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Heather's Random Babbles
There might be songs, poems, or random comments in this journal. Reader digression...
Untitled Lyrics
Bored as hell, wasting time
Any longer I'll lose my mind
Sitting here way too long
In my head is stuck this song

My butt is numb and I'm getting tired
Drank a gatorade now I'm wired
Wonder when this class will end
Too pass the time, some rules I'll bend


Man school sucks
I just wanna go home
Where I can eat and sleep
Whenever I want to...

Where I can rock out, scream out
Sing if I want to...

Where I can be weird and crazy
Just cause I want to...

No limits, just me being me
Cause I want to...

Damn, sent to the office, now I'm
I should've thrown the paper instead
I threw a pen so now I'm screwed
The secretary here is mean and shrewd

My teacher just had to throw a fit
Cause it was him I acc1dently hit
He wouldn't have minded if I hit the kid
But no he had to flip his lid


Suspended for a week, go figure
This is a punishment? Are they sure?
All of this for a lousy pen
Hah, and they were pushing for ten!

This is messed up, ******** up, screwed up
I don't wanna deal with this
Now I'm pissed off, ticked off
Already sick of this!


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Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri May 25, 2007 @ 11:07pm
That's so true,and really good. I wish I could write poetry like that, but I'm in a ******** writers block and All I can seem to write is love poems to a guy im never going to let read them. Any way check mine out some time if you would like to read some more tell me i'll post them up but I don't think there very good. PROPS TO YA!!! YAAAAAAAA BOIIIIIIIIIII!!!! lolz

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