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ok..since november..moday..(i forget the date! but it was started siince monday when the month november starts.* .. ok.. since at morning i went 2 school my teacher said that the three of my classmates are going 2 the office at 10:00 a.m( our classrom is full of girls..coz were separated from the boys)..so...i went 2 the office at 10:00 o clock coz my 2 classmates where absent thou..then i heard that i should stop going 2 school coz...i've been drop out..because my papers from the philippines was not been given 2 the UAE Embasy..(im a filipino that i already live at UAE <span class="smilies smilies_xd"> <b>xd</b> </span> wink but i didnt cry i just got seriuos...(why the hell should i cry!) so i went back 2 the classroom and say this 2 my seatmates..(its our group coz we've been group into 8.. coz most of us are 40! or 41? or 42!)..then.. the following day i texted my classmate that was been drop out 2..but then i heard that they've been given one chance! (thats only for one month!) but the both of them whre given a chance! hays..so unfair! so thats all my house is like a prison and i never go out! haha just sometimes! <span class="smilies smilies_xd"> <b>xd</b> </span> | |||