Umm... well, my "path," if you want to call it that, is more of a philosophy than a religion (I'll explain why farther below) If you're really all THAT interested (which you probably aren't), I don't mind going into it a bit. Let's see, the core belief is in the strength and balance of the Three Aspects of the Spirit: Body, Mind, and Soul. Body being not necessarily the physical body, but that IS the main point of it. Strength, speed, physical fitness, etc. are central to this Aspect. Mind refers to intelligence, knowledge, and wisdom--any type of knowledge, not just book-learning. One with a strong mind should be as well-rounded as possible, or a near-expert in one or more fields. Last is Soul: one's moral standards and spirituality. Religion plays a major part in this Aspect. Basically, if I were to define myself by these Aspects: Mind first, Body second, Soul last. I'd like to have them balanced (considering that this is the entire point of the philosophy... XD), but I'm having a great deal of trouble developing my Soul aspect, largely because I currently worship no God and follow no organized religion. I'll eventually find one that appeals to me, though, so no worries. =) Things that nourish one or more Aspects are considered "sacred," things that nourish all three even more so. Martial arts and fighting, for example, trains the body and the mind. Therefore, fighting==good. XD The occult sharpens the mind and (if used with "good" intentions) polishes the soul. It also increases one's power, therefore technically adding to Body as well. Tea and incense (especially sage) are also excellent, as they relax the body, quicken reaction time, make the mind more alert, and can be used in religious rituals. Yay. It accepts all gods and all religions, but not all gods and religions may be accepting of it. The philosophy can effectively be applied to any religion--and almost has to be, considering that it has no spiritual and very few ethical tenets of its own, so long as they do not specifically prohibit fighting or occult activities (or some other things that some mainstream religions do not endorse). So you might have a tough time applying it to Christianity. XD There is a code of honor you're expected to follow, but it's really not all that bad in terms of restrictions (nothing like Leviticus, for example 8B). If it ever became organized, there'd probably be a few additions to the code of honor, such as freely sharing knowledge and information with other "members" who ask. Oh, also, it generally states that there are spirits all around us, and the major afterlife belief is that of a reincarnation cycle which includes the astral plane. Well, that pretty much covers all of the major points. Fell free to contact me if you want to know anything else. Note that I'm NOT trying to convert you or anything--that's one of the first parts of the code of honor I mentioned earlier. :] If it sounds like it was worded that way, sorry.

Well, what do you think? For general information purposes, what else should I add? Also, can anyone think of a name for my whatever-it-is? (Serious names only please, I probably have an even more warped sense of humor than you do, but I'd at least like to try to be serious here. Probably not gonna happen, but hey) It's still in construction, by the way. If you think I'm being too culture-rapey with Daoism or Buddhism or Shinto (or any other religion, for that matter), let me know. XD