I've been wanting to post this one for awhile... it's Christian in principle... even if it's from the wrong side of the tracks, so to speak. Take a guess whose POV it's written from. And if it's breaking the rules, tell me and I'll take it back down. I do have another, more uplifting poem buried in the threads here. heart


on the path leading to destruction there are many forks,
each more wicked than the last,
each one step further from the light.
caution where you tread; there are monsters beyond the realm of your imagination.

the way is strewn with rocks, full to overflowing with pitfalls,
not a trek for those without a stomach of iron
and a heart of stone.
come, my apprentice, you have been born to lead.

like a good shepherd who claims the love of his sheep,
be the lantern on their black path.
even the most stubborn will falter without a guide,
for no mortal can see in the dark.

yes, my apprentice, bring them home.
they, who have stumbled for so long, blinded by the light.
truth and lies, blights, faults and excellence are all equally obscured
as you rescue them from righteousness.

turn a blind eye to those who don't hear your call, my son,
so many more need tending, need to be set on the right course.
not all will complete the path to true darkness, despite how wide the way.
those that do will give you eternal worship.

so go, my son, be a god for them.
recruit thousands for your army
and a willing apprentice of your own
to whom your godhood may one day pass.