There is no flying fiend more majestic than the griffon. Part lion, part eagle, it is a fierce hunter who will stop at nothing to secure its prey. Griffons prefer to dine of horses and other horselike beasts, but they have been known to attack riders and anything that stands between them and their future meals.
Like it cousin the lion, a griffon lives in a group called a pride. Each pride contains several mated pairs, some griffon fledglings, and a strong male leader. The pride inhabits shallow caves near each other on a rocky cliff.
One CAN train a griffon as a mount. If properly trained, a griffon will fight to the death to protect its rider. Only griffons younger than three years old respond to human guidance; it is best to secure one before they've fled the nest. The task must be undertaken with extreme caution. Griffons are intelligent like a human when it matures, which is around four years of age or so.
Maximum Height: 5 feet at the shoulder
Maximum Weight: About 500 pounds
Habitat: Rocky caves near plains
Society: Prides
Diet: Horses and their kin-pegasi, unicorns, ect.
Language: Understands Common but cannot speak it
Attack Methods: Prefer to pounce
Best Defense: Lasso it or cast a net over it, so it has to come to ground and stay in one place
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~[u:e77c6d7cee]Married to The Dapper Changeling[/u:e77c6d7cee][/color:e77c6d7cee]~
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[b:e77c6d7cee]Censorship is the Child of Fear[/color:e77c6d7cee] and the Father of Ignorance[/color:e77c6d7cee].[/b:e77c6d7cee]
[b:e77c6d7cee]Been a Gaian Member Since[/b:e77c6d7cee]
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[b:e77c6d7cee]Censorship is the Child of Fear[/color:e77c6d7cee] and the Father of Ignorance[/color:e77c6d7cee].[/b:e77c6d7cee]