Name:Giro Rassh
Age: 18
Appearance sad Clothes)Wears Dark blue long shorts A silk button up shirt and a ruffled dress shirt and Dark brown boots (Body)A little on the lean side very nimble and agile very strong for such a small frame (Body diff.)Being so light on his feet he is a great for recon or stealth also seems to have very acute hearing (Accessories)A neklace with a dimond shaped like a wing carries a bag where he keeps his supplies and findings
Personality:Acts like a funloving guy and very care free but when he thinks something is sirious he becomes ferice and a little cold.He thinks if more people where good the world would be better he is easily minipulated and very trusting but if he finds any source of evil he willl do every ting in his power to destroy or subdue it.He chooses The magic of the green moon over all others but also likes the power of the purple moon.He is also very strong willed,virtuious,and curageous.
History:As a yong boy did what was right at all cost as he got older he began to travel the world in serch of other good people to make a traveling group of people who do good things so he bought a ship some wepons and supplies as he traveled he saw much evil and he began to wonder if he could assemble his crew he soon meet with a girl who was very kind she and him began travaling together.One night he heard a scream when he got up Reign was gone.When she was gone he was crush and then shunned the world when he left his ship three years had passed he decided it was time to make the crew he had always dreamed of.
Weapon sad Main)He carries a large battle spear that radiates when he fights he is very adept with it (Secondary)Two spiked tonfas he always carries by his side
Additional Info:He is very good with machienes,repairs, and upgrades and likes to teach other people he is very educated in history,science,and physics.
Almighty Words · Thu May 12, 2005 @ 02:20am · 0 Comments |