Here is a Final Fantasy X Rp. I started playng it again so I got hooked. XO
Anyways, We of course start off in Zanarkand. Then Auron comes and Sin and rikku then, Yeah.

Please post your profiles.
[color=orange]Tidus Profile Form:
Bio:is the protagonist and a skilled 17-year old blitzball player who is later discovered to be a dream of the Fayth. The player can rename Tidus at the beginning of the game. He plays for the Zanarkand Abes — whom his father also played for — and washes up on the Spiran mainland after being attacked by Sin during a blitzball game. He quickly becomes one of Yuna's guardians and is described near the end of the game as the greatest guardian of all time. Tidus is usually a cheerful and confident person. Throughout the game, he finds himself coming to terms with his father, Jecht; dealing with his increasing fondness for Yuna and the implications of her pilgramage; and discovering how and why he is a dream of the fayth.[/color]

[color=darkred]Auron Profile Form:
Bio:is a 35-year old unsent warrior, attacking with various blades that fit into the Katana category. Auron's quiet, mysterious and dangerous nature helped make him very popular with fans, and his Bushido Overdrives use arcade-style button inputs to increase damage. Shortly after the disappearance of Tidus' father, Auron became something of a mentor for Tidus, watching over him from afar. In the game's present day, he — along with Tidus — becomes Yuna's guardian, as he was to her father. It is eventually revealed during the game that Auron attacked Yunalesca in a fit of rage after she revealed that Braska and Jecht needlessly gave their lives against Sin, and that she struck him down with a mortal wound that soon led to his death.[3] Afterward, he became an unsent, and secretly held this status for nearly the entire duration of the game (but this is why Auron would not enter the farplane at Guadosalam in Final Fantasy X as he may not have been able to physically leave after entering), the exception being shortly after the defeat of Yu Yevon- he is sent, as he had desired to be once his quest was over. Auron was also once a warrior monk for Bevelle, but he holds no connection to the teachings of Yevon during Final Fantasy X. Auron has a brief appearance in Final Fantasy X-2, where his voice helps Yuna during her battle in the farplane with Vegnagun.[/color]

[color=violet]Yuna Profile Form:
Bio:is the female protagonist and 17-year old human summoner. Final Fantasy X's system has her use healing magic in the game, while also allowing her to summon powerful magical entities called "aeons." Already known throughout Spira as the daughter of High Summoner Braska — the man who, ten years earlier, brought a brief respite from Sin's destruction (The Calm) — Yuna has chosen to embark upon the summoner's pilgrimage to become a High Summoner herself. The burden of this responsibility is expected to see Yuna journey to temples across Spira, acquire the aeon from each and ultimately summon the Final Aeon in a battle that will claim both its life and hers. Her weapons are a variety of staves, and she is able to summon eight aeons during the game. As Yuna's story progresses she gradually becomes more open and falls in love with Tidus. Because Yuna's mother was an Al Bhed she has heterochromia, so one of her eyes is green and the other blue, a reflection of her mixed heritage. Yuna returns in Final Fantasy X-2 (set two years after Final Fantasy X) as one of the lead protagonists.[/color]

[color=brown]Wakka Profile Form:
Bio:is characterized by a long reddish-orange quiff and a Besaid Island accent (the real-world equivalent of which would be a Caribbean accent). As such, he uses such speech-mannerisms as saying "brudda" for "brother" and finishing sentences with "ya?". His name means "water" in Ainu. In addition to being one of Summoner Yuna's guardians and childhood friends, Wakka is also a professional blitzball player and captain of the Besaid Aurochs, a team that — as of the beginning of Final Fantasy X — went ten years without winning a single game.[4] He uses blitzballs as his weapons in battle, and his abilities give the party boosts in attack accuracy and also inflict negative statuses — such as Darkness, Silence and Sleep — on enemies.
[color=brown]Wakka is one of the first people to befriend Tidus after his arrival in the mainland of Spira, due both to his blitzball prowess and his resemblance to Wakka's deceased younger brother, Chappu.[5] Chappu, Lulu's former lover, was killed in battle while using a machina weapon provided by the Al Bhed, and for this reason, Wakka's religious distaste of the Al Bhed hardened into a more personal grudge.[6][7] Wakka's hatred of the Al Bhed slowly transforms from racism into respect during the course of Final Fantasy X, as he closely befriends one of their number (Rikku), learns that Yuna is half Al Bhed, and realizes the irrational nature of his prejudice. Despite his former mistrust of machina and the Al Bhed, he takes to their airship with few misgivings and also fights unquestioningly in their defense during an attack on their city on Bikanel Island. Wakka and Lulu develop a deeper relationship of their own, marrying one another in the six months that follow the end of Final Fantasy X.[8] In Final Fantasy X-2, Wakka stresses over the responsibilities of being the father of Lulu's soon-to-be-born baby, claiming it is "tougher than fighting Sin". He names their son "Vidina" — the Al Bhed word for "future" — after he is born.

A 15 year old version of Wakka has appeared as a non-playable character in Disney/Square-Enix's Kingdom Hearts series. First appearing in Kingdom Hearts, he is accompanied by Tidus and Selphie Tilmitt (from Final Fantasy VIII), who are both children. Wakka appears once again in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, but this Wakka is only a fragment of Sora and Riku's memory within the walls of Castle Oblivion. He and Tidus are the only Final Fantasy X characters that appeared in the first Kingdom Hearts that don't make an appearance in its sequel. However, Selphie refers to them by name. In Kingdom Hearts, Wakka is voiced by Dee Bradley Baker in the English version and Kazuya Nakai in the Japanese version.[/color]

(is taken)Lulu Profile form:
Username: -Sweet Sensation Minna-
Bio:is a 22-year old mage and one of Yuna's guardians. Her basic physical attacks are weak initially, but she is the only character to be able to use Black Magic at that stage of the game. Lulu sends dolls — including cactuars, moogles, and other Final Fantasy creature types — to attack enemies by proxy. Lulu's Celestial Weapon is the Onion Knight (an homage to Final Fantasy III) Her Overdrive attack is called "Fury" and enables her to repeatedly cast any Black Magic spell she has learned for free, the quantity of castings dependent on the strength of the spell and how fast the player rotates the right analog stick on the PlayStation 2 DualShock controller.

Lulu — born on the island of Besaid, where she grew up with Wakka, Yuna, and Wakka's younger brother, Chappu — is often stern and scathing (particularly to Wakka). However, she is nonetheless caring toward others. She is also highly intelligent, and is one of the few Yevonites who easily questions the Yevon religion on objective terms. Before becoming a guardian to Yuna, Lulu guarded two previous summoners whose pilgrimages abruptly ended prematurely. Her second pilgramage, that of Father Zuke, ended in the Calm Lands (a common decision among summoners).[9][10][11] The pilgrimage of the first summoner Lulu guarded, Lady Ginnem, was cut short by her death in the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth.[12][13] This event still troubles Lulu's memories, but when Yuna and company detour to the valley where the cave is located, Lulu decides to face her painful memories. At the back of the cave, the group meets the unsent bodily shell of Lady Ginnem.[14] Lulu felt that she must fulfill a last duty to Ginnem as a guardian in ensuring that her spirit would depart to rest peacefully on the Farplane. After fighting and defeating Yojimbo — the aeon having been summoned by Ginnem — Ginnem's spirit departs for the Farplane. Lulu had been romantically involved with Wakka's younger brother, Chappu, and his death at the hands of Sin affected Lulu greatly. However, Wakka and Lulu fall in love and marry six months after Final Fantasy X.[8] In Final Fantasy X-2, Lulu gives birth to Wakka's child, "Vidina".

Despite Lulu's classification as a Black Mage, Character Designer Tetsuya Nomura has ironically expressed that he wanted her character design that looked like the cross between as a Fashion Model and Black Mage to break the connotation in players' minds of the traditional Final Fantasy Black Mage. (See Vivi Orunitia for an example of this classic design.) This was achieved through — in Nomura's words — Lulu's "eccentric" hair and dress. He's also mentioned that — as technology advances — the Final Fantasy games allow for a greater level of detail to be incorporated into characters' outfits, and that he makes a point of challenging the game's visual programmers with his designs. In Final Fantasy X, this challenge came in the form of the interlocking series of belts on the front of Lulu's dress. Nomura said that this design has a specific order to the belts and that each buckles in a specific manner. His challenge to the game's design team was for them to recognize the belts' pattern and keep it consistent throughout the game, from beginning to end.

[color=blue]Kimahri Profile Form:
is a 25-year old Ronso and Yuna's first and most faithful guardian. He has known and protected her since she was a 7-year old child. However, he was not well accepted by the other Ronso, who view him as inferior due to his shorter stature and broken horn. Kimahri doesn't speak much, and is extremely protective of Yuna. In Kimahri's fighting class, one can see echoes of the Dragon Knights of older Final Fantasy games (due to his choice of weaponry and his Jump attack, although his Jump attack hits instantly with only a slight increase in damage, unlike most other Jumps) and of the Blue Mage character class, as well (the Lancet ability allows him to learn enemy attacks). Kimahri's Spirit Lance is his ultimate weapon, and it can be noted that spear or lance weapons have been a staple of the dragoon class for some time. Kimahri is the only character lacking a pre-determined course on the Sphere Grid, allowing the player freedom to choose Kimahri's abilities from the time of his initial stat growth. Kimahri's Overdrive is unique in the way that he must learn his skills from fiends or bosses using his Lancet ability on them.[/color]
[color=orange]Rikku Profile Form:
Bio:is a 15-year old Al Bhed and helps Tidus when he first arrives in Spira, but then disappears from the story for a while, becoming the last character to join Yuna's entourage of guardians. Rikku's character class is most similar to that of the Thief from earlier Final Fantasy titles combined with the Chemist class. Rikku's ability to steal, use a subset of items that no one else can, and — as her Overdrive — combine two of any item for greater effect grants a range of versatility to her playable use in the party. She can steal a large variety of items from fiends and bosses alike, many of which can only be acquired through theft. These items can be sold, used on the party or enemy (depending on the effect of each item) or spent to customize weapons and armor. The ability to customize becomes unlocked only after Rikku permanently joins the party. Rikku has a fear of lightning, this due to an accident involving her brother (Brother) who was attempting to rescue her from a fiend, but struck her with the Thunder spell meant for the creature (though by Final Fantasy X-2, she had managed to break her fear). Her attitude is somewhat childish, but is also quite cheerful and positive. An Al Bhed, she is also Yuna's cousin and loves her dearly[16], and, as such, wishes to prevent her from going through with her pilgrimage, becoming particularly insistent as the party climbs Mt. Gagazet toward Zanarkand. She is also the one who informs Tidus that Yuna would die if she summoned her Final Aeon. In battle, Rikku uses a variety of claw-like weapons. Rikku returns in Final Fantasy X-2 as a main protagonist, now 17 years old.[/color]



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