Proud owner of User Image is holding a lottery before the Club opens. Entry Fee is 200 gold per ticket, with 9,999 tickets to be sold. Please send the trade with the title "Babylon" otherwise I will take it as a donation. You may buy as many tickets as you like, First, second and third drawings won't be made until all tickets are sold. Prizes are as follows:

1st Prize : 1 Million Gold

2nd Prize : 100,000 Gold

3rd Prize : 50,000 Gold and 1 of each 2007 letter up to the month that all tickets are sold.

Dice Contest!

Entry Fee: You must purchase at least one ticket to be able to play, a sort of "win while you wait" deal as tickets for the lotto are being sold.

Roll 10 ten-sided dice. If you get 10-20, or 90-100, You will win a prize of my choice, not to exceed 50k but more than 5k worth for each win.

#1 - Lost_Quarters