it's been a thousand years since the 13 worlds fell into nothingness and were reborn in an age where time does not flow properly but ebbs almost constantly. day is night and night is day to many of this new era. after a thosand years of hiding humanity has re-emerged to find other races like them that have survived the great world war and that each world is now ruled by the very beasts they made so long ago to aid in the humanity must fight to find purchase in this confusing new place known only as Kovia. the race of winglings are the most powerful and well established races. they have just recently opened their elemental temples to all able to reach them. now begins a new day for humanity and many others like them....

((if you want to play as another race not listed here pm me with info on it and I'll add it))

human: the most versatile of any race they can excell at anything they choose. good at any job class

faerie: a mystical race that loses their powers if they touch iron and gain power if they touch silver. best as illusionists or druids.

fellpool and shengar: the fellpool and shengar are two humaniod cat races. the fellpool look completely human save for the ears, tail, and sometimes hands and feet like a cat's. the shengar are more like humaniod cats. both are best as thieves or assassins.

chameloi: a reptillian race of shapeshifters that can turn completely invisible. best as rangers or monks.

gnoll: a humaniod hyena race that are super powerful but often very clumsy. best as fighters or mercenaries.

wingling: a race of humaniod shapeshifter magicians made by filling a dragon egg with pure elemental magics. the most powerful of which are called ancients. best as spellcasters or clerics.

((you may have a max of three complimentary elements))
Elements:NOTE: elements in the same column are complimentary!! ie. moon and water are complimentary.

((sun=light magic, moon=dark magic))

((I'll make my character first))
character sheet:

Username: Ecitra doll

Name: Ecerea

Age: 6

Race: wingling

Gender: Female

Elements: dream, spectral and poison

Magic: dreamweaving, elemental strike, enchant anything, elemental magics.

Abilities: smash(can crush almost anything with her magical mallet), crush(can destroy obstacles), fly(yes she has wings)

Weaponry: a deck of cards that have very powerfull monsters of old times imprisoned within them, a magical mallet that can bust almost anything it hits, a blow gun and venom tipped darts

Job Class: spellcaster/summoner

Personality: bright and outgoing this hyper little girl is destined for greatness. she will one day become a great and compassionate leader for she does everything she can to help others and gets things done no matter the personal cost. she is believed to be the strongest of all the winglings yet as she could move the very stars at the age of four.

Appearance: 3' 4" with thistle brown hair and sparkling blue-green eyes. she wears a blue robe with yellow hems showing that she is quite powerful.

Family: Ifalna(mother) and Roan(father)