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Okamiru Tazio
Vampire/Human Romance RP
Well I dont know mych to say but Im making a Romance RP about Vampires and Humans thank to one a meh friends. Some people say they cant love humans, can they. we'll find out.

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Tazio the black wolf
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Apr 26, 2009 @ 12:54am
Name: Mitsuki
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Race:Half Human/Half Vampire (dhampire)
Looks: User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image User Image
Personality: RP it out
Past: she has no rememberance
Power: (optional) she can heal poeple
Other sad optional) n/a

Name: Drake
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: Vampire
Looks: User Image User Image
User Image User Image
Personality: RP it out
Past: n/a
Power: (optional) Fire and Darkness
Other sad optional) n/a

commentCommented on: Sun Apr 26, 2009 @ 12:59am
Name: Esha Trinon
Age: Looks about 16
Gender: Female
Race: Angel type being
User Image

User Image
Personality: I'll role play it out.
Past: I might reveal it...
Power: Energy
Other: N/A yet

Name: Tavor Trinon
Age: Looks about 17 or 18
Gender: Male
Race: Half Angel Half Demon
User Image

User Image
Personality: I'll role play it out.
Past: I might reveal it...
Power: Dark and Light
Other: N/A yet


Hackneyed Fetus
Community Member
Tazio the black wolf
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Apr 26, 2009 @ 05:43pm
Mitsuki smiled up at drake as he came from upstairs. Mitsuki has know drake for about 4 years,she even know he's a vampire." Are you ready?" He asked,his soft voise echoing the living room.Mitsuki pouted some," I dont wanna go to the dam school." Drake sighed and grabbed her arm pushing her outside," yes you are." Mitsuki grummbled," fine."

commentCommented on: Sun Apr 26, 2009 @ 07:44pm
Tavor was getting ready for school when he heard his sister wake up. he was never a morning person. Especilly when she was out all night before. He put his human glamour on and got dressed. Walking downstairs towards the living room he saw his sister running to the bathroom. "Esha, even hough you are above humans doesn't mean you can't get a little hung over."
"Shut up Tavor!!!" scream she grwloed slamming the bathroom door shut. He grinned evilly twisted and continued on his way. He plopped on the couch and closed his eyes. He waited. He could feel the energy of the house and earth around him shift as his sister called it foward to heal her. About thirty minutes later she came down in her glamour ready for school. She looked at him and snarled. "Lets go." he smiled and got up. They headed out the door and towards school.

Hackneyed Fetus
Community Member
Tazio the black wolf
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Apr 26, 2009 @ 08:04pm
Mitsuki turn her I-pod on full blast blocking out all the noise around her. Drake looked at her and walked of to some of his other friends," Hey." He greeted. Mitsuki glanced around her and sat against the wall humming along to the song that was playing.

commentCommented on: Sat May 02, 2009 @ 03:17am
Esha walked behind Tavor. He opened the front of the schools dorrs and stepped in, waiting for his sister to join him. She followed shortly after complaining in a bored tone, "I hate the beggining of school. It's always the same." Tavor just shook his head and looked around for some of his friends.

Hackneyed Fetus
Community Member
Tazio the black wolf
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat May 02, 2009 @ 03:23am
Mitsuki noticed some girls groud around Drake ad His friends. She rolled her eyes,stoud and walked intot he school building to her locker. She passed a few people who waved at her,in which she returned the guester.

commentCommented on: Sat May 02, 2009 @ 03:43am
Tavor walked up to Drake who just happened to be standing in front of his locker, "Move please." he commanded

Hackneyed Fetus
Community Member
Tazio the black wolf
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat May 02, 2009 @ 03:47am
Drake glanced at the boy and moved without saying a thing," Dude wheres Mitzuki?" Damen questioned running up to him. Drake took his eyes off the boy and layd them on Damen,and pointed," At her locker where ele would she be?" Damen shugged and ran off to Mitzuki. Drake shook his head and followed Damen.

commentCommented on: Sat May 02, 2009 @ 05:20pm
Tavor watched the boy the whole time. As he left he followed him to the girls, Mitzuki's, locker. Thn he turned around and opened his locker. He was shocked again, even though he has gotten used to it, that his books were already in his locker. He doesn't know why he's always shocked. The staff at the schools always put the students books in their locker before school started.
Esha looked around with a bored look at all of the students, old and new. She sighed and took the paper out of her pocket with all of her school information on it. Locker Number 549. She glanced around at the nearest lockers. 997. Great. she thought to herself, I have a long way to go untill I get to my locker. It should be a few halls over. She turned toward the direction of her destination and could feel all eyes on her. That's one thing she hated about being an angel, her glamour couldn't keep the guys from gawking at her and never leaving her alone. Speaking of which here comes one now. "Uh, h-hi." he started shyly, "Would you like me to carry your books? Or, uh, walk you to class." She rolled her eyes before turning towards him, "No, I don't thank you though." She said and walked away leaving him staring after her. She could hear his friends laughing. She noticed Drake as she walked by. He didn't seem like normal boys. She observed and was puzzled over this.

Hackneyed Fetus
Community Member
Tazio the black wolf
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun May 03, 2009 @ 10:47pm
Drake felt eyes on him, he glanced behind him and looked at Esha. He nodded once and turned back to face Mitzuki." Drake tell me something?" Mitsuki guestioned. Damen looked at Esha and turned back to face Mitzuki," who's she?" he asked. Mitzuki growled," I ask a question first." she spoke childeshly. Drake chuckeled,"Dont know." Mitsuki rolled her eyes grabbed her books and slammed her locker shut," Why am I here again?" Drake sighned," Cause you have to be now guit asking supid questions." he replied.

commentCommented on: Sat May 23, 2009 @ 12:15am
Tavor headed off to class so he could get a seat in the back corner.

Esha walked past and puzzled over who- or what, he might be. She ended up at her locker by the time the bell rang. "Stupid humans and their hormones." she mummbled and grabbed her first book. She slammed her locker shut and headed to her next class. "Hopefully I have class with him so I can find out more about him." she whispered

Hackneyed Fetus
Community Member
Tazio the black wolf
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat May 23, 2009 @ 12:19am
Mitsuki went off to Biology while drake and damen went to math. " UGH I hate this." she groaned. she noticed a spot in the back of the class and sat there. {I hate the fact Im half huan half Vampire] she thought. Drake and Damen sat in the back of the class next to the window.

commentCommented on: Sat May 23, 2009 @ 12:22am
Are all tree of your charries in the same class???

Esha walked in and smiled. She didn't want to seem embarassed. She walked to the back of the room and sat down in front of the window.

When I can get on more I'm going to post an awsome roleplay...In the forums

Hackneyed Fetus
Community Member
Tazio the black wolf
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat May 23, 2009 @ 12:24am
(lol ok n no there not Mitsuki is down the hall and Drake and Damen are in Esha's class..if that ok)

Mitsuki sight and but her head down on the desk.
Drake stared out the window thinking to himself.

commentCommented on: Sat May 23, 2009 @ 12:29am
kk...Esha is towards the back a little infront of one of the three windows. shes infront of the middle one...

Tavor took out his sketch pad and started to doodle.

Esha took out her stuff and while they were supposed to be taking notes (On the first day!?!) she doodled little people on her notebook. She kept trying to glance at Drake and his brother when ever she could.

Hackneyed Fetus
Community Member
Tazio the black wolf
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat May 23, 2009 @ 12:30am
wat class is Tavor in?

Mitsuki sighed and hummed to herself. Drake felt eyes and looked towards the glass spotting the girl. His eyebrow arched but ignored it and ent back to talking with Damen.

commentCommented on: Sat May 23, 2009 @ 12:37am
Esha made sure not to smile at them or look at them again. She ignored them and tried to keep the human boys from drooling on her. When she went up to hand the teacher a paper she put a little charm on them so she could see their true form. It didn't work. mabey they're just humans. she thought puzzled and sat down.

IDK US history and Constitution...

Hackneyed Fetus
Community Member
Tazio the black wolf
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat May 23, 2009 @ 12:41am
Drake yawned fangs extended," blood." he muttered to himself as a gril cut herself on a peice of paper. Damen sighed," not yet drake."

Mitsuki looked up at the teacher hearing her name called," go give this to the history teacher." she blinked and nodded.
sorry counded help myself lol

commentCommented on: Wed May 27, 2009 @ 11:12pm
lol its all good.... 4laugh

Esha heard what was said between them but didn't think much of it. Mabey they were squeemish or just didn't like blood or something...She shrugged and continued on with her work.

Tavor ended up doodleing a picture of a cute girl in the front of the room. It was an amazing picture but he didn't care. He also drew a picture of him and his sister. He liked that one and was going to give it to Esha to put on her wall with all of his other pictures.

you cant find out about those untill later though twisted

Hackneyed Fetus
Community Member
Tazio the black wolf
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed May 27, 2009 @ 11:16pm
Drake sighed," Fine..we'll go hunting after school." Damen glanced at Drake," being a vampire isnt easy any more is it." Drake sighed," no its not."

Mitsuki walked into the History class,looking around the class;some guys staring at her. She rolled her eys and walked over to the teacher's desk," My teacher told me to give you this." she said rudly.

ok..I'll wait

commentCommented on: Wed May 27, 2009 @ 11:43pm
Tavor looked up and smiled. He let out a small little -humph- like chuckle and grabbed another peice of paper. This time he started to draw her. It was about time he saw another 'perfect' person. He was getting tired of humans.

Esha had already put her headphones in her ear and was listening to music. She used a glamour to hide it. Only ten minutes untill class is over. She reminded herself over and over again atleast one hundred times during that one minute. She thought about the two 'not normal, normal human boys'.

Hackneyed Fetus
Community Member
Tazio the black wolf
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed May 27, 2009 @ 11:46pm
Drake sighed and stared out the window.

The teacher glanced up," id that any way to talk to an adult." Mitsuki chuckled darkly her eyes turning a hazy red," No but since when do I care." she shrugged and looked at the clock," school is almost out." she smiled,she was dying to hunt,being half vampire was hard.

commentCommented on: Tue Jun 02, 2009 @ 11:57pm
After Tavor got the simple body sketch he didn't need to look at her anymore. He finished it quickly and started with the finer details. He chuckled at her but only looked up once so he could get the shadings right.

Hackneyed Fetus
Community Member
Tazio the black wolf
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Jun 03, 2009 @ 12:01am
Seeing she wasnt going to get any answer from the teacher,she turned to the door," later old man." she muttered walking out.

Drake sighedd wating for the bell to ring.

commentCommented on: Wed Jun 03, 2009 @ 12:31am
The bell rand shortly after she walked out the door. Tavor, without realizing his speed, grabbed his stuff and was the first out the door. He made it to his locker as Esha strolled out of her classroom with her headphones in her ears, "Get those out, now." he told her and opened his locker. She removed her glamour and took them out, "You're no fun Tav." she told him. He shrugged and got his book for his next class. "Don't you need to go to your locker or something?" he asked closing his and turning towards her. She glared at him. "No, I have free period now." He shrugged and headed to the next hall over. Esha stuck her tongue out at him and looked at Drake and Damien (sorry if they're wrong...) checking them out.

Hackneyed Fetus
Community Member
Tazio the black wolf
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Jun 03, 2009 @ 12:35am
Drake rolled his eyes at damen," Are we getting Mitsuki to go hunting?" Drake laughed," Why wouldnt we..shes half Vampire she need some blood every once in a while." Damen shook his head," man am I an Idiot." Mitsuki didnt stop she walked into art and sat down," after this I have music." she replied quietly.

commentCommented on: Wed Jun 03, 2009 @ 12:41am
Tavor had art. When he walked into the room and saw Mitzuki he half smiled and sat next to her (back of the room right? next to the window? best light XP). He took out his pad and started to sketch the teacher. The sketch of her slid out a little but only a little bit of it showed.

Esha had orchestra now. She slowly made her way towards it. She played cello most of the time but viola and bass sometimes. Hardly ever does she touch a violin. She plays just as good if not better than some of the professionals. After orchestra she had German, course three or five.

Hackneyed Fetus
Community Member
Tazio the black wolf
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Jun 03, 2009 @ 12:52am
Mitsuki turned her attention from the window when a boy sat next to her," wernt you in that History class i just went to?" she questioned eye brow arched.
Drake sighed walking into his music class,he sat in the back. He played the violen,sighing he looked around the room.

commentCommented on: Wed Jun 03, 2009 @ 01:18am
He looked at her from the corner of his eye and nodded, "Yea, I was...Why?" he asked going back and adding the finishing touches to his picture as the teacher started walking around with papers to go over.
Esha watched as he walked in. She had her cello and was already starting to play. (Go to playlist.com...find Bored Girl and under 'My Orchestra Music' look for 'Cello Suite' from Bach, I think...That's what she plays...It is a solo just to let you know...XP) She watched him in a non-conspitious way. AHHHH BIG WORD HAHAHAHAHAHHA rofl

Hackneyed Fetus
Community Member
Tazio the black wolf
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Jun 03, 2009 @ 01:25am
She shrugged,' no reson." she turned her attention back to the teacher,sighing she pulled out her own sketch pad and began to sketch,herself laying against a tree on a full moon. She rolled her eyes and began on the hair. Drake sighed,picking up his Violen he began to play a soft tune.

commentCommented on: Sat Jun 13, 2009 @ 04:17pm
Esha was getting real caught up in her music. She didn't realize it but she was starting to use her magic to bring in a fake reality and drawing herself into it. She coud get into a lot of trouble doing this. Sometimes she forgets to hold the glamour.

Tavor shrugged and continued on with his picture.

Hackneyed Fetus
Community Member
Tazio the black wolf
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Jun 13, 2009 @ 04:22pm
Mitsuki sighed,taring the oicture to shreds,she looked back out the window," so bored." she mummbled.

Drake blinked,finishing his song he put down the Violen.

commentCommented on: Sat Jun 13, 2009 @ 04:42pm
Tavor turned towards her, "You wouldn't be so bored if you applied yourself." he said.

Esha was coming to the end of the song as her glamur started to shimmer. The humans wouldn't notice untill her glamour was completely gone.

Hackneyed Fetus
Community Member
Tazio the black wolf
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Jun 13, 2009 @ 04:44pm
Mitsuki growled softly," even if I applie myself Im always bored.....I dont like being here." Rolling her eyes she kept her attention the the window.

Drake noticed it and shook his head," idiot." he murrmered.

commentCommented on: Sat Jun 13, 2009 @ 05:17pm
Esha finished her song as she heard what he whispered. She checked her glamour and stood up. Carefully placing her cello down. She walked over to him and bent down so she could whisper in his ear, "You aren't human are you?" she asked. She knew he was talking about her glamour, the only other person who would say that at the same time and all would be Tavor.

Tavor looked ack at her, "And where do you want to be?" he asked.

Hackneyed Fetus
Community Member
Tazio the black wolf
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Jun 13, 2009 @ 05:20pm
Drake chuckled," far from it....." his black eyes stared at her.

Mitsuki shrugged,' some where away from here...I dont belong here." She sighed. " My race isnt welcomed by most."

commentCommented on: Sat Jun 13, 2009 @ 08:24pm
She looked deep into his eyes, "What are you?"

Tavor stared at her for a minute taking her all in. "What do you mean your race?"

Hackneyed Fetus
Community Member
Tazio the black wolf
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Jun 13, 2009 @ 08:49pm
A smirk formed on his pale lips," hmm well Ima Vampire." he stated flatly.

Mitsuki sighed," im half human Half Vampire...Im a disgrace to both races." looking back at the teacher then back to the window.

commentCommented on: Sat Jun 13, 2009 @ 09:16pm
She smiled, "Cool." she was quiet a moment, "Why do you go to school with a bunch of humans? I have to...My brother is making me."

Tavor smiled, "I know how you feel..." he looked out the window and back at his paper. He added the last few details and pulled out another sheet of paper.

Hackneyed Fetus
Community Member
Tazio the black wolf
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Jun 13, 2009 @ 09:18pm
She rolled her eyes," sure you do..." she muttered.

Drake chuckled," cause I have yet to find a school for our kind."

commentCommented on: Sat Jun 13, 2009 @ 09:37pm
He smirked, "I do...I'm half angel, half demon." he looked back up at her, "I get hell about it all of the time. My little sister is supposedly a full angel, but I'm not to sure about that. She's worse than me sometimes...Most of the time."

Esha replied, "I could probably find one for us 'supernaturals'." she told him with a mistievious (sp?) smile.

Hackneyed Fetus
Community Member
Tazio the black wolf
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Jun 13, 2009 @ 10:23pm
mitsuki shrugged," I see." turning aroud her golden eyes held some confusion,but it dissapered quickly.

Drake chuckled," that would be interesting."

commentCommented on: Sun Jun 14, 2009 @ 06:02pm
(Gosh, yea sorry it took so long...Had to make lunch and eat and all...)

The teacher noticed that Tavor was talking, He assued he was talking to Mizuki but she was facing the front. He cleared his throat and called Tavor's name. Tavor turned his head and gave the teacher a bored 'what are you going to do?' smile. stare

Esha smiled cool , "I'll keep you updated." she walked to her seat as the teacher finally restored order in the classroom.

Hackneyed Fetus
Community Member
Tazio the black wolf
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Jun 14, 2009 @ 06:52pm
Mitzuki glared at the teacher," Just shut up and continue with the lesson." she hissed. Rolling her eyes she began to sketch again waiting to see what the teacher will say.

Drake chuckled," I'll be waiting." He turned and faced the teacher.

commentCommented on: Sun Jun 14, 2009 @ 07:38pm
Tavor smiled and leaned back. He closed his eyes and started to doze.

Esha kept an eye on Drake from the time she got to her seat untill the end of class. ninja

Hackneyed Fetus
Community Member
Tazio the black wolf
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Jun 14, 2009 @ 07:40pm
Drake felt eyes on him,rolling his he chuckled.

Mistuki smirked not hearing a word from the teach," thats what I though."

commentCommented on: Sun Jun 14, 2009 @ 08:09pm
Esha heard him chuckle and averted her gaze.

Tavor awoke as the bell rang. Once again he was the first one out of the door. He had to work on his speed. He slowed down in the hallway to a slow pace. Only three more classes, he told himself.

Esha carefully packed her cello up and swung the case over her shoulders like a bacpack. She headed for the door and was one of the first ones to leave the classroom. She hummed quietly to herself as she walked.

Hackneyed Fetus
Community Member
Tazio the black wolf
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Jun 14, 2009 @ 08:11pm
Mitsuki smirked,standing she walked out the room and towards music," singing my favorite."

Drake groaned,packing his viloen, he waslked out," math what fun."

commentCommented on: Sun Jun 14, 2009 @ 08:38pm
Esha had gym next. She was gladbecause she liked to be active.

Tavor had science. It waasn't his favourite class. It was ar from it.

Hackneyed Fetus
Community Member
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