
"What is going on?!" Kyuu cried out.
"She's a doll..." murmured Misutishizumu, his eyes still watching Rose.
"Kyuu-kun, Misu-kun, meet Nana-chan, a master necromancer, and Rose-chan, one of her best friends and greatest achievements." I said, motioning to each of them.
"Hello, boys!" Nana chirped.
They nodded at her. Misutishizumu narrowed his eyes at Nana.
After a moment of silence, Misutishizumu gasped, pointing at Nana.
"You're Nana Esquire, Apprentice to Markl Devokoin, the Royal Chambers Official Necromancer. You have a bounty of a million rubens on your head."
"Correctamundo!" Nana laughed.
"What? Who?" Kyuu asked, his ears going back in his confusion, looking at Nana.
"Lady Esquire was training under Lord Devokoin to take her place as the next Royal Chambers Official Necromancer, when her best friend, some girl, ended up being killed by a Tainted. Lady Esquire then locked herself away for weeks, trying to bring her friend back. She succeded in bringing back her friend's soul and sealed it in a special doll, made by Tainteds. Her achievement was soon discovered and the Parliament of Courts wanted to take the doll for experimentation to see if other souls could be brought back, but Lady Esquire took her friend and ran. She was deemed a criminal, for interfereing with the Parliament of Courts' research. Nobody's seen or heard from her for years." Misutishizumu explained.
"My friend you are talking about is Rose-chan." Nana said, a small smile on her face.
"Well, Nana-chan, this is Kyuu Kazama, a half kitsune, and this is Misutishizumu, a Tainted." I told her, pointing at the boys in turn.
Nana nodded. Misutishizumu started panicing.
"Is she going to stay? What if bounty hunters come? We could be killed! We'd be branded as criminals! The Royal Chambers wouldn't rest until we're all dead! We'd be--"
I slapped him.
"Misu-kun, relax. You've been with me and I'm higher up on the criminal list than Nana-chan. If we haven't been found by now, we won't be found at all. Besides, we have the skills to protect ourselves if we are found. So just chill, okay?"
"Wait...You're a criminal Eve? What'd you do?" Kyuu asked, his ears perking in interest.
Misutishizumu blinked as he raised his hand to his now red cheek. He blinked again before asking, "Who exactly are you?"
"Yes, I'm a criminal. As for what I did, I'm not telling." I said, smiling with my arms crossed.
Silence settled over the room for a while.
"Akward!" Nana sang out.
Rose giggled quietly, and Nana flashed a proud smile.
Rose tended to be really quiet and it took a lot to make her laugh or smile.
"Oh and Eve-chan!! Don't forget there's a full moon tonight!!" Nana chirped.
"Ugh. I dun wanna work tonight!!!" I whined. Kyuu just blinked, his shoulders drooped, and he turned to leave.
"Since I'm just gonna be even more confused than I am if I stay any longer, I'm gonna leave now. 'Sides, I haven't had breakfast yet. Misu, why don't you come too?" Kyuu said over his shoulder as he left. After a few seconds, Misutishizumu turned to follow him.
"Oh, whatever. It still sucks that I have to work." I whined.
"I'll come and help out!" Nana exclaimed, jumping off my bed and pumping her fist into the air.
"Okay." I smiled.
---Later that night---
I stood outside, at the edge of the ruins, waiting for Nana. I was all suited up for my line of work. That's saying it nicely...
I was wearing my black ankle boots, black jeans, my crisscross lunar belt, my lunar sleevless top with matching blacck crescent earrings, my moonlight arm gloves, and ending with my dashing black sunglasses. My scythe was in my hand.
I turned to see Nana running towards me. She stopped at my side and bent over, her hands on her knees, panting. "Sorry I'm late." she gasped out. I grinned.
"No sweat!"
She grinned back at me. She's wearing her skin-tight black long sleeved shirt underneath an acid green wrap top, black stockings under matching green pants that are cut open to expose her outer thighs, a white leather belt, green boots, a cross choker, and her silver earrings. She had her green genie headpiece on, and had brought her old machete and alchemic staff with her.
"Shall we go?" I asked.
"Certainly!" Nana answers me.
---Sometime after midnight---
Nana and I slowly walked back to the church. We had blood splattered on out clothing and weapons, as well as ourselves.
"Well that was fun." Nana drawled. I smirked. We're only a few yards away from the front doors of the church when a loud cracking sound splits through the night.
Misutishizumu comes flying out of the church, the doors breaking into tiny pieces. "Misu-kun!" Nana and I say at the same time. He looked slightly different.
He had changed into a black long sleeved shirt, black pants with holes in the knees, bandages on his hands, and black boots. But what go us was that he had frost-like snowflake wings, a long blue dragon tail with a matching flame on the end, pointed ears, horns, and an icy sword.
Blood now poured down the side of his face, and several other bad gashes could be seen on his body. He was breathing, but I think he was unconscious. Nana gasped next to me as Kyuu was thrown from the doorway, next to Misutishizumu, except he had a sword going throught his stomach. He began to gag on the blood in his mouth.
A girl's scream made us turn back towards the church while Nana went to Kyuu's and Misutishizumu's sides. As she started to tend to their wounds, I shot off towards the church interior, passing by rooms as a blur.
I stopped at the living room.
There, amongst the furniture, was a cloaked figure. Unconscious against the wall, was Rose. I stepped towards her, the figure watching me all the while. Crouching down, I managed to get Rose to wake up.
"W-What?" she stuttered, her eyes going wide at the figure.
"Get outside, Rose. Nana's out there with Kyuu and Misutishizumu." I told her.
She nodded and left the room quickly.
'I've been wondering where you've been hiding. Master sends his regards.'
"How did you find me?"
'One of the local gangs had a little uprising when one of their Tainteds turned traitor. A snitch that was trailing it said something about you.'
"So have you come here just for me? Or for the others?"
'Master has taken an interest in your... comrades. Now why don't you come back like a good little pet?'
"Over my dead body."
Silence passed by for a few moments. And then...
The figure struck...
TBC... ------------
 Nana's outfit when she's first met
 Misutishizumu's Full Moon Dragon form
 Eve's work outfit
 Nana's work outfit
Doodle_Neko · Thu Nov 08, 2007 @ 05:58pm · 0 Comments |