Hypocrisy as Arrogant Duplicity
I will always find it amazing that folks will and do have double standards, though I find it more stunning when they decide to project those failings of their humanity onto me.
In the last 48 hours I've dismissed a girl I would've dated for it, and then just deleted someone from my Internet associations for the same behaviors.
The girl that I dismissed complained about a man she was dating whom - while they were out - stated, "oh that girl wants me, oh that girl is checking me out" and so forth, and then the very next day, she herself did the same thing. Verbatim. "Oh this guy gave me a compliment and that guy is interested in me" and I wasn't offended in all truth as I'm not so insecure for one reason, and in the matter of common sense, she is attractive, so of course [more...]
ARCHIMONDE REX · Sun Aug 12, 2007 @ 01:56pm · 0 Comments |