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[PRP] Saffy's Musings

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 3:01 pm
User Image

As you walk through an old abandoned library, a slight glint of light reflects off the doorknob of a beaten wooden door. You approach the door and warily turn the knob. It's opens! You step into the room and a cloud of dust floats up. Covering your mouth, you walk to the only furniture in the room - a desk and a small chair.

What's this? You see a journal on the desk! Curiousity makes you open the book. Pages and pages of writing!

You begin to read...
PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 3:12 pm
Diary Entry #1

User Image
Age: One
Gender: Female

Hello, there! My name's Saffy. If you look up, there's a picture of me. I've just turned one today and my owner, Cyrallia, gave me this pretty leather bound journal for me to write in. I love reading, writing, and drawing, so this is the perfect present for me!

We had a birthday party today and I invited all my friends. Cyrallia took all of us to the beach and we had a lot of fun. I found some pretty shells and Cyrallia said that she'll help me make them into a necklace.

I've always loved the sea; something about it just soothes all my worries away. All I ever want is to live by the sea. I suppose living in Baerville with Cyrallia is enough. It's close enough the the sea that I can visit whenever I want...

(10 Sentences = 2 Points)



PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 3:35 pm
Saffy's First Birthday

It was a bright and sunny day on April 16, 2006. An especially bright and obnoxious ray of light beamed through the window of a small house in Baerville and caressed a small figure huddled beneath a layer of blankets.

"It can't be morning yet! Go away, sun," mumbled the little Slime. She burrowed deeper into her bed and gave a deep yawn.

"Saffy, come on, it's time to get up!" called a voice downstairs. "Did you forget what day it is today?"

Thunderstruck, Saffy leapt out of her bed and left her sheets crumpled together. How could she have forgotten today? She spent months planning with her owner, Cyrallia, for this day. What if she slept in too long and half the day was gone already?

Panicked, Saffy hopped downstairs and collided with a figure just when she jumped off the last step. Both of them fell with a hard slam, Saffy being on top of the other.

Something was tickling her nose, thought Saffy. She looked up and a curl of silver hair was in front of her. Scrambling off of the other, Saffy nearly tripped again.

"Sorry, Cyrallia, I forgot to set my alarm yesterday and I thought that we were running late," Saffy blinked sheepishly and looked at her owner.

Cyrallia smiled and climbed up to her feet. "It's okay; I've already prepared everything. We're not behind schedule right now, but if we don't hurry, we will be. Go brush your teeth. Breakfast is ready and once we're done eating, we can leave."

Saffy gave a short nod and ran back upstairs.

(20 sentences = 4 Points)

PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 3:52 pm
Saffy quickly brushed her teeth with her little blue toothbrush and washed her face with her little blue washcloth. She put her toiletries away but paused as she looked at the mirror. Peering at her reflection, she began to think about today.

What if the others don't want to come? What if they do come and they don't like what Cyrallia and I have planned? What if I do something embarassing and everyone laughs at me? What if -

"Saffy, what's taking so long? Your breakfast is getting cold and we have to leave soon," Cyrallia's voice interrupted her thoughts.

Snapping back to reality, Saffy gave a firm nod to herself. Nothing would go wrong today if she didn't think it would. She would just go with the flow and enjoy what would happen. "I'm coming, Cyrallia!" she called as she went downstairs.

The delicious scent of pancakes wafted into Saffy's nose as she entered the kitchen. A feast fit for a king was laid out on the table. Cyrallia was already seated and she looked up with a smile as Saffy sat down.

"Happy birthday, Saffy," she murmured quietly with an affectionate look in her eyes. "I made your favourite blueberry pancakes just for today."

Saffy hugged Cyrallia tightly and graced her with a bright smile of thanks before tucking into her breakfast. After fifteen minutes of eating and chatting, Cyrallia took the dirty dishes and put them in the sink.

"Just this once," she said as she winked mischievously at Saffy. "I'll do them when we get home."

(20 Sentences = 4 Points)



PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 10:48 pm
Saffy and Cyrallia piled into a small blue car. Saffy turned on the radio to a station that both she and Cyrallia liked. Both of them began singing boisterously with the music, pausing once in a while to laugh together. With a grin on her face and her lips mouthing the lyrics to the song on the radio, Saffy watched the scenery whiz by.

This is gonna be great, she thought to herself gleefully. My first birthday party and I get to go to the beach with all of my friends! What more could a person want?

The car pulled up to a parking spot and stopped. Saffy opened the door and climbed out of her seat. She closed her eyes in delight - the wonderful scent of salty air greeted her nose.

"Come help me with all this stuff," said Cyrallia as she opened the trunk of the car.

Saffy hopped over and Cyrallia handed her a picnic basket. "I can carry the rest," she smiled as she grabbed the other things and closed the trunk. "Come on, let's go and see if anyone's here already. Hopefully, we aren't the last to arrive.

(15 Sentences = 3 Points)
PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 10:56 pm
Armed with an armful of stuff, Saffy and Cyrallia headed towards the picnic tables. Saffy listened carefully and could hear the murmering of voices as the got closer and closer.

"Look, look! Saffy and Cyrallia are finally here!" a loud cry erupted as they finally saw the picnic tables.

"Hi, Soapy, I'm glad you made it!" said Saffy as she put down her picnic basket on a table.

"Do you wanna go down to the water?" asked Soapy excitedly.

"I dunno," replied Saffy. "I think I should help Cyrallia set everything out.

"It's okay, you don't have to," interrupted Cyrallia. "Kairi can help me while you two go and have fun.

Saffy looked at Kairi questioningly. She was a good friend of Cyrallia's and she had memorable blue hair. Kairi gave an encouraging smile to Saffy and Soapy. "Yeah, I can help Cyrallia - go on and play!"

Reassured, Saffy turned to Soapy. "Okay, let's go!"

(10 Sentences = 2 Points)



PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 8:42 pm
Saffy and Soapy rushed down to the water's edge, stopping just before the waves hit the sand. They hesitated and looked at each other before jumping in. Laughing, they began to splash each other.

"I bet that you can't catch me!" shrieked Saffy as she ran away from Soapy.

"Well, I bet that I can!" replied Soapy. He followed her with the intentions of splashing her again.

After a long and exhausting waterfight, they both collapsed on the shore, chests heaving to catch their breath.

"How about a truce?" gasped Saffy.

"Alright," said Soapy before he gulped down mouthfuls of air. "Let's go and see if anyone else came."

They both got up and began walking back to the picnic tables.

(10 Sentences = 2 Points)
PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 8:57 pm
Saffy and her friends spent a long and happy day filled with fun and laughter together. As minutes turned into hours, the bright rays of sunlight began to gradually bathe everything in a warm orange light. Before long, the sun was beginning to set on the ocean.

"I'll see you all later, guys!" said Saffy as she waved goodbye to her friends. "Thanks for coming today; it was a real blast!"

Her friends waved and called out goodbyes to her and to each other as they began heading home. Saffy stopped waving when the last of her friends walked out of her sight. She gave a deep sigh and her radiant grin eased into a more content and peaceful smile.

She hopped over to the shoreline. As she took a long look around her, she noticed the glint of many seashells in the sun twinkling merrily at her. She snatched up a few before she huddled down in the sand.

Today really was a great day, she thought to herself. My friends and I spent time together and I finally visited the beach. I wish that every moment could be like the day today. The fact is, we're slowly growing apart and sooner or later, we won't see each other anymore. Sometimes, I wish that I could stop time so that things won't ever change.

(15 Sentences = 3 Points)



PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 9:09 pm
Then again, she reconsidered, it's best that things are ever-changing. If everything stayed the same, I would never have met Cyrallia. I wouldn't grow older if time stopped. I think it's better things to constantly change - then at least exciting things can happen.

"Saffy, come on, it's time to go!" called Cyrallia. "It's getting late and I don't like driving when it's really dark."

"Okay, I'm coming up now," replied Saffy as she went back to the picnic tables. She clutched the seashells tightly against herself.

"What are you holding?" questioned Cyrallia as she walked with Saffy back to the car.

"They're some shells I found down by the beach," said Saffy.

"Shells? Hmm... You know, if you want to, I can help you make them into a necklace or something. It's not that hard and it doesn't take long."

A necklace sounded great to Saffy. She'd be able to wear it all the time to remind herself of her first birthday. "Really? I'd like that."

They drove home in quiet contentment.

(15 Sentences = 3 Points)
PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 9:37 pm
Diary Entry #2

Hey, it's been a while since I last wrote and I just realized that I didn't talk about me very much. So anyways, here's some info on me.

My family consists of just Cyrallia and I right now. We're not very rich right now, but Cyrallia used to be rich back when she first got me from her friend, Kairi Mi. I remember that day very well. I was the only Silky Slime left to be adopted. No one wanted me because I was the smallest one.

When I first saw Kairi, I noticed her bright blue hair. I thought that she wouldn't buy me. To my surprise, she did and she told me that I was going to be a present to her Gaian sister. I was worried that my new owner wouldn't be nice but Kairi told me that she was kind.

My first glimpse of Cyrallia was when Kairi took me to an Easter party. I was Cyrallia's Easter gift, you see. Back then, Cyrallia was dressed lavishly and had quite a few pets with her. I counted two Coco Kitties, a pair of Penguin Slippers, and a Kiki Kitty before Kairi hid me from Cyrallia's sight.

Now, after a year, Cyrallia doesn't have any of the luxurious clothes she had before. She donated them all to help the needy. I don't mind living in a small house instead of a mansion. It feels more homey and lived in. What's most important is that I still have my family.

Did I mention Cyrallia may be adopting more Silky Slimes?

(20 Sentences = 4 Points)



PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 6:46 pm
The Last

It was a normal day in Baerville. The air was cool and crisp and the sun weakly beamed down on the town. People were bustling around buying lots of eggs and chocolate - it was Easter Day.

The only place that was not so busy was a little pet shop on the corner of Park Street. A lone shopkeeper was sweeping away at the dustly floor. Almost all of the pets were bought by now, as many were given as Easter presents. A particularly popular pet was the Silky Slime.

Usually, Silky Slimes were sold out by the first week they were put up for sale. However, in this cramped shop, one little Silky Slime remained...

She was very small, this Silky Slime. The runt of the litter, she had heard the shopkeeper say. She hopped around in her pen half-heartedly. No one would buy her - she would be hard to take care of and she was a weak little thing.

The merry jingle of the door caught her attention and she looked up. There on the threshold stood a young girl with bright blue hair. The girl approached the shopkeeper and had a whispered conversation. The little Silky Slime looked down again. She would never buy me, she thought sadly. Like all the other people, they'll leave as soon as they figure out that I'm the only one left. She was so lost in her misery that she didn't notice that the girl was now standing in front of her.

(20 Sentences = 4 Points)
PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 7:54 pm
"Hello there," greeted a kind voice.

The Silky Slime jumped backwards in fright and looked up with big, fearful eyes at the blue haired girl standing in front of her pen. She shrunk into herself and warily waited for the girl to speak again.

"Oh, I didn't mean to startle you!" the girl said. "My name's Kairi Mi, what's yours?"

The little Slime hesitated before replying, "I don't have a name, yet. Only Slimes that have been adopted have names."

"Ah, I see," smiled Kairi. "So, why have you not been adopted, yet?"

"I'm too small, to weak!" mourned the Silky Slime. "Everyone wants Slimes that are energetic and healthy so that they can play with them."

"Well, I don't think you're too small or too weak," calmly said Kairi. "In fact, I think you're perfect the way you are. Is it okay if my friend adopts you? I believe you'll be the perfect Easter present for her."

(15 Sentences = 3 Points)


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