Stupid and cowardly by nature, goblins thrive only in large numbers. They live, fight and hunt in big, organized groups. Though their sense of strategy is nonexistent, beware any battle with these nasty beasts. Goblins do not fight fairly and will resort to diry tricks and ambushes-anything that will bring an end to their enemy. You can easily outsmart smaller squadrons of goblins with a simple spell. A larger group is more difficult. But if you do manage to turn the battle against them, they will not hesitate to run.
Goblins society does maintain a srtict structure. Goblin warriors fall into bands about forty, ruled by a single leader. Squardron leaders all report to a chief, who in turn answers to the Goblin King. Kings rise to power based on strength and intelligence, not heredity. In some cases, members of related but more intellegent species-such as hobgoblins or bugbears-will rules a goblin trible or work closely with a goblin king.
Not ALL goblins live up to their kind's nasty reputation, though. Some are curious and very intellegent, strifing out on its own to learn what it can about the world on their own.
Maximum Height: 3 to 3 1/2 feet tall
Maximum Weight: 40 to 45 pounds
Habitat: Typically inderground or in ruined cities
Society: Tribe
Diet: Any creature from rats to humans. However, they eat very little and infrequently
Language: Goblin, and for some above-average intelligent goblins, Common
Attack Methods: Ambush
Best Defense: Find a narrow bottleneck, so they have to come at you one at a time