Well my vacation back at home is almost over... Once that happens I go back to my vocation school, And back to the drama -_-. I love being able to get a second chance at finishing my basic education and going off to college but I never realized that some people could be so..... rude. About half the population at this school has some sort of attitude problem or refuses to give anyone at all respect. Guess thats what the real world is like these days...
Well I should stop my complaning and move on to better thoughts. Im having fun here at home even though I could be doing more active things then sitting on my a** playing games all day. Maybe get out and move or something. It gets boring after a while when you sit here for a whole day doing nothing but play games on a computer.
Anyways its like 4am here and im tired. Maybe I will write more later when I get some more positive thoughts to put in here.
Until then, Take care.
"As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I have no fear because I am the meanest ******** in the whole valley"
-DeathlyDan · Tue Jul 10, 2007 @ 11:50am · 0 Comments |