Sushii hasn't really read or written Mary Sue/Gary Stu at all... 'cept for one, but it was really good actually. The person who wrote it didnt really use herself, but she did create a character for it ^^ A male one~ My understanding of the terms is that Mary Sue/Gary Stu were only the bad ones.. and if it's done well, it's just a plain old OC? o_o; Am I wrong?
Right. A Mary-Sue is a word people use to describe "perfect" female original characters. Most of the time they are self-insert, stunningly beautiful beyond reason and without having to apply any effort, perfectly dressed, the ideal personality, and most importantly, they have no flaws. Everyone loves Mary Sue and she can never be wrong. In fandom-verse a Mary-Sue can make even the harshest of canon characters bend to her will, along with the world around her. Plots change, family relationships change, personalities change all to suit her plot devices. A lot of the time she'll be a twin/sibling of a canon character just so there's a place to fit her in to the story line. Nobody is surprised or bothered by her presence for long.
Usually she'll either be the model "girl next door" with a sweet-as-sugar personality, or she'll be a tough no-nonsense "bad girl" that everyone respects. Of course, this changes, but not usually by much.
A Gary Stu is basically a male version of that.