I have a June '07 and a November '06 letters, and yes they are for sale or trade. Yes that right I'll trade them away or sell them. the minum I'll take for either envelope is 13k each. And for certain items I'll trade them away singly. But there is one item in particularlly that i want.

I would like an ancient katana, and if you trade me yours, you get both of my letters and 3k! Talk about a deal! but if you only have the July '06 letter I'll still take that and you still get the offer I have for the ancient Katana!


Ok I gotta be honest, I have been questing an ancient katana since they were released but i could never afford one. And now that I have these letters I figure I can trade for one. Also i want ot enter my avi in the arena as a certain idea but Everyone says they'ld give me a higher score if I had a the katana. So I'm tryin desperately to get one. And it would be greatly appreciated if one of you gusy could help me out.