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My Story...Well as it continues being written

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Cassius Black

PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:17 am
She walked to school as she normally did when it rained. She loved the rain, especially when it poured down and the sky was such a dark shade of gray. It felt good and for once during the brief moment of solitude she was happy. But today was different, how she knew that she couldn’t tell. She just felt it inside her. Just as she came around the corner that headed toward the campus grounds she saw something in the lights as a car flew by on the slick streets. She stopped in her tracks. Had it moved? It was a large thing covered in what appeared to be a black sheet or blanket and it was shaking. She moved closer. “Hello?” A pale white hand appeared from beneath the folds. “Oh my God, Hey are you okay?” She said instinctively running over and throwing caution to the wind. She pulled the covering off and lying there was a man with long brown hair looking so sad and broken-hearted that she wanted to cry herself. “Here come with me.” she said grabbing his hand and tugging him to his feet. He felt fragile to her touch and the paleness of his skin worried her. She wondered how long he’d been lying there in the rain and what could make one so unhappy that you just didn’t care about life anymore. Sure she’d had her wondrous fill of unhappiness, but she’s sworn to herself that she would never let anything bring her that far down. So what could have happened to this guy? “W-where are we going?” the man whispered. She looked up at him, since he was at least a foot taller than she. “We’re going to my house and I’m going to take care of you.” He stopped momentarily. “Y-ou d-don’t have to do that. I’ll be fine out here.” She frowned and pulled him forward. “I know, but I want to and you look like you need cheering up

He stared down at the determined look in this girl’s eye. Why would she want to help someone like him or a complete stranger for that matter? Had she lost her mind? He pulled his arm free of her grasp. “Look I said I’ll be fine now why don’t you go back to your school and be a good little doctor.” Before either one knew it she had smacked him hard across the face. He couldn’t hide the surprised look on his face. The saddened look in her eyes tore at his heart. s**t. He thought. He’d gone and hurt her feelings and now she was going to cry because of his dumb a**. “Look…miss I-” Anger flashed across her face. “Now look mister! I’m trying to be nice and help you feel better and maybe get a good night’s sleep. So I’d suggest you stop being a jerk and come on.” She grabbed his hand and yanked him forward. He was dumbstruck. Sure he’d been rough-handled before, but she was oddly gentle even though he could tell he’d struck a nerve. As she drug him up the stairs and into her apartment, he couldn’t help but notice that even in their present state she smelled like lilies and had a nice little body. He growled shaking himself. He shouldn’t be thinking thoughts like that right now. It was wrong. There was no telling how old she was or anything. She looked about 17 or 18 which was a definite no touching in his book.

“Hey you Stop standing there and take off your clothes.” His eyes shot open. “Do what?” Ugh! She ran her fingers across her head as if she had a headache. “I said take off your clothes so that I can clean them and you can have a shower.” He eyed her suspiciously. “Why are you being so nice girl? You don’t even know me. I could be some pervert with a disease that would take advantage of you the moment you fell asleep.” She laughed and it was the cutest thing he’d ever heard. “That is true; I don’t know you from the man down the hallway. But I can tell that you are a good person who’s had a bad time with the world.” For a moment he saw that sad look in her eyes again, but she quickly masked it and smiled. “And so it was destiny that I found you today, so that I can fix your broken wings.” She was eye to eye with him now and he could see the vast depths of emotion in her eyes. “So are you going to come out of those wet clothes or am I going to have to help you out of them?” There was a wicked feeling that came over him. He knew she’d meant it from the look in her eyes and the undertone of her voice; she would get him naked one way or another. He sighed. “Okay where’s your bathroom?” She smiled. “It’s down the hallway, the first door on the left.” Grumbling at his own gullibility he sauntered into the bathroom.  
PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:18 am
Once she heard the shower water running she trotted into her personal bathroom and did the same. What the hell am I doing? She wondered silently as the soothing hot water fell over her now cold skin. Sure he looked like he needed a serious pick-me-up, but she’d allowed a strange man into her home and she didn’t know if he was a crook or some kind of killer. She knew this was one of the most dangerously foolish things that she’d done, but there was this feeling in her heart. She sighed and got out. It was too late to do anything about him being there now.

As she came out of her room she had half expected him to either be waiting with a knife or gone. “Hey mister…are you done yet?” she asked knocking on the door. To her disappointment there was silence as the door swung open. There was a puddle on the floor from where he’d gotten out, but no sign of his clothes or him. She sighed and headed towards the kitchen. What awaited her was the delicious aroma of hamburger helper and a half naked man with glasses making a salad. She stood there slack-jawed. He was beautiful. Everything about him was glowing! His skin wasn’t as pale as it was before, but a nice light bronze. He was well built and slightly muscular with wisps of his long brown hair cradling his shoulders. When he looked up at her she could have died. He was sexy.

“I hope you don’t mind, but I was kind of hungry and I decided to cook for us.” She rubbed her eyes. This had to be a dream; there was no way that she had this gorgeous man in her kitchen cooking and being so polite. “Hello? Miss are you okay?” She blinked stupefied for a second. “What?” He wiped his hands on a nearby towel and walked to her. “Maybe you should lye down. I hope I didn’t make you sick.” He tried to usher her to the couch, but she stopped him. “What’s with your change of attitude mister? You were all don’t touch me an hour or so ago and now you’re mister nice.” He blushed and turned away for a moment. “I’m sorry about that. I just got out of a really bad situation and well life hasn’t been that well for a long time.” She smiled knowing full well what he meant. “It’s alright mister. That’s why destiny brought me to you today.” His brows arched. “You’re crazy. Letting complete strangers into your home like that. What if I had turned out to be some sort of killer?” She looked at him with a stern expression. “Would you like to go back out into the rain?”  

Cassius Black

Cassius Black

PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:23 am
He couldn’t help but wonder about this strange girl that had let him into her house without any question. Who was she and what her story was. She’s turned on the television and was sitting in the floor a few feet away from him watching some story on the news about an art exhibit at the local museum. She was engrossed in it like she was waiting for something. “So what are you looking for? There is nothing on the news but pure unhappiness.” She shushed him and took a mouthful of food into her mouth before turning back to the screen. He smiled at the pure cuteness of it. “Local artist Tsuki Corrina Black has given the world another piece of heaven with her latest work entitled ‘Purity’. The painting was shown on the screen and he was mesmerized by an angel with broken wings reaching towards the heavens with the hand of God reaching downwards to scoop it up. The background was black with red and white flower petals floating in the wind. And then it showed a picture of the artist. There in front of him was the crazy girl sitting on the floor with a mouthful of hamburger helper.

“You’re a painter?” he asked surprised. She turned facing him. “Yeah; I’m not all that good as of yet, but its one of my many passions.” He goggled. What did she mean not that good? From what he’d seen on the screen she was wonderful. “So what’s your name or do I have to keep calling you mister?” He laughed. “My name is Gabriel St.Clair.” She nodded. “That’s a very good name, sounds kind of mystical. So what were you doing outside in this weather if you don’t mind my asking?” He sighed and picked up both pair of dirty dishes. “If you don’t mind I’d rather not talk about it right now.” She stood up behind him. “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have asked. It’s none of my business.” “No. It’s okay…and…thank you.” She smiled. “No problem  
PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:31 am
To Be Continued...so what do you think so far?  

Cassius Black

Cassius Black

PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:31 am
“Ms. Tsuki is you ready yet? If you don’t hurry I’m going to go without you.” Gabriel shouted as he waited in the front door of her apartment. “Oh shut up! I’m coming!” she shouted as she threw on her jacket and adjusted her shoe. Moments later she came dashing out of her bedroom and met him. “Maybe I should have moved in here with you. You’re never on time for anything.” He said picking up her neglected portfolio just before she shut and locked the door. “I am too on time for things!” His brown eyes flashed. “Really, name one thing that you’ve been on time for this season and eating doesn’t count. She smiled and punched him in the shoulder as they headed towards the black mustang that was piled with her endless supply of art supplies. He added her bag to the mess and shook his head. “You know you should either downsize or either get your car fixed so you don’t clutter mine.”

When they arrived at the large marble building she already had her eyes glued to the car window. “Isn’t it beautiful?” She nearly leaped out of the car as he parked in a vacant space. “Slow down Ms. Tsuki before you kill yourself.” She was twirling. “I can’t help it Gabriel! I still can’t believe that I finally have my own studio to work in. This has been one of my biggest dreams since before I can even remember!” He stood at the car and watched her. It was amazing how beautiful she was. Especially when she was so happy. He wished that he could always see her this way. “Gabriel?” He shook his head and blushed, having been caught daydreaming. She was staring at him curiously. “Yes Ms. Tsuki?” “Come on. Let’s go see the inside.  
PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:31 am
The inside was large and white with a grand staircase and several balconies upstairs. She was so happy that she was positively glowing. She skittered from room to room and upstairs and downstairs and back again. It was like watching a child in a candy shop. “OH GABRIEL! GABRIEL!” She was practically shrieking. He ran up the stairs as fast as he could. “What? What is it Ms. Tsuki? Is everything alright?” When he reached the room he was assaulted by the bright light. Squinting he saw her crying as she pointed. He ran to her. “What’s wrong what is it?” She couldn’t speak, but she kept pointing out the large windows. He looked out and there for miles was the white sand beaches and the sea was a brilliant emerald. His breath caught in his throat. It was gorgeous! So there the two of them stood wide eyed. Then suddenly she was in his arms sobbing. He held her still stunned, but nonetheless concerned. “What’s the matter Ms. Tsuki why are you crying?” She looked up from his shirt and smiled. “Its so beautiful I’ve always dreamed it would be beautiful, but this is just so wonderful.” He smiled. She was even more beautiful when she was crying. Gently lifting her chin he wiped the tears away with his fingers.

She froze as his soft hands wiped at the steady stream of tears that were falling down her cheeks. She felt light headed and fuzzy as she stood there looking into his eyes. She was also so warm suddenly and pressed herself closer into him. He found himself feeling dizzy. The tears that had been falling so freely had now all but dried up, but her eyes were still moist and he couldn’t stop himself from drowning in the dark pools. He was instantly very nervous. “Tsuki…” his voice came out deep and breathy. “Yes Gabriel?” hers was equally soft. “I’m…going…to go get the stuff.” Blushing profusely he moved away from her. She watched his back and her heart beat fast in her chest. What was this feeling? Shaking herself, she took one last look at the beautiful ocean view and headed out the door.

Much later after everything was stored and placed where she’d wanted it they stood marveling at their hard work. “Well we did a good job and it only took all day.” She said plopping down onto the couch. He laughed as he handed her the water bottle he’d been drinking from. She took a long swallow from it and sighed. “I never could have gotten it done without you. He smiled. “Are you kidding me, you’d have dragged all of this over here by yourself and then complained later that your back was hurt.” She smiled. “You know me so well huh?” He nodded and lay back. She watched as his glowing brown eyes began to close. He seemed so happy and peaceful as he drifted off to sleep. She inched off the couch and found a blanket and covered him with it. “Goodnight Gabriel.” She whispered and kissed him gently on the cheek.

As she walked out of the room Gabriel opened his eyes and stared off into the dark. It amazed him that someone like her would do such a sweet thing for him. Her lips were so soft and gentle. He’d wanted to reach out and take her to him and kiss her. He blushed and pulled the cover over his head. What was he thinking? She’d never go for a guy like him. And he could remember that sound smacking she’d given him when they’d first met. He did not want to experience that again. Forcing his eyes closed and his mind to stop fantasizing he fell into a somewhat happy sleep.  

Cassius Black

Cassius Black

PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:32 am
Everything was white and there were white flower petals falling like rain from the sky. Where am I and what’s going on? He wondered as he walked around. “Gabriel over here!,” came a soft familiar voice. He headed towards her and found himself at a large waterfall in the middle of a large rose garden. In the midst of everything was a large bed with long veils. Lying there dressed in a white gown summoning him with her delicate features was the gorgeous Ms. Tsuki. She got up and he could see her smooth long legs and she was completely naked underneath. He blushed and tried to turn away, but she was already next to him and grabbing his hand. “Don’t turn away from me Gabriel. Look at me, feel me, love me.” She kissed him and his heart sped up a million times. He put his arms around her and returned the kiss. The heat between them grew hotter as the kiss grew more intense. They pulled apart and gazed into one another’s eyes. “Gabriel, make love to me.” She needed only to say those words and he was there to please. He gently laid her on the bed and began kissing her. Starting with her lips and moving to her neck he nipped slightly. She jumped and giggled. “Gabriel that tickles,” she said wiggling under him…

BAM! He was awakened as he found himself on the floor. “Damn it!!” he growled rubbing his head. He looked around. He was in a large white room with a flat screen television in front of him with an odd sculpture on a mahogany coffee table. What the hell? “Hey Gabriel, come look at this gorgeous sunrise!” came Tsuki’s voice from above him. That’s right! He and Ms. Tsuki had moved all her stuff into a loft that she’d inherited from her great grandmother. Then what was that dream about? He sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Feeling an all too familiar tingle he sighed. That was one hell of a dream. He heard her coming down the stairs and panicked. He did not want her to see him like that!

“Gabriel, come on or you’re going to miss it.” He got up and ran towards the bathroom. Unfortunately just as he reached the stairs that led to them he ran smack into her. Her coffee cup went one way and the two of them went down hard. He landed on top of her. The two of them just lay there staring at each other. He felt his ‘situation’ getting worse as he observed their position. She was on her back his hand behind her head and his body in between her legs. He blushed a deep red and shifted so that he could get off of her. For a moment she just lay there looking surprised. “Well…good morning Gabriel.” And then she started laughing. He was totally embarrassed.

“I’m so sorry about that.” He said helping her to her feet. She was still laughing. “It’s alright, but what were you in such a hurry for?” His embarrassment grew worse. “I’ve really got to go pee!” he said running up the stairs and into the bathroom. She stared at the door. ‘I wonder what’s got him all riled up.’ She thought as she took a sip from her cup. She stretched getting the last bit of sleep out of her system. Men were so strange. Inhaling the aroma of her coffee she smiled and headed back up the stairs to the painting she was currently working on.  
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