Kina Bain replied:

jaden kendam Wrote:
Denzyz Wrote:
Not really. Like I said, I don't think the law(which is not religious) should be able to say when someone is or isn't of a certain religion, so I do consider those people Wiccans. Just like I would consider someone whois 15 adn says "I'm a christian." a christian, I'd do the same for those who are Wiccan.

It is not the govermental law that states that, it is the religious requirements that you can not be under age.

And no, none of the people who are saying eclectic has the right to the name are correct. Their sources do not trump Gardner, who is the one who made the religion. So, what you think of someone who is 15 and claiming to be Wiccan, does not matter.

By your own definition, you are now a fluffy bunny. You are now just as bad as those that do nothing but read Silver Ravenwolf. You are being willfully ignorant, which is what you stated in another thread is what makes a fluffy. I am now also going to point out that although you claim wikipedia is not a valid source (which the page I linked to had multiple sources claimed at the bottom), you constantly link to a thread on this exact same site. How is that valid? How is it more valid than the encyclopedia?

*sigh* My original statement wasn't even that you are wrong (despite my own thoughts on the matter). It was that you need to stop hyjacking the threads and derailing their intended purpose. You want to argue the validity of Eclectics using the word Wicca, go start ANOTHER thread on it, and stop crushing other people's threads. Not only does it derail the thread, but it drags the thread out well past it's normal life span.

First. It doesnt seem like she has addressed my arguments, but just made personal attacks.

Second. Somehow I am willfully ignorannt for spouting what the creator of the religion said, and not pop culture bull s**t.

Personally, I am sick of the Ad Homs and flaming. It mostly seems to come from those who can not back up thier opines.

I know I could have put this in the ranting thread, but I felt that Ad Homs deserved thier own thread.