She might have killed many people but for good and revenge of what they done to her in the past they tried to have her killed when she was little by burning her hole body but now shes a little pink. except the rest of her face wich is covered by her scarf. She only kills people that are trying to kill someone or who tried to kill her. She kills her victums by her dark stars striking with her perfect aim with her red eyes that can see like a eagle. If they try to run she grabs her chain and trys to whip them. If it wasn't for her the peson that the other person tried to kill would have been dead when the person is ok they always run but before they run they always ask her whats your name? She answers I have no name I have no such thing my parents were killed before they can name me. But I don't want a name I don't need it. Thats why they call her the mystery girl. Then she jumps as fast as lighting on the roof of a building or on her telephone perch and waits. For her next victum. Or the next person that she saves.