Total Value: 204,915 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Female Underwear
Female Bra
Mythic Hair
Western Zodiac
Spirit Falcon
Elegant Veil
Elegant Veil
Gift of the Goddess
Lunar Cloak
Lunar Scythe
When I saw the new bow and arrow collectible, I compounded that with the spirit falcon from a couple of months ago, and thought: "Diana." The rest of it was sort of spur-of-the-moment. I just kept going with the moon motif, and look where it got me! Admittedly, I had a devil of a time coming up with her actual clothes, as some stories have her hunting naked, which I doubt our admins would approve of. But I think I did OK, seeing as how there's no deer item on Gaia, and giving her antlers would've looked a little silly, as well as mixing my deities.