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View User's Journal

who cares!!
Girl Language
1)If i dont call you: It's because I'm waiting for you to call me.

2)When I walk away from you mad: Follow me.

3)When I stare at your mouth: Kiss me.

4)When I push you or hit you: Grab me and dont let go.

5)When I start cussing at you: Kiss me and tell me you love me.

6)When I'm quiet: Ask me what's wrong.

7)When I ignore you: Give me your attention.

cool When I pull away: Pull me back.

9)When you see me at my worst: Tell me I'm beautiful.

10)When you see me start crying: Hold me and tell me everything will be alright.

11)When you see me walking: Sneak up and hug my waist from behind.

12)When I'm scared: Protect me.

13)When I lay my head on your shoulder: Tilt my head up and kiss me.

14)When I grab at your hands: Hold mine and play with my fingers.

15)When I tease you: Tease me back and make me laugh.

16)When I don't answer for a long time: Reassure me that everything is okay.

17)When I look at you with doubt: Back yourself up.

1 cool When I say that I love you: I really do more than you could understand.

19)When I bump into you: Bump back into me and make me laugh.

20)When I tell you a secret: Keep it safe and untold.

21)When I look at you in your eyes: Don't look away until I do.

22)When I miss you: I'm hurting inside.

23)When you break my heart: The pain never really goes away.

24)When i say its over: I still want you to be mine.

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Ordinary Disaster
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Aug 06, 2007 @ 02:28pm
lol would u believe i knew more then half of this alrdy somehow

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