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  • User Comments: [197] Viewing page 2 of 4 · Goto Page: « 1 2 3 4 »  [add]
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Sat Apr 28, 2007 @ 06:36pm
    What Plushie WOuld You like? i would like a Gwee or CoCo
    Why should you have it? Because i spennt all day trying to get a mounthly colectible and i couldn't get it so...
    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive? Totaly!
    How much gold do you have? 3351 redface
    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest? Yup ill do anything to help my fellow Gaian!

    commentCommented on: Sat Apr 28, 2007 @ 06:50pm
    What Plushie WOuld You like? pixie/coco
    Why should you have it? because i will donate to you and i will stay and chat
    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive? yep
    How much gold do you have? 782
    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest? gewdluck!!

    Community Member
    Raspberry Smoothie
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Sat Apr 28, 2007 @ 06:55pm
    What Plushie Would You Like? KiKi
    Will you Stay And Keep the thread Alive? Yes I will ^-^
    What else would you Like to say? [Specific Answer. Read Rules #12] Good luck on your quest!
    What do you enjoy Doing? Listening to music and dancing!
    How much gold do you have? 3726

    commentCommented on: Sat Apr 28, 2007 @ 11:22pm
    What Plushie WOuld You like? Coco
    Why should you have it? Because me unlike many people, will keep it and love it. A lot of people might just get it, and sell it, i will love and care for a plushie..Plus, in my old account, i had finally gotten a coco, and my friend got a hold of my password, that doesnt matter, but you can see how upset i muct be after that, she sold my coco.
    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive? yesss
    How much gold do you have? 700
    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest?yess, i will donate 500 gold and that will be a big help i hope towards the quest 4laugh

    Community Member
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Sat Apr 28, 2007 @ 11:24pm
    What Plushie WOuld You like? Coco
    Why should you have it? Because me unlike many people, will keep it and love it. A lot of people might just get it, and sell it, i will love and care for a plushie..Plus, in my old account, i had finally gotten a coco, and my friend got a hold of my password, that doesnt matter, but you can see how upset i muct be after that, she sold my coco.
    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive? yesss
    How much gold do you have? 700
    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest?yess, i will donate 500 gold and that will be a big help i hope towards the quest 4laugh

    commentCommented on: Sat Apr 28, 2007 @ 11:35pm
    What Plushie WOuld You like?coco kitty
    Why should you have it?i try to help other gaians and i need help too
    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive?being a avid poster
    How much gold do you have?487 gold
    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest?yes i did

    Community Member
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Sun Apr 29, 2007 @ 01:04am
    What Plushie WOuld You like? Coco kitty
    Why should you have it? i should have it becuz it would look great on my avy and ill name it after u ^_________^
    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive? sure
    How much gold do you have? 5k
    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest? Yep GOOD LUCK ON UR QUEST

    commentCommented on: Sun Apr 29, 2007 @ 01:14am
    What Plushie WOuld You like? coco
    Why should you have it?to make my dream avi even cooler
    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive? when i have the time
    How much gold do you have?13900 gor my next dream avi
    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest? best of luck i would donate if my quest didn't cost that much

    Community Member
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Sun Apr 29, 2007 @ 04:59am
    What Plushie WOuld You like? Coco
    Why should you have it? I've been wanting it since I first started on Gaia, but I've been donating/buying other things to even try to save up for it.
    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive? Yuppers!
    How much gold do you have? 46,288 for an item I'm questing
    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest? Good luck!

    commentCommented on: Sun Apr 29, 2007 @ 05:07am
    What Plushie WOuld You like?: Coco or Kiki
    Why should you have it?: I've been wanting both and Ive been saving up but the prices are always been going up
    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive?: Most likely
    How much gold do you have?: 4,500 <_<
    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest?: Yes, good luck dear <3

    C o w b o y P e e p
    Community Member
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Sun Apr 29, 2007 @ 01:25pm
    What Plushie WOuld You like? Kiki
    Why should you have it? I have donated to a lot of other users.
    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive? I will try.
    How much gold do you have? 4000
    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest? Of course! 3nodding

    commentCommented on: Sun Apr 29, 2007 @ 03:51pm
    What Plushie WOuld You like?coco kitty
    Why should you have it?It was my b-day and i donated over 10k and never got anything for my b-day
    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive?Yes i'll try very hard
    How much gold do you have?4k
    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest?Yes very much

    Community Member
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Mon Apr 30, 2007 @ 12:42am
    What Plushie WOuld You like? Kiki Kitty or Pandy Pack
    Why should you have it? I worked very hard to help my friend quest for her coco and I gave her a lot of my gold for her quest. I have helped many others on their quests as well.
    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive? Of course, I subscribed!
    How much gold do you have? 38300
    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest?Of Course, Ill help if you would like. :3

    commentCommented on: Mon Apr 30, 2007 @ 12:46am
    What Plushie WOuld You like?CoCo, Mochi, Pandy pack, Yeti, or Shadow spirit you pick, i cant decide
    Why should you have it? i dont have 1 plushie and i really want one
    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive? of couse i subscribed
    How much gold do you have? 6127
    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest?yes and i hope all these plushies find good homes

    My Chemical Waffle
    Community Member
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Mon Apr 30, 2007 @ 01:49am
    What Plushie WOuld You like? Gwee or Shadow Spirit
    Why should you have it? Because I would love to have either of thoes. Also I woudn't sell either of them because I love them to much. ^.^
    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive? Yup! ^.^
    How much gold do you have? 7930
    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest?Yes, yes good luck on your quest!! ^.^

    commentCommented on: Mon Apr 30, 2007 @ 02:49am
    What Plushie WOuld You like? Mochi (and maybe a pixie)
    Why should you have it? cuz meh is smexy XD j/k cuz meh wuv Peppy and thread
    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive? YUP!
    How much gold do you have? 9507
    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest? yup yup yup!


    Community Member
    Isabella Van Helsing
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Mon Apr 30, 2007 @ 10:38pm
    What Plushie WOuld You like?

    Any would be great. Especially the Coco Kitty. smile

    Why should you have it?

    Well, I love cats for one, but if it's pretty much any other than that, I'll sell it and buy my friend a birthday present (She's looking for a pandy-pack.)

    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive?

    If I can, yes.

    How much gold do you have?

    7775, but 5 minutes ago, I had 436.....I guess I sold something.

    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest?

    Of course!....As long as 'Yew' means you, and 'Gewd' means Good, then yeah, of course!

    commentCommented on: Mon Apr 30, 2007 @ 11:35pm
    What Plushie WOuld You like? Coco
    Why should you have it? because my kiki is lonely and it saves me years of questing =]
    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive? if i get a plushie
    How much gold do you have? 1243
    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest? yes. i will even go as far as donating the gold i have if i get a plushiee and by then i should have more.

    Community Member
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Mon Apr 30, 2007 @ 11:36pm
    What Plushie WOuld You like? CoCo Kitty
    Why should you have it? I have been questing one for a long time and I gave up
    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive? yes
    How much gold do you have? 758

    commentCommented on: Tue May 01, 2007 @ 01:04am
    What Plushie WOuld You like? shadow sprit
    Why should you have it? everyone else wants a coc kitty so that means i wont get one so i will try for the lest wanted which is cuter than all the others ^^
    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive? i will do my best even if it means thread cpr
    How much gold do you have? 134
    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest?yes i wish you the best of luck on yuor quest if you need any help jsut feel free to ask

    Community Member
    x Cherry Lollipop x
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Tue May 01, 2007 @ 01:17am
    What Plushie WOuld You like? Coco =]
    Why should you have it? Becuz ive never had one before and there so adorable!
    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive? Maybe, not sure, but i'll try!
    How much gold do you have? 1k
    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest?Definitly, im on a quest too! <3

    commentCommented on: Tue May 01, 2007 @ 01:33am
    What Plushie WOuld You like?I want Mochi, Momo, or Coco the most but any plushie is great!
    Why should you have it?I don't have enough money to buy myself,I'm a little bit new,I am nice,and I have been trying to get a plushie from the time I joined gaia.
    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive?I'll try I can't positivly say yes.
    How much gold do you have?400 gold
    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest?Yes I wish you luck and hope you exceed.

    Community Member
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Tue May 01, 2007 @ 03:36am
    What Plushie WOuld You like? The CoCo Kitty <333
    Why should you have it? Because, I've been questing for it for a long time, and I'll always have it
    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive? Yes!
    How much gold do you have? 73k
    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest? Yepperz!

    commentCommented on: Wed May 02, 2007 @ 03:58am
    What Plushie WOuld You like? Pixie!
    Why should you have it? It's one of the items on my quest, and in return, I'll help you with yours!
    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive? Sure will!
    How much gold do you have? 1155
    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest? Of course I do! We all need good luck!

    Community Member
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Wed May 02, 2007 @ 09:55pm
    What Plushie WOuld You like? coco kitty (or if you don't have it anything)
    Why should you have it? because i'm gonna give it to my friend
    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive? yeah sure
    How much gold do you have? 487
    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest?of course (you're probably doing better than me)

    commentCommented on: Fri May 04, 2007 @ 12:27am
    What Plushie WOuld You like? Yeti
    Why should you have it? Because I've been questing for one.
    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive? I can, but I can't guarantee for how long.
    How much gold do you have? On this account 12,711, but I was about to put it on my other account.
    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest?Of course. It's hard to do and everyone needs luck!

    Community Member
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Fri May 04, 2007 @ 06:33pm
    What Plushie WOuld You like? Pixi
    Why should you have it? Been trying to save up gold but couldn't.
    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive?Of course
    How much gold do you have?360 but should have more soon
    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest?Of course.

    commentCommented on: Fri May 04, 2007 @ 11:14pm
    What Plushie WOuld You like? Coco please?
    Why should you have it? Well, I don't know...
    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive? Of course!!
    How much gold do you have? Uh...around 13k?
    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest? Good luck!! Yes, I just did

    Community Member
    shadons revenge
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Sat May 05, 2007 @ 03:36am
    What Plushie WOuld You like?
    I've honestly always wanted a kitty (coco is the one I adore!)
    But if that is unavailable, any plushie that is in need of a home and owner will be loved and charished in the arms of my Avie.

    Why should you have it?

    Obviously because they are the cutest things on Gaia! I may go through a bunch of different sets of Gaia clothing, but one thing will remain constant on my avatar forever; MY PLUSHIE (hopefully a coco kitty<3) I dream of the day that I can show off a my awesome little pixelated plushie!

    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive?

    Well yea!!! There's gotta be thousands of pointless threads that are just a waste of time to look at. So this thread where you are kindly donating and being so generous, is the thread that should be at the top of the list and in everyone's thread subscriptions!

    How much gold do you have?
    Currently I have about 11000 gold.

    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest?

    ABSOLUTLY! But not only do I wish you good luck I'll gladly donate a May sealed if you're kind enough to help full-fill my Gaia dream!

    commentCommented on: Sat May 05, 2007 @ 04:52pm
    What Plushie WOuld You like? yeti
    Why should you have it? because i have been wanting one and i would get closer to finish my dream avi.
    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive? yes i will
    How much gold do you have? 10336g
    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest?yes i do!

    da mo
    Community Member
    Saint Pornography
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Sat May 05, 2007 @ 04:56pm
    What Plushie WOuld You like: Roro Puppy
    Why should you have it: cause I'll love him and feed him and walk him every day
    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive: Definatly
    How much gold do you have: 406 xD!
    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest: je meng

    commentCommented on: Sat May 05, 2007 @ 06:01pm
    What Plushie WOuld You like?- A CoCo kitty.
    Why should you have it?- I've been questing the cutie for oh-so long.
    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive?- Of course!
    How much gold do you have?- 6209
    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest?- Yeah, I really like the dream avi.

    Community Member
    My Chemical Waffle
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Sat May 05, 2007 @ 06:17pm
    What Plushie WOuld You like?CoCo, Mochi, Pandy pack, Yeti, or Shadow spirit you pick, i cant decide
    Why should you have it? i dont have 1 plushie and i really want one
    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive? of couse i subscribed
    How much gold do you have? 6127
    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest?yes and i hope all these plushies find good homes

    commentCommented on: Sat May 05, 2007 @ 06:36pm
    What Plushie WOuld You like? a yeti...or a kiki, I'm questing for both, whichever's easier for you
    Why should you have it? because I'm questing for it, and Im spending all my gold on the clothing for my dream avi's
    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive? I'll try ^^
    How much gold do you have? 2413
    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest? of course I do!!

    Community Member
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Sat May 05, 2007 @ 08:25pm
    What Plushie WOuld You like? Mochi The Puppy.

    Why should you have it? I am questing for it.

    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive? Yup! I'd Be There Every Single Day!

    How much gold do you have? 4.5k

    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest? Yup! Lots & Lots & Lots Of Luck! <3

    commentCommented on: Sun May 06, 2007 @ 12:04am
    What Plushie WOuld You like? Coco
    Why should you have it? I would Give it a Good Home and Always Wanted one
    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive? For as long as I Can
    How much gold do you have? 1299
    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest? Yes Very GoodLuck

    Community Member
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Sun May 06, 2007 @ 01:37am
    What Plushie WOuld You like? I would like a yeti or winter fox minx
    Why should you have it? i am a caring person and would never sell it if anything i would send it back to you but i doubt that would ever happen to me this would make me so happy if you just gave me that cute little yeti or winter fox minx
    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive? well i just exited out and am super sorry because i wanted to post this
    How much gold do you have? i have only 133 gold and am broke but that hsouldn't count if so i will find some gold somehow
    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest?the very best i mean every one on gaia should have goodluck on their quest and i hope i have goodluck on this one!

    commentCommented on: Sun May 06, 2007 @ 02:47am
    What Plushie WOuld You like? Mochi Please.
    Why should you have it? I've been wnatin one since I joined Gaia.
    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive? I'll try
    How much gold do you have? 1273
    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest? Of, course, everyone needs good luck sometimes. I send you lots of luck.

    Community Member
    smooth _ friction
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Sun May 06, 2007 @ 12:57pm
    What Plushie WOuld You like?
    a coco kitty plushie/kiki kitty plushie

    Why should you have it?

    i want to own one ever since it when i joined gaia
    and its in my wishlist and dream avatar.
    i've been questing for it and i wasn't able to reach my
    goal `cause i was donating some stuff and gold to gaians.

    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive?
    i'll try

    How much gold do you have? 19.5k

    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest? yes, i do!! 4laugh

    commentCommented on: Sun May 06, 2007 @ 02:54pm
    What Plushie WOuld You like?
    Coco Kitty

    Why should you have it?
    I've always wanted one and my friend let me borrow hers but now she'll never let me do it again. I've always wanted one of my own.

    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive?
    Yes, I need to post to get gold

    How much gold do you have?
    Don't laugh 5608

    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest?
    yes, becuz I'm questing too and what goes around comes around

    Le Peach
    Community Member
    Burnt Muffins
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Sun May 06, 2007 @ 04:14pm
    What Plushie WOuld You like? pixie/kiki
    Why should you have it? questing and will take good care of it
    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive? yeah sure
    How much gold do you have? 13k
    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest?yes and wish me luck on mine

    commentCommented on: Mon May 07, 2007 @ 03:31pm
    What Plushie WOuld You like? gwee 3nodding

    Why should you have it? Because I love it yet never had enough to buy it ^^ And I stayed in your other thread, except I didnt stay very long because I've been busy.. but dont worry! I have time to post now ^^

    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive? Of course I am! I'll try my best ^^

    How much gold do you have? 1163 right now

    HAVE VERY very ill help u out if u want me to ill do my best GOODLUCK on your quest! ^^ and take care

    Community Member
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Mon May 07, 2007 @ 03:43pm
    What Plushie WOuld You like? mochi

    Why should you have it? Because I love it yet never had enough to buy it ^^ And I stayed in your other thread, except I didnt stay very long because I've been busy.. but dont worry! I have time to post now ^^

    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive? Of course I am! I'll try my best ^^

    How much gold do you have? 9358 right now

    HAVE VERY GOODLUCK on your quest!

    oops ive forgot to do this sry sweatdrop ummm ive changed my mind is that ok sweatdrop i hope every thing goes wel for u peppy ill try to help u if i can k heart u lots aoi_sakuraba2158
    User Image
    my drem avi this is wat i want her to be

    commentCommented on: Tue May 08, 2007 @ 12:57am
    What Plushie WOuld You like? Pixie
    Why should you have it? Because i'll never sell it and i'm questing it. ^^
    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive? yes
    How much gold do you have? 3230
    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest? Of course i do! =D

    Teh Kitteh-190
    Community Member
    R a i n b o w D r e a m y
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Tue May 08, 2007 @ 01:37am
    What Plushie WOuld You like? Coco User Image
    Why should you have it? Because i really want it and i'll never sell it. 3nodding
    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive? Yes, i will. =3
    How much gold do you have? 2,950
    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest?

    Good luck! =]

    commentCommented on: Tue May 08, 2007 @ 02:28pm
    What Plushie WOuld You like?


    Why should you have it?

    Because I will love it XD... and I think it will look very cute with my avi... and because your such a great person XD... and because I will take very good care of it.

    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive?


    How much gold do you have?

    Er... 1026... then 926 because...

    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest?

    No>> KIDDING...
    Yesh... Of course I do... Because I wish to donate 100 Gold to joo <33

    K a m a y u k i
    Community Member
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Wed May 09, 2007 @ 03:51am

    What Plushie WOuld You like? Pixie
    Why should you have it? I've been on gaia for 2 years and have never worried about how I looked. I always donated to friends. But for some reason I think a pixie would look very cool on my avi
    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive? That depends. I am real "chatterbox" no pun intended lol but if you would like to stay then yes
    How much gold do you have? Currently 308g lol I donated to my best friend like 20 minutes ago
    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest? Very much so. And I am giving person so I would definately do anything I can to help you

    commentCommented on: Wed May 09, 2007 @ 01:52pm
    What Plushie WOuld You like? Coco plushie
    Why should you have it? Because its in my wish list and my dream avi, I'm saving for it for a long time and if I have it, I'll keep safe and warm XD
    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive? Yup, I've put your topic in my subsribe * mistake in the word eh? *
    How much gold do you have? near 30k that I can use
    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest? More than Gewluck!! ><

    Community Member
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Wed May 09, 2007 @ 02:00pm

    What Plushie WOuld You like?
    Mochi Please ^_^

    Why should you have it?
    I absolutely love dogs! and i've been questing for one for forever...

    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive?
    Of course! this thread is a really nice idea to help other gaians out

    How much gold do you have?
    4k... sweatdrop

    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest?
    I wish you good luck!! and i'll be helping you soon ^__^

    commentCommented on: Wed May 09, 2007 @ 11:53pm
    What Plushie WOuld You like? Kiki Kitty
    Why should you have it? Its probably my favorite plushie on gaia and im questing for it
    ARe you going to stay here to keep the thread alive? Yes
    How much gold do you have? 32k
    DO Yew Wish me Gewdluck on my Quest?yeah, good luck with your quest heart

    Community Member
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